Assignment Task
Part 1 – Data Exploration and Manipulation
Tasks 1-4 focus on tweets about COVID-19, with each row representing a tweet and each column representing a piece of information recorded about the tweet. This data has been taken from Kaggle1 and can be accessed in the “vaccination_all_tweets.csv” file on iLearn in the Assignment 2 folder.
Task 1
• Report the number of rows and the number of columns in the dataset.
• Report the structure of the data and calculate descriptive statistics for all numeric columns. Descriptive statistics include the mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum.
• In ascending order, print the number of unique values for all columns of type object.
• In descending order, print the proportion of True values for all columns of type bool.
Task 2
• Create a new column tweet_length equal to the number of characters in each tweet. Create a histogram showing the distribution of values in this new column using 25 bins with appropriate customisations. Comment on the plot.
• Create a new column retweet_prop equal to the number of retweets divided by the number of followers. Inspect this column. What problem has occurred?
• For tweets where retweet_prop is less than or equal to 1, create a histogram coloured by whether the user is verified. Add reasonable customisations to the plot and interpret it.
Task 3
• Create a new column called account_year reporting the year the account associated with each tweet was created. Create a stacked bar chart showing the number of verified and unverified accounts created each year. Include appropriate customisations.
• The source column takes a lot of different values, but only a few are common. Identify the 7 most common values of the source column, then modify the column to change all other values to be “Other”.
• Create a pie chart showing the breakdown of the categories in the newly modified source variable. Display the percentage of each category on the pie chart. Interpret the plot.
• Create a column that shows how many minutes have passed each day by the time the tweet was made (e.g., a tweet at 17:52:03 becomes 1072.05). Create a histogram showing the distribution of times that tweets are made at with appropriate customisations.
Task 4
• What is the maximum number of characters associated with a single hashtag? For example, the ‘Pfizer’ hashtag has 6 characters.
• Create four columns corresponding to whether each tweet mentioned Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, or Sinovac. Create a line plot with four lines corresponding to the number of times Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, or Sinovac was mentioned. Your x-axis should be the date. You can choose whether you are considering daily tweet counts or weekly tweet counts.
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