Instructions: Locate a newspaper article on a criminal event that has happened in the last four weeks. Make sure the article has enough information for you to analyze the criminal event and is not a summary of a previous criminal event.
Submit a 4-5 page paper explaining the crime from one theory in each of the following categories: (1) classical school, (2) social structural, and (3) social process. Each theory discussion should be at least one page in length. You will then identify which crime theory best explains the crime incident and provide your rationale for why. You are required to provide a title and a reference page, which does not count toward the total page count. It is also expected that at least two outside scholarly sources will be utilized. The paper is worth 50 points.
The paper will be typed double spaced in Arial using 12-point font with 1” margins in APA format. Save your paper as a .doc with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is Paper 1, you would title it Jackson_Paper 1.