4. Case Study 2: The purpose of this exercise is to help you to better understand trust-building and trust-damaging behaviors. Not many years ago, salespeople often thought that their jobs were complete once the order was signed. Today, for a business to survive, repeat business is critical. A greater emphasis has been placed on the follow-up stage of the selling process. Continued building o

Below are the questions that need to be answered. Please answer them with the number then the answer to that specific question.

1. How do salespeople contribute to our society? Are there negative aspects of personal selling from a societal perspective? Expound upon your answer to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.

2. Loexposure Outerware Case Study on Page 23: Questions 1 & 2 (not the role play). Expound upon your answers.

3. Discuss the three areas of unethical behavior.

4. Case Study 2:

The purpose of this exercise is to help you to better understand trust-building and trust-damaging behaviors. Not many years ago, salespeople often thought that their jobs were complete once the order was signed. Today, for a business to survive, repeat business is critical. A greater emphasis has been placed on the follow-up stage of the selling process. Continued building of the relationship should be your goal after the sale.

Think about your experiences with salespeople, and write down five things salespeople have done to build trust and five things salespeople have done that have damaged trust.

As a salesperson, how can you show appreciation after a sale?

Why is monitoring delivery and installation important as a salesperson?


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