Assessment Description For this final assignment, you will be tasked to review y

Assessment Description
For this final
assignment, you will be tasked to review your work in the Topic 3 case study
and continue to analyze the case to best determine spiritual care interventions
throughout their plan of care. In particular, the focus will be on the
Christian application of the four principles (beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect for autonomy, and
justice), as well as appropriate options in
providing a patient with spiritual care.
Based on the chart
you completed and questions you answered in Topic 3 about “Case Study: Healing and
Autonomy” and reading the topic Resources, complete the “Patient’s Spiritual Needs:
Case Analysis” document, in which you will analyze the case study
in relation to the following:
Patient autonomy
Christian perspective and actions related to sickness and health,
principles of beneficence, and nonmaleficence
Spiritual needs assessment and appropriate interventions for all
involved in providing care
Accountability that would demonstrate an ethical manner that
reflects professional standards of practice and person-centered care and
participatory approach to care
Participatory approach to care calls for involving stakeholders, particularly
the participants in a program or those affected by a given policy, in specific
aspects of the evaluation process. The approach covers a wide range of
different types of participation, and stakeholders can be involved at any stage
of the impact evaluation process, including its design, data collection,
analysis, reporting, and managing a study. Also, person-centered care is “empowering people to take
charge of their own health rather than being passive recipients of
services” (WHO, 2021). This care strategy is based on the belief that
patient views, input, and experiences can help improve overall health outcomes.
Support your
response using only the following attached Resources:
Chapter 5 from the
textbook Practicing Dignity: An Introduction
to Christian Values and Decision-Making in Health Care
“Assessing Spiritual Health
Through the Use of Spiritual Health Assessment Tools: Indications for
End-of-Life Care”
End-of-Life Care for Children, Young People, and Their Families”


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