1. Type a (7) page essay paper (7 pages include title & reference) 2. Topic – choose a topic of your choice as long as it is related to society and/or its problems (i.e. COVID.19, health care, economy, society quarantine affect, abortion, elder care, women rights, single parenting, politics’ etc) any topic of your interest 3. APA format 4. 12 Pitch (Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri) 5. Paper must be double spaced 6. Indent each paragraph ( ½ inches) 7. Title Page 8. Body 9. Conclusion (include your thought/view of the research) 10. References (5 or more) 11. Use footnotes & end notes

1. Type a (7) page essay paper (7 pages include title & reference) 2. Topic – choose a topic of your choice as long as it is related to society and/or its problems (i.e. COVID.19, health care, economy, society quarantine affect, abortion, elder care, women rights, single parenting, politics’ etc) any topic of your interest 3. APA format 4. 12 Pitch (Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri) 5. Paper must be double spaced 6. Indent each paragraph ( ½ inches) 7. Title Page 8. Body 9. Conclusion (include your thought/view of the research) 10. References (5 or more) 11. Use footnotes & end notes


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