2. choose two data-driven variables and two policy variables that are

 Topic FolderForum Question Week 3 Forum Question Week 3

Zero Points





Substance (Possible 40 points)

Zero points:Student failed to respond to the essay question

25 points: Presentation is unclear; a basicunderstanding of the topic and issues is not evident; explanation is lacking; segments of the required answer are lacking; sources and supporting facts are not utilized; length requirements may not have been met.

30 points:Student’s initial posting did not meet the length requirement; and/or presentation evidences some confusion concerning topics under discussion; analysis may be lacking and/or elements of the question are not answered; support and references may be lacking.

35 points: Student answered/addressed most aspects of the question/topic posed in the Forum; initial posting met length requirement; a basic understanding of relevant concepts/theories is demonstrated; relevant sources were located; minimal or no facts/examples were used in support of presentation.

40 points: Student answered/addressed all aspects of the topic/question posed in the Forum; initial posting met length requirement; analysis of concepts and theories clearly demonstrates superior knowledge and a clear understanding of the topic; relevant and scholarly resources were located and used appropriately; facts and examples are used in support of presentation.

Collaboration (Possible 30 points)

Zero points: Student filed none of the required replies.

15 points: Student filed only one of the required replies OR filed the required replies but failed to meet length requirements.

25 points: Student filed the minimum number of replies, meeting the length requirements and evidencing an understanding of the issues under discussion and the views of colleagues. Student failed to respond to specific queries posed to him by colleagues or by the Instructor. Student did not take initiative in advancing the discussion throughout the week.

30 points: Student filed all required replies and they met the length requirement; the replies were substantive, thoughtful responses and contributed to the discussion; student exceeded minimum requirements by answering all queries posed to him by others and remained present and actively engaged in the discussion throughout the week; student reached out to draw others into the conversation and drew connections between and among subjects/issues relevant to the discipline.

Timeliness (Possible 10 points)

Zero points:Student filed more than two required postings in an untimelymanner.

2 points: Student filed two required postings in an untimelymanner.

7 points: Student filed one required posting in an untimely manner.

10 points: Student filed all required postings in a timely manner.

Writing (Possible 10 points)

Zero points:Student failed to respond to the essay question

4 points: Writing contains several grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Language lacks clarity or includes some use of jargon and /or conversational tone; sentence structure is awkward.

6 points: Student demonstrates consistent and correct use of the rules of grammar usage, punctuation and spelling, with a few errors; there is room for improvementin writing style and organization.

8 points: Student demonstrates consistent and correct use of the rules of grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling. Language is clear and precise throughout all submissions. Sentences display consistently strong, varied structure and organization is excellent.

10 points: Student demonstrates a quality of writing consistent with scholarly works in the relevant discipline; student is facile in the use of subject-matter vocabulary and application of concepts; writing is pleasing to the reader and absolutely error free.

Citations (Possible 10 points; zero points if citations are missing)

Zero points:Student failed to include APA citation and/or references

4 points: Citations of reference sources exist; citations apparently correspond to the correct source but do not enable the reader to locate the source. APA 6thedition format not evident.

6 points: Attempts to cite reference sources are made, but the reader has difficulty finding the sources; attempts to use APA 6thedition format are evident but poorly executed

8 points: Reference sources are cited as necessary, but some components of the citations are missing and/or APA 6th edition format is faulty in some respects.

10 points: Reference sources relied on by the student are cited appropriately and accurately.No writing of others is left without quotation and/or attribution, as appropriate. APA 6th edition format is used correctly and consistently.

You must post your initial response by 11:55 pm (EST/EDT) Thursday and must reply to 2 classmates by Sunday at 11:55 PM of the week assigned.

2 pages

Initial response must include at least two (2) academic references (one must be a source from the lesson) in APA format. I want to see both citations and references in the required forum responses.  Tell me what our lesson (from the reading sources) indicates about the questions and than expand from there. Responses to at least two (2) classmates must include at least one (1) additional academic source to back your comments, also in APA formatted citation(s) and reference, that was not used in the initial response or other student replies. That means a minimum of four (4) academic references each week.

One academic reference MUST BE a source from the lesson article(s) for all initial posts, and other references should be primarily peer-reviewed professional journal articles and published books found in the school online library.  I want to see good citations an references in APA style to our lesson articles and other sources. Dictionaries, Wikipedia, news articles, encyclopedias, and Google-sourced web sites are not considered academic references.

The MINIMUM standards of three postings per week, as well as the number of words and references, are just that – the minimum.  While this will allow a student to pass a course, those who are satisfied to do the minimum usually earn a grade of C – average – for a course.  If you want a better grade you have to earn it by consistently doing more than the minimum. You must also answer my additional question(s) in the forum and they do NOT count toward the two follow-up posts to classmates.

All posts must be substantive and add to the discussion.  Your responses should contribute in a meaningful way to helping advance our knowledge of the topics the class explores.  Simple agreement and “good job” comments are welcome, but by themselves are not considered to be substantive.

Your grade for participation in weekly forum discussions will be in accordance with the rubric located in the course Resources section.  Your forum grade will encompass both your original posting and your responses to others work.

Work that is late, missing, or that does not follow the assignment requirements will lose assignment points, up to and including a zero grade for the assignment.

Unless stated differently these directions will be followed for each weekly forum discussion.

Be sure to click on the Forum line in your Gradebook and read my comments each week, in addition to your grade. This provides feedback on your work, additional information on the discussion, and will help you get the best possible grade each week.

Forum Grading:

Note: At least three posts are required each week. The initial post is worth a maximum of 50% , each reply (follow-up post to classmate) is worth 25%. If all three posts are made and meet all the above criteria, 100% is earned. The instructor will, from time to time ask students an additional question in the forum for additional clarification and knowledge. You must reply to the additional question and it does not count as one of the two required follow-up posts to classmates. Failure to respond the instructor’s additional question will result in a 10 point deduction in that forum. 

Note: Point deductions apply to each of the three required posts. That means if two posts do not have correct references it will be a total of 10 points off, not five.

 1. Of the patrol allocation models described in the readings this week, which one do you think is the most effective?.  Using at least two academic references explain the advantages of method why it would work in today’s society. 

2. Choose two data-driven variables and two policy variables that are used in allocation studies.  Explain the meaning and relative importance of each.  Use at least two academic references.

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