Create a Power Point Presentation that is no more than 7 slides in length and su

Create a Power Point Presentation that is no more than 7 slides in length and submit the presentation in the assignment area.
Your 1st slide should be a title page and your 7th slide should be your references that you used. You should cite your textbook and at least 2 Scholarly journals (websites, blogspots, reddit, etc., will not be accepted) that you found to help you argue your position.
Slide 2: What is a false confession? Why do you believe innocent suspects falsely confess to a crime they did not commit? Use the book to help you respond to this.
Slide 3: If you were a jurist in a criminal trial, where the defense attorney presents information that the defendant’s confession was false. What kind of information would you want to see as a jurist to make your decision in the court? Use your textbook and 1 academic article to guide your response.
Slide 4: Select an infamous criminal case of a FALSE CONFESSION that IS NOT DISCUSSED in the lecture presentations or the textbook (you will be graded on selecting an accurate criminal)
Who is the defendant?
Where is the defendant now?
Slide 5: Using the textbook, what technique was used to gain this confession and what are the issues with this confession
Slide 6: How do false confessions affect our justice system? Find 1 academic article to support your thoughts on this.


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