1. Analyze and evaluate your verbal communication skills as discussed in our text chapter “ Communication Skills in the Information Age”. Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them, why?

Verbal communication skills

Include the following:

1. Analyze and evaluate your verbal communication skills as discussed in our text chapter “ Communication Skills in the Information Age”. Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them, why?

2. Analyze and evaluate your non-verbal communication skills. Select three non-verbal skills of which you are aware. Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them in terms of perceived effectiveness and why? Are you aware of the messages you give to others with your clothing style, hair, eye movements, posture, hand gestures, and facial expressions?

3. Which of your non-verbal communications do you think truly conveys who you are, if any; Why or why not?

4. What would you say is your body’s silent message? Why? Is this the message you wish to convey?

5. What is your preference for communication? Do you prefer e-mail, phone calls, text messaging? Why? Are you aware that some people’s e-communication skills are good, but their social skills (in person) are poor? Explain why this can happen.

6. Listening skills are as important as the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings. Evaluate your listening skills, what could you do to improve them?


Text Chapter Communication Skills in the Information Age
Understanding Communication (Links to an external site.)


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