NUR3201 Assignment 1 | My Assignment Tutor

QUALITY, SAFETY, RISK | NUR3201 Assignment 1| Marking Rubric Semester 1 2021 Marking high to lowCRITERIA5-4.264.25-3.763.75-3.263.25-2.42.5-10Introduction |ConclusionHighly relevant introduction andconclusion.Chosen topic is clearly articulated and iscontextually presentedProvides a clear introductionand conclusion.Defines and presents the topicProvides appropriate introductionand conclusion.The topic is simply definedAttempts to provide an appropriateintroduction and conclusion.Minimal / no evidence of topicpresentedPoor, irrelevant or absentintroduction and conclusion.No evidence of topicNo introductionNo conclusion20-1716-1312-98-54-10Issues IntroducedHighly articulate, relevant, specific,clear discussions concerning detectionof clinical deterioration and escalationspecifically relating to competency andaccountability requirements of theRegistered Nurse.Evidence provided from the Case,explicitly supports analysis.Examples discussed in a concise mannerwith linkage to human factors, cognitivebias and cognitive dissonance,teamwork and effective communicationand the implications these may have ondetection of clinical deterioration.Highly articulate and relevant, specificclear discussion of the importance andlimitations of early warning/track andtrigger tools, pain assessment anddocumentation, patient history taking,knowledge of medication side effectsand effective verbal and writtencommunication. All discussion linksdirectly to the caseRelevant, clear discussionconcerning detection of clinicaldeterioration and escalationspecifically relating tocompetency and accountabilityrequirements of the RegisteredNurse.Provided evidence from theCase to support analysis.Examples are clearly discussed,with linkage to human factors,cognitive bias and cognitivedissonance, teamwork andeffective communication andthe implications these mayhave on detection of clinicaldeterioration.Discussion demonstratesrelevant and clearunderstanding to the reader ofthe importance and limitationsof early warning/track andtrigger tools, pain assessmentand documentation, patienthistory taking, knowledge ofmedication side effects andeffective verbal and writtencommunication. All discussionlinks directly to the caseDiscussion is somewhat linkedwith detection of clinicaldeterioration and escalationspecifically relating to competencyand accountability requirements ofthe Registered Nurse.Provided some evidence from theCase to support analysis.Examples are based on a narrativediscussion around communicationand accountability.Discussion demonstrates a basicunderstanding of the importanceand limitations of earlywarning/track and trigger tools,pain assessment anddocumentation, patient historytaking, knowledge of medicationside effects and effective verbaland written communication. Alldiscussion links directly to the caseLimited/superficial discussionlinked to detection of clinicaldeterioration and escalationspecifically relating to competencyand accountability requirements ofthe Registered Nurse.Limited supporting evidence fromthe Case to support analysis.Limited discussion andunderstanding of the importanceand limitations of earlywarning/track and trigger tools,pain assessment anddocumentation, patient historytaking, knowledge of medicationside effects and effective verbaland written communication. Alldiscussion links directly to the caseDiscussion absent, vague orinappropriate. No evidence ofunderstandingAbsent, vague orinappropriate supportingevidence from the Case tosupport analysis.Discussion anddemonstration ofunderstanding of theimportance and limitations ofearly warning/track andtrigger tools, pain assessmentand documentation, patienthistory taking, knowledge ofmedication side effects andeffective verbal and writtencommunication is missingwith no reference to the caseNo evidenceNo evidenceNo evidence Demonstrated a clear understanding ofboth Early Warning Tools and escalationsystems and the application andresponsibilities for RN practiceDiscussions are relevant and evidencedto contemporary Australian nursingpracticeRelevant discussiondemonstrating understandingof early warning tools andescalation systems and theapplication and responsibilitiesfor RN practiceDiscussion is relevant mostlyevidenced to contemporaryAustralian nursing practiceDiscussion is somewhat linked tothe importance of early warningtools and their importance and theapplication and responsibilities forRN practiceDiscussion could be morerelevant/evidenced tocontemporary Australian practiceInadequate or superficial discussionof the importance of early warningtools and the application andresponsibilities for RN practiceDiscussion vague and notcompletely relevant tocontemporary nursing practiceDiscussion absent, vague orinappropriate with noevidence of links to theimportance of early warningtools and the application andresponsibilities for RNpracticeSignificance of the literatureis not identified or notconsistentNo evidenceNo evidence20-1716-1312-98-54-10AnalysisAnalysis is highly relevant, specific useof contemporary published literature isclear to the reader.The contemporary literature extensivelysupports missed opportunities in thedetection and escalation ofdeterioration and examines the roleand responsibility of healthcareproviders to communicate. The analysislinks directly to the case andcomprehensively integrate confoundingfactorsMaterial is collated, synthesised andexpressed effectively.Analysis is inherently linked tocontemporary publishedliterature.The contemporary publishedliterature supports missedopportunities in the detectionand escalation of deteriorationand examines the role andresponsibility of healthcareproviders to communicate.The analysis links directly tothe case and integratesconfounding factorsMaterial is well synthesised.Analysis is linked to minimalpublished literature-mostlywebsitesMinimal articles and websitessupport missed opportunities inthe detection and escalation ofdeterioration and the role andresponsibility of healthcareproviders to communicate.Evident links to the case andconsideration of confoundingfactors presentMaterial is collated however,greater synthesis is needed.Analysis is linked to limited articlesand general websitesLimited articles and websitessupport limited or vague missedopportunities the detection andescalation of deterioration and therole and responsibility ofhealthcare providers tocommunicate. Superficial links tothe case and superficialconsideration of confoundingfactorsMaterial is not collated.Analysis has little or nomention of contemporarypublished literatureThere is limited or no articlesto support the detection andescalation of deteriorationand the role andresponsibility of healthcareproviders to communicate.Obvious links to the case anddiscussion of confoundingfactors is not evidentMaterial is a patchwork ofdiscussionNo evidence of use ofcontemporary peerreviewed publishedliterature20-1716-1312-98-54-10Synopsis of StrategiesSynopsis demonstrates depth ofunderstanding and meaning to thereader outlining abundant strategiesthat could be actioned in practice thatreflect partnering with patients andfamilies and demonstrates applicationof the Registered Nurses Responsibilityand accountability in regards todelegationSynopsis provides meaning tothe reader outlining manystrategies that could beactioned in practice thatreflect partnering with patientsand families and demonstratesunderstanding of theRegistered NursesResponsibility andaccountability in regards todelegationSynopsis is clear to the readeroutlining some strategies thatcould be actioned in practice thatcould be actioned in practice thatattempt to reflect partnering withpatients and families. Someunderstanding of the RegisteredNurses Responsibility andaccountability in regards todelegationSynopsis provides a narrative to thereader outlining minimal strategiesthat could be actioned in practice.Little to no reflection of partneringwith patients and families. Limitedunderstanding of the RegisteredNurses Responsibility andaccountability in regards todelegationSynopsis is not clear andconcise to the reader with noor limited suggestedstrategies that could beactioned in practice notrelevant to partnering withpatients and families. Limitedapplication of the RegisteredNurses Responsibility andaccountability in regards todelegationNo strategies –noapplication topractice. 5-4.264.25-3.763.75-3.263.25-2.42.5-10Academic Writing:structure, APA referencingexpression /grammarWord limit: Adhered to word limit +/-10%ExpressionHigh standard of academicpresentation. Expressed ideas clearly,concisely & fluently, intuitive thoughtexpressedVery few, if any spelling or grammaticalerrorsStructureWell-constructed paragraphs Mainpoints linked to the questionReferencingCorrectly cited sources both within text& reference listNo or limited mistakes in citation orreferencing format using highly relevantliteratureWord limit: Adhered to wordlimit +/- 10% ExpressionSound academic structure andpresentationExpressed ideas clearly andconcisely with thoughtsexpressed clearlyVery few spelling orgrammatical errorsStructureWell-constructed paragraphs,clearly expressed & linkedmain pointsReferencingReferences to literature aregoodWord limit: Adhered to word limit+/- 10% ExpressionExpressed ideas clearly, howevernot concisely & fluentlySome spelling and grammaticalerrorsStructureProvided paragraphs with mainpoints however not clearlyexpressedReferencingReferences to literature aresatisfactoryWord limit: Adhered to word limit(+/-10%ExpressionLimited clarity of expressionintegratedErrors in spelling & grammarStructureProvided paragraphs but eithermain points were inappropriate orthey were not linked key contentareas.ReferencingReference to literature is presentbut not strongWord limit: Not adhered toExpressionUsed incorrect terminologyNumerous mistakes inspelling and/or grammarStructureNo or limited structureReferencingLiterature not appropriate orinsufficientIncorrect referencingRequires extensivedevelopment. Noattempt to formatdocument or use APA7th referencingHas not used aanalytic approachLATE PENALTY: – 5% of total marks available for the assessment item per business day deducted from total mark gainedFINAL MARK (MARKS AWARDED LESS LATE PENALTY) FINAL MARK:/70


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