Assignment 2
Current Trend and Topics for Nurses
This assignment you will look at the current trends and “hot topics” for nurses in the workplace and the workforce. Many are facing some significant changes in the near future ~ the need for change in these areas are being driven by the patient outcomes and financial impact. You will be looking at some strategies to bring about change in an orderly fashion in the workplace.
Evaluate the financial impacts of policies, laws, and regulations imposed by government agencies, private sector insurers, and institutions in the current healthcare environment on nursing care (including cultural, social, and diversity impacts).
You will be speaking from the perspective of the nurse’s role in addressing the issue:
Choose one federal or state organization related to health, (e.g. Medicaid, VA, food stamps, The Joint Commission (JC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), and Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP).
1. Clearly identify a policy, law or regulation imposed by the government or agency
2. Discuss the impact on nursing care (positive or negative)
3. After researching the issue, what have you identified as a potential solution to this issue?
4. Design an implementation strategy for your proposed solution. For example, what legislation should be passed/ is being proposed to address this? This can be on at the institutional level, the local level, the regional/state level, or at the national level
5. Identify at least 3 primary obstacles in implementing your proposed strategy to address the issue
6. How would you measure the success of your implementation strategy?
This scholarly paper should include:
* This is a formal assignment; APA format is a mandatory paper
* The format should be no longer than 3 pages (not incl. title page, reference list), APA 7th Ed. formatted
* Include at least three scholarly sources from peer-reviewed journals, no older than 3 yrs old.
* Prepare a reference list of all resources and websites used in your research using APA 7th guidelines
* No abstract needed
* Limit of 1 direct quotation with no more than 18 words
* Use headings/subtitles to organize your content
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