Diagnostic case study | Anatomy homework help


Step 1: Review the following patient information.  

A 35-year-old female patient experiences occasional tingling sensations in the extremities, numbness in the facial area, muscular weakness, loss of balance, and bladder dysfunction. 

  • Prepare a one to two page report to include the following information:
  • Discuss the characterization of symptoms
  • Include any diagnostic testing that may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
  • Analyze what might be a probable diagnosis
  • Describe the disease chosen and include the progression (if applicable)
  • Use supportive facts and research to help you support your patient’s case

Assignment Expectations for Grading:  

1. Demonstration of critical thinking, scholarship, and ability to connect and apply the material 

2. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your responses 

3. Adherence to the written instructions 

4. Spelling and grammar

5. Provide 3-5 APA Style References to support your paper. 

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