What are some examples of where you see distortions of the human body today? 2. Describe the distortions found on the Venus of Willendorf. Why do you thin


How Art Made the World


Answer the following questions about the video.

1. What are some examples of where you see distortions of the human body today?

2. Describe the distortions found on the Venus of Willendorf. Why do you think the artist created these distortions on this piece?

3. Describe the distortions found in Egyptian art. Why do you think the artists created these distortions on these piece?

4. Describe the distortions found on the Greek statue Warrior A. Why do you think the artist created these distortionson this piece?

5. Why do artists continually seek to find different ways to distort the human body in their work?

The post What are some examples of where you see distortions of the human body today? 2. Describe the distortions found on the Venus of Willendorf. Why do you thin first appeared on College Essays Cafe.


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