1. Critique and debate key and contemporary arguments about the theory and practice of HRM and how ethical expectations are met in practice whilst assessing its contribution to the organisation. 2. Evaluate

1. Critique and debate key and contemporary arguments about the theory and practice of HRM and how ethical expectations are met in practice whilst assessing its contribution to the organisation.
2. Evaluate and analyze workplace scenarios relating to relevant business strategies for professional, ethical, effective, and efficient HRM within current organizational contexts.
1. How does Netflix HR philosophy help shape their employee attraction, retention and firing policy and practices? Discuss first about this policy in the United States and then globally?
2. How does Netflix maintain its talent hire and reward practices globally, given that employment laws differ globally?
3. Critically analyze how Netflix maintain a high-performance workplace based on a sustainable and ethical HRM system.
4. Provide a least two recommendations for Netflix on developing effective HRM policies and practices to manage their global talent?
I will attach all relevant information plus case study for the report


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