5N1709 Understanding Special Needs, Assignment 2, Ireland


You are required to outline current legislation and policy provision relating to S.E.N Internationally and in Ireland, to include:

  • Education Act 1998
  • EPSEN Act 2004
  • Disability Act 2005
  • Children First 2011; National Guidelines in Child Protection
  • NEPS and NCSE Bodies

The assignment is to include the following:

  • Introduction: Identifying aims, objectives and context
  • To demonstrate an understanding of legislation and policy provision, nationally and internationally
  • List the various legislation, guidelines, policies etc
  • Explain the impact of legislation and policy provision on your work setting
  • Investigation carried out as part of research
  • Comprehensive analysis of subject matter

Evidence for this assessment technique may take the form of written, oral, graphic, audio, visual or digital evidence, or any combination of these. Any audio, video or digital evidence must be provided in a suitable format.  Your assignment needs to be submitted through ‘Turn it in’ on Microsoft Teams.

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Assessment Criteria

Introduction: Identifying aims, objectives and the context

To demonstrate an understanding of legislation and policy provision, nationally and internationally

Detailed exploration of various legislation, guidelines, policies etc

Investigation carried out as part of research

Comprehensive analysis of subject matter

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A brief history of special education in Ireland will be covered in this assignment. The primary legislation pertaining to the educational rights of children with special needs is highlighted in this book, both in Ireland and globally. A wide range of demands, frequently brought on by a physical, mental, developmental, or medical disease or handicap, are referred to as “special needs.” Cognitive challenges, physical or sensory impairments, emotional and behavioural challenges, and speech and language difficulties are examples of special needs.

The first piece of legislation to explicitly establish the government’s rights and legal obligations with regard to education was the Education Act, which was passed shortly after the state’s founding. However, the primary focus of this act is on education in primary and secondary schools; the early childhood education and care sector is not particularly addressed. Even though the Act covers a wide range of topics related to education, many of its provisions are pertinent to students with special needs and their education starting in primary school.

Every child with a special educational need is required to have an individual education plan, according to the EPSEN Act of 2004. However, there is currently no legal requirement for students to have these plans because the relevant provision of the Act has not yet been implemented. When working with pupils who have special educational needs, some educators may employ their own version of an individualized education plan.

This Act makes it possible to evaluate a disabled person’s needs in terms of their education and health. It offers a complaints procedure in the event that services are not rendered. Additionally, it makes it easier for people with disabilities to use public buildings and services, and it requires the state to support social inclusion and equality.



The current legislation and policy provision, nationally and internationally relating to S. E.N in Ireland

Investigation carried out as part of research

Comprehensive analysis of subject matter



Appendix 1- a list of local and national resources, services and facilities available to individuals with special needs

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