This week, we discussed setting goals, daring to dream, and overcoming obstacles to realize the vision you have for your life. In this discussion board, p

 This week, we discussed setting goals, daring to dream, and overcoming obstacles to realize the vision you have for your life. In this discussion board, please identify the following:

  • Your vision, mission, and goals for the next year, 5 years, 10 years, and beyond;
  • Obstacles that may stand in the way of you realizing your goals;
  • Using course materials, what you can do now to overcome those obstacles. 

Make sure to answer all parts of the question and include references to course materials in your posts. Read all discussion questions carefully. 

  • Your response to each question must be at least 200 words

Book:  Introduction to Leadership (5th edition) by Peter G. Northouse: ISBN: 978-1544351599 

    The post This week, we discussed setting goals, daring to dream, and overcoming obstacles to realize the vision you have for your life. In this discussion board, p first appeared on Nurse Essays Online.


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