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30/10/20201Crafting Your Future:Professional Practice and ResearchSession 3 – Writing and PresentingYour PortfolioICTM Module Delivery Team Week 3 Activities PlannerICTM Module Delivery Team Wk 3Steps Description Example Activity TypesTools that willsupport thisactivity1Introduction(Informinglearners of theobjective)Introduction to professional portfolio, with an emphasison the portfolio, needed for this module assessment.Objectives:– Gaining a good idea about writing of your researchessay, digital showcase of self-reflection and PDP– Understanding about possible sources of data and thetype of data you may need/find in your research– Learning about templates for your self-reflection andPDPStudents read the Saunders et al.(2018) chapter 14, before the lecture.During the lectures the mainconcepts of portfolio writing areexplained in detail and with examples,followed by group and individualactivities.Icon VLE,Kaltura, BookChapters,Online Material.2 Lectures anddelivery methodThe main concepts of professional portfolio, research,self-reflection, and personal development planning areexplained to, and discuss with the students.Presentation, Case StudiesKaltura +Lecture materialon ICON VLE3 ActivityGroup work on a number of articles and industryreports, as examples of the resources that studentsshould expect to find and study in their essay research.A number of industry reports andrelevant literature are presented toand discussed with students.BreakoutRooms inKaltura4 Reflection andFeedbackIndividuals summarise the importance and relevance ofindustry data and reports.Reflective journal: Students keep arecord of the outcomes of theirdiscussions.ICON VLE andKaltura5 Consolidationand IntegrationStudents share their summaries of the example industryreports. These summaries are uploaded onto the ICONVLEStudents are divided into groups inbreakout room to share theirsummaries of industry reportresearch.Kaltura andICON VLE1 230/10/20202Session ObjectivesThis session is relevant to all learning outcomes of thismodule (LO3,4 & 6) and their relevant assessments, but it ismainly designed around the Learning Outcome 6, “Producepersuasive communications regarding information, ideas,problems and solutions to identified specialist and/or nonspecialist audiences.”, and tries to achieve the followingobjectives:1. Gaining a good idea about writing of your research essay,digital showcase of self-reflection and PDP2. Understanding about possible sources of data and thetype of data you may need/find in your research3. Learning about templates for your self-reflection and PDPICTM Module Delivery TeamWhat makes you a professional?Professional Competency– Meeting the requirements of the job market and industryTechnical Competency– Knowledge of theory– Practical experience– Keeping up to datePersonal Competency– Intellectual– Creativity– Interpersonal skillsICTM Module Delivery Team3 430/10/20203What is a portfolio?The term portfolio is used as a catch-all that covers a widerange of methods for collating learning material and assessedwork.In this module, your professional portfolio will include theresearch and analysis you completed in the research essayon an industry or sector of your choice to position yourself asa professional in your preferred industry/sector that enableyou to reflect on your development in productive ways. Theinformation collated from the research in the essay and yourexperiences, skills and associated feelings in your degreeprogramme will inform the completion of your Self-Reflectionand Career and Personal Development Plan, whichcollectively form the three assessment of this module.ICTM Module Delivery TeamWhat is a professional portfolio?A professional portfolio is a collection of items, commonlyreferred to as “artifacts” that document a professional’scareer-related competencies. For example, artists,photographers, and designers all use portfolios to show offtheir expertise.ICTM Module Delivery Team5 630/10/20204What is a professional portfolio?You professional portfolio is not exactly your CV/Resume.CV is typically a brief document that lists your personalinformation and accomplishments. Generally, it is no longerthan two or three pages.Portfolio is much more extensive than CV. It actuallycontains samples and evidence of your work.CV is usually included as a part of your portfolio.ICTM Module Delivery TeamWho is the audience for your portfolio?• Employers• Training Institutes, Colleges or Universities• Accreditation Teams• Professional Bodies and Industry Advisory Committees• PeersICTM Module Delivery Team7 830/10/20205Why should you produce a portfolio?Besides the fact that it is a course requirement, theportfolio:• demonstrates your professional competencies andcapabilities• makes a connection between learningand application• fosters accountability• keeps you more organised• assists in focusing your professional developmentICTM Module Delivery TeamTypical Portfolio FormatsICTM Module Delivery TeamElectronicPaperboth91030/10/20206Your Portfolio – Element 1: Research Essay• A brief background and context of theindustry/sector/market being researched andanalysed;• a brief literature review by critically analysingthe industry’s competitive environment, changesand trends in that environment using theappropriate tools.ICTM Module Delivery TeamYour Portfolio – Element 1: Research Essay• Based upon the above analysis, discuss andcritically evaluate:– how the chosen industry you wish to enter in termsof its direction and opportunities to develop yourcareer in, requires specialised skillset and its place inrelation to opportunities;– what creative and ethical leadership skills arerequired in the chosen industry.111230/10/20207Your Portfolio – Element 1: Research EssayA good essay will contain the following elements:• well-structured format;• evidence a range of secondary research using texts,journals, magazines, newspapers, and computer basedinformation sources;• extensive research on the industry and provides referencesto data and academic theory;• explicit reference is made to relevant theories and relevantmarket data;• reflects on the impact of the research and industry analysisfor learning on your future career plans• carefully presented, structured and well-referencedYour Portfolio – Element 1: Research EssaySee the industry reports, shared inthe VLE. They will be discussed later,in the seminar part of this session.131430/10/20208Your Portfolio – Element 2: Self-reflection• You are required to reflect upon and evaluateyour experiences, skills and associated feelings(evidencing key achievements) to celebrateeverything that you have done that will beuseful for your chosen career path.• You are required to analyse and evaluate yourexperiences you are expected to reflect uponwhat you have learnt and how you propose totransfer this learning into future thinking andbehaving.ICTM Module Delivery TeamYour Portfolio – Element 2: Self-reflectionDiscuss the following:• Analysis of your journey:– What happened?– What assumptions did you make?– What does this show about yourself and your skills?– What are the alternative ways of looking at theproblem/process?• Action– What action would you take to improve?– How can you learn from what has happened?– How would you respond if this happened again?ICTM Module Delivery Team151630/10/20209Your Portfolio – Element 3:Personal Development PlanningPersonal development Planning (PDP) is a structuredprocess undertaken, based on the self-reflection onlearning/ performance/achievements, to plan forpersonal, educational and career development.In this personal development plan, you will appraise yourstrengths and weaknesses, reflect upon and benchmarkwhere you are now and what you need to develop inorder to continue your journey towards your career goals(linked to Element 1 of the portfolio).ICTM Module Delivery TeamYour Portfolio – Element 3:Personal Development PlanningApply the SOAR (Strength, Opportunity,Aspirations, Results) to the creation of your careerand personal development plan will provide thetheoretical base to focused planning.ICTM Module Delivery Team171830/10/202010Your Portfolio – Element 3:Personal Development PlanningS OARICTM Module Delivery Team STRENGTHSOPPORTUNITIESYour greatest assetsWhat are the opportunitiesthat will enable you to useyour strengths?ASPIRATIONSRESULTSWhat are your short / medium/ long term aspirations. Whatis your preferred future?How will you measure whatyou have achieved? Your Portfolio – Element 3:Personal Development PlanningGoalSettingICTM Module Delivery Team192030/10/202011Your Portfolio – Element 3:Personal Development PlanningPersonal ObjectivesICTM Module Delivery TeamICTM Module Delivery Team212230/10/202012Class Discussion: Case StudiesIn this group task, each group reads one of the industry reportsshared in the VLE (e.g., on food, fashion and pharmaceuticalindustries), and its related “required skills” report – i.e., tworeports are studies by each group. The readings can be dividedand allocated to different members of each group.Then, each group will share its understanding of the industrystatus and trends, and its required talents and skills in future.ICTM Module Delivery TeamICTM Module Delivery TeamExtra study:Read CMI sample files, shared in VLE, helpfulfor the 2nd and 3rd elements of your portfolio.232430/10/202013ICTM Module Delivery Team25


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