Literature Review Final Assignment Instructions Overview The literature review begins with a discussion of the study’s purpose and results and then transitions to an argument for the need for further research. You

Literature Review Final Assignment Instructions


The literature review begins with a discussion of the study’s purpose and results and then transitions to an argument for the need for further research. You should cite the results portion of other research in this paper and discuss the need for further research.


The paper must contain the following elements using the current APA style:
Title page
Review of Literature
• Both summarize and critically evaluate the current literature on the topic.
• Within the summary, create an argument for why this topic is important and the issues and new research it needs to address.
• This must be written in a research-scientific format as if it is to be submitted to a journal for publication.

The review must be 7–10 pages of empirically based, critical writing.

Your review must:
Summarize the research in a logical, sequential manner
Make a case for why additional research needs to be conducted to fill important gaps in the scientific literature


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