NRNP 6675 Evaluation and Management (E/M) Walden

Pathways Mental Health

Psychiatric Patient Evaluation

InstructionsUse the following case template to complete Week 2 Assignment 1. On page 5, assign DSM-5-TR and Updated ICD-10 codes to the services documented. You willadd yournarrative answers to the assignment questions to the bottom of this template and submit altogether as one document.Identifying Information  Identification was verified by stating of their name and date of birth. Time spent for evaluation: 0900am-0957amChief Complaint “My other provider retired. I don’t think I’m doing so well.”HPI  25 yo Russian female evaluated for psychiatric evaluation referred from her retiring practitioner for PTSD, ADHD, Stimulant Use Disorder, in remission. She is currently prescribed fluoxetine 20mg po daily for PTSD, atomoxetine 80mg po daily for ADHD. 

Today, client denied symptoms of depression, denied anergia, anhedonia, amotivation, no anxiety, denied frequent worry, reports feeling restlessness, no reported panic symptoms, no reported obsessive/compulsive behaviors. Client denies active SI/HI ideations, plans or intent. There is no evidence of psychosis or delusional thinking.  Client denied past episodes of hypomania, hyperactivity, erratic/excessive spending, involvement in dangerous activities, self-inflated ego, grandiosity, or promiscuity. Client reports increased irritability and easily frustrated, loses things easily, makes mistakes, hard time focusing and concentrating, affecting her job. Has low frustration tolerance, sleeping 5–6 hrs/24hrs reports nightmares of previous rape, isolates, fearful to go outside, has missed several days of work, appetite decreased. She has somatic concerns with GI upset and headaches. Client denied any current binging/purging behaviors, denied withholding food from self or engaging in anorexic behaviors. No self-mutilation behaviors. Diagnostic Screening Results  Screen of symptoms in the past 2 weeks: 

PHQ 9= 0 with symptoms rated as no difficulty in functioning 
Interpretation of Total Score 
Total Score Depression Severity 1-4 Minimal depression 5-9 Mild depression 10-14 Moderate depression 15-19 Moderately severe depression 20-27 Severe depression 

GAD 7= 2 with symptoms rated as no difficulty in functioning 
Interpreting the Total Score: 
Total Score Interpretation ≥10 Possible diagnosis of GAD; confirm by further evaluation 5 Mild Anxiety 10 Moderate anxiety 15 Severe anxiety 

MDQ screen negative

PCL-5 Screen 32Past Psychiatric and Substance Use Treatment  Entered mental health system when she was age 19 after raped by a stranger during a house burglary. Previous Psychiatric Hospitalizations:  deniedPrevious Detox/Residential treatments: one for abuse of stimulants and cocaine in 2015Previous psychotropic medication trials: sertraline (became suicidal), trazodone (worsened nightmares), bupropion (became suicidal), Adderall (began abusing)Previous mental health diagnosis per client/medical record: GAD, Unspecified Trauma, PTSD, Stimulant use disorder, ADHD confirmed by school recordsSubstance Use History Have you used/abused any of the following (include frequency/amt/last use):

Substance Y/N Frequency/Last Use Tobacco products Y ½ ETOH Y last drink 2 weeks ago, reports drinks 1-2 times monthly one drink socially  Cannabis N   Cocaine Y last use 2015 Prescription stimulants Y last use 2015 Methamphetamine N   Inhalants N   Sedative/sleeping pills N   Hallucinogens N   Street Opioids N   Prescription opioids N   Other: specify (spice, K2, bath salts, etc.) Y reports one-time ecstasy use in 2015   Any history of substance related:  Blackouts:  +  Tremors:   -DUI: – D/T’s: -Seizures: –  Longest sobriety reported since 2015—stayed sober maintaining sponsor, sober friends, and meetingsPsychosocial History Client was raised by adoptive parents since age 6; from Russian orphanage. She has unknown siblings. She is single; has no children.         Employed at local tanning bed salon Education: High School Diploma Denied current legal issues.Suicide / HOmicide Risk Assessment  RISK FACTORS FOR SUICIDE: Suicidal Ideas or plans – noSuicide gestures in past – no Psychiatric diagnosis – yesPhysical Illness (chronic, medical) – noChildhood trauma – yesCognition not intact – noSupport system – yesUnemployment – noStressful life events – yesPhysical abuse – yesSexual abuse – yesFamily history of suicide – unknownFamily history of mental illness – unknownHopelessness – noGender – femaleMarital status – singleWhite raceAccess to meansSubstance abuse – in remission   PROTECTIVE FACTORS FOR SUICIDE: Absence of psychosis – yesAccess to adequate health care – yesAdvice & help seeking – yesResourcefulness/Survival skills – yesChildren – noSense of responsibility – yesPregnancy – no; last menses one week ago, has NorplantSpirituality – yesLife satisfaction – “fair amount”Positive coping skills – yesPositive social support – yesPositive therapeutic relationship – yesFuture oriented – yes   Suicide Inquiry: Denies active suicidal ideations, intentions, or plans. Denies recent self-harm behavior. Talks futuristically. Denied history of suicidal/homicidal ideation/gestures; denied history of self-mutilation behaviors   Global Suicide Risk Assessment: The client is found to be at low risk of suicide or violence, however, risk of lethality increased under context of drugs/alcohol.   No required SAFETY PLAN related to low riskMental Status Examination  She is a 25 yo Russian female who looks her stated age. She is cooperative with examiner. She is neatly groomed and clean, dressed appropriately. There is mild psychomotor restlessness. Her speech is clear, coherent, normal in volume and tone, has strong cultural accent. Her thought process is ruminative. There is no evidence of looseness of association or flight of ideas. Her mood is anxious, mildly irritable, and her affect appropriate to her mood. She was smiling at times in an appropriate manner. She denies any auditory or visual hallucinations. There is no evidence of any delusional thinking. She denies any current suicidal or homicidal ideation. Cognitively, She is alert and oriented to all spheres. Her recent and remote memory is intact. Her concentration is fair. Her insight is good. Clinical Impression  Client is a 25 yo Russian female who presents with history of treatment for PTSD, ADHD, Stimulant use Disorder, in remission. Moods are anxious and irritable. She has ongoing reported symptoms of re-experiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal of her past trauma experiences; ongoing subsyndromal symptoms related to her past ADHD diagnosis and exacerbated by her PTSD diagnosis. She denied vegetative symptoms of depression, no evident mania/hypomania, no psychosis, denied anxiety symptoms. Denied current cravings for drugs/alcohol, exhibits no withdrawal symptoms, has somatic concerns of GI upset and headaches.  At the time of disposition, the client adamantly denies SI/HI ideations, plans or intent and has the ability to determine right from wrong, and can anticipate the potential consequences of behaviors and actions. She is a low risk for self-harm based on her current clinical presentation and her risk and protective factors.Diagnostic Impression [Student to provide DSM-5-TR and Updated ICD-10 coding] Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) DSM-5 309.81; ICD-10 F43. 10Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder DSM-5 314.01; ICD-10 F90.0Treatment Plan Medication:   Increase fluoxetine 40mg po daily for PTSD #30 1 RFContinue with atomoxetine 80mg po daily for ADHD.  #30 1 RF

Instructed to call and report any adverse reactions.

Future Plan: monitor for decrease re-experiencing, hyperarousal, and avoidance symptoms; monitor for improved concentration, less mistakes, less forgetful   Education: Risks and benefits of medications are discussed including non-treatment. Potential side effects of medications discussed. Verbal informed consent obtained.

Not to drive or operate dangerous machinery if feeling sedated.

Not to stop medication abruptly without discussing with providers.

Discussed risks of mixing  medications with OTC drugs, herbal, alcohol/illegal drugs. Instructed to avoid this practice. Praised and Encouraged ongoing abstinence. Maintain support system, sponsors, and meetings.

Discussed how drugs/ETOH affects mental health, physical health, sleep architecture.   Patient was educated about therapy and services of the MHC including emergent care. Referral was sent via email to therapy team for PET treatment.   Patient has emergency numbers: Emergency Services 911, the national Crisis Line 800-273-TALK, the MHC Crisis Clinic. Patient was instructed to go to nearest ER or call 911 if they become actively suicidal and/or homicidal.   Time allowed for questions and answers provided. Provided supportive listening. Patient appeared to understand discussion and appears to have capacity for decision making via verbal conversation.   RTC in 30 days     Follow up with PCP for GI upset and headaches, reviewed PCP history and physical dated one week ago and include lab results

Patient is amenable with this plan and agrees to follow treatment regimen as discussed.  

Narrative Answers

 ·       Explain what pertinent information, generally, is required in documentation to support DSM-5-TR and Updated ICD-10 coding. Pertinent information required when documenting to support DSM-5-TR coding include the patient’s diagnostic features, related clinical features supporting the DSM-5 diagnosis, diagnostic measures, prognostic factors, clinical subtypes, and functional consequences. Other needed information includes differential diagnosis, culture and gender-related diagnostic issues, and recording procedures (Regier & Narrow, 2018). On the other hand, pertinent information required in documentation to support ICD-10 coding includes signs and symptoms, the cause of the disease or injury, anatomical site, type, time of onset, and severity of the injury or disease. In addition, ICD-10 coding documentation should include the type of patient encounter, applied specificity (if the patient lost consciousness), acute or chronic disease, relief or non-relief of symptoms, the intervention being performed, and the location of the incident (Clements, 2022). ·       Explain what pertinent documentation is missing from the case scenario, and what other information would be helpful to narrow your coding and billing options. The case scenario is missing pertinent information crucial in coding and billing. The information includes the type of clinical encounter, severity of the patient’s clinical manifestations, comorbidities, and the primary and differential diagnoses with their iICD-10 and DSM-5 codes. Information about the patient, healthcare provider, and clinic visit can help narrow the coding and billing options. The patient information includes the name, date of birth, the onset of symptoms, and insurance details. The healthcare provider’s details include the name, signature, address, and national provider identifier (NPI) number (Kusnoor et al., 2020). Furthermore, the clinic visit details include the type of visit, date and time of the visit, diagnosis and procedure codes, code modifiers, authorization information, and the items used to assess, diagnose, and treat the patient. ·       Finally, explain how to improve documentation to support coding and billing for maximum reimbursement.]      Healthcare practitioners should be well-versed in the basic principles of assigning codes based on documentation for correct coding and billing. They can improve documentation by correctly specifying the patient’s diagnosis to ensure correct coding. Physicians, NPs, and physicians’ assistants can assign codes for documentation. However, information in nurses’ notes should not be coded to ensure maximum reimbursement (Clements, 2022). Furthermore, clinical documentation and coding can be improved by delineating the cause-and-effect using phrases like “because of” and “manifested by.”  The Primary diagnosis should be indicated, which is the condition identified as the main reason for admitting the patient (Clements, 2022). Documentation can further be improved by using terms like “probable,” “suspected,” and “rule out” as appropriate when having an inconclusive diagnosis.   References Clements, J. (2022). Thorough documentation for accurate ICD-10 coding. Outsource Strategies International.  Regier, D. A., & Narrow, W. E. (2018). Understanding ICD-10-CM and DSM-5: A quick guide for psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians. Retrieved September20, 2018. Kusnoor, S. V., Blasingame, M. N., Williams, A. M., DesAutels, S. J., Su, J., & Giuse, N. B. (2020). A narrative review of the impact of the transition to ICD-10 and ICD-10-CM/PCS. JAMIA open3(1), 126-131.


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