Writing a Winning Essay About Yourself

The journey of self-discovery comes through reflecting on past experiences, understanding personal growth, and articulating these insights in a personal essay. Writing about oneself can be a therapeutic endeavor, and it’s an essential skill, especially when applying for jobs or college. 

This guide will provide a step-by-step process on how to write a meaningful essay about yourself.

What is a Personal Essay?

A personal essay is a piece of writing that explores individual experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Unlike other types of essays that focus on facts or arguing a point, a personal essay is more about expressing oneself and sharing personal insights. It allows the writer to communicate personal viewpoints or recount personal experiences. The tone of a personal essay is usually conversational, and it often includes the writer’s personal reflections on the explored themes.

The core of a personal essay is the writer’s own journey, be it a life lesson, a personal challenge overcome, or a joyful memory. The reader is taken along on this journey, and through the narrative, the writer aims to provoke thought or elicit an emotional response. A personal essay reveals personality, values, and how you see the world. Through sharing personal experiences, the writer can connect with readers on a deeper level, making the personal essay a unique and compelling expression.

Personal Essay vs. Personal Statement

A personal essay and a personal statement serve different purposes, and they are used in different situations, although they might sound similar at first.

A personal essay is more of a storytelling exercise where you share personal experiences, feelings, or insights. It allows you to express yourself, reflect on your experiences, and share your personal journey. You can talk about your life, challenges, or topics you feel strongly about. It’s a chance to show your personality and the unique perspective you have.

On the other hand, a personal statement is usually written when you are applying to college, university, or a job. In a personal statement, you focus on explaining why you are a good fit for that particular opportunity. You would talk about your skills, achievements, and ambitions related to the position or course you are applying for. 

It’s more about selling yourself and showing the reader why you are the right person for that opportunity. The tone is often more formal compared to a personal essay, and it is tailored to meet the expectations of the admissions officers or employers. So, while a personal essay is more about sharing personal narratives, a personal statement is about showcasing your suitability for a specific opportunity.

How to Start an Essay About Yourself

Writing an essay about yourself can be an opportunity to share your story, express your thoughts, or communicate your experiences. Starting the essay right is crucial to engage your readers. Here’s a simple breakdown of how you can go about it:

Start With a Hook

When you begin your essay, it’s important to grab your reader’s attention with a “hook.” A hook is an interesting statement or a question that makes your readers curious. It could be a surprising fact about yourself, a bold statement, or an anecdote. The idea is to intrigue your readers, so they want to continue reading.

Introduce Details

After you’ve caught the readers’ attention with a hook, it’s time to introduce some details about yourself. You can talk briefly about where you’re from, your age, what you do, or any other basic information that will help readers get to know you. It’s like giving a quick snapshot of who you are. This part doesn’t have to be long, but it should provide some context to your readers about who you are.

Conclude Your Introduction

To summarize your introduction, you might want to hint at what’s coming next in the essay. This part helps transition from the introduction to the main part of the essay. You could mention the experiences or stories you will share or the lessons you’ve learned that you will discuss in the essay. The aim is to prepare your readers for the rest of the essay.

How to Structure an Essay About Yourself

When you write an essay about yourself, it’s like telling a story where you are the main character. The essay should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Here’s how you can organize your essay into the introduction, body, and conclusion:


The introduction is where you meet your readers for the first time. You should try to grab their attention so they will want to keep reading. You can start with a funny or interesting story about yourself or something surprising that happened to you. It’s also good to give basic information like your name and what you do. The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay.


The body is the main part of the essay, where you share your story in more detail. This part is like the chapters in a book, where each chapter tells a part of the story. You can talk about your experiences, struggles, achievements, and hopes in the body. You can organize the body in paragraphs, each discussing a different part of your story. It’s important to keep the paragraphs in an order that makes sense so your readers can follow along easily.


The conclusion is where you wrap up your story. It’s like saying goodbye to your readers; leaving them with something to think about is good. In the conclusion, you can reflect on your experiences and share what you’ve learned from them. You can also talk about your hopes for the future. The conclusion should give a sense of closure and help the readers understand the message you wanted to share through your essay.

9 Tips on How to Write an Essay About Yourself

Writing an essay about yourself requires a little planning and consideration. Here are 9 simple tips to guide you:

1 Preparation

It’s important to prepare before you begin writing an essay about yourself. Preparation will help make the writing process easier.

First, understand the purpose of your essay. Are you writing to share your experiences, applying for a college scholarship, or for another reason? Knowing the purpose will help guide what information you should include.

Next, think about what details about yourself are important to share. These could include your experiences, skills, interests, and goals. It might be helpful to list the topics you want to cover in your essay.

Also, it’s a good idea to look at examples of other essays. This can give you an idea of what works well and what doesn’t. You can learn from others’ writing styles and see how they’ve structured their essays.

Lastly, set aside enough time to write, revise, and proofread your essay. Don’t rush through it, but give yourself the time to think about what you want and how best to say it.

2. Brainstorm and Outline

Brainstorming is the act of coming up with as many ideas as you can. This is a stage where you allow your thoughts to flow freely and jot down everything that comes to mind regarding the essay topic, which, in this case, is you. Think about your life experiences, hobbies, achievements, and anything else you think might be interesting to share. You don’t have to worry about organization now; just focus on generating ideas.

After you have many ideas, it’s time to create an outline. An outline is a plan or a skeleton of your essay. It helps you organize your thoughts into a clear structure. Start by deciding which ideas you want to include in your essay from your brainstorming session. Then, arrange these ideas in a logical order. For example, you might want to start with an introduction about yourself, followed by paragraphs about your childhood, education, work experiences, and future plans.

In your outline, decide what main points you will discuss in each paragraph. Understanding what each part of your essay will cover clearly is good. This way, when you start writing, you have a clear direction and won’t get lost or go off-topic.

3. Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable means showing your true self, including your strengths and weaknesses, to the readers. Writing an essay about yourself is a chance to open up and share personal experiences, even if they are challenging or uncomfortable.

Being vulnerable can be hard because it might feel like you are exposing yourself to judgment. However, it often makes your essay more relatable and sincere. It shows that you are human, with real emotions and experiences. When you share personal stories or admit to past mistakes, readers can connect with you on a deeper level.

For example, you might share a time when you faced a tough situation and what you learned from it. Or you might talk about fears you had to overcome or personal goals you are working towards. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable in your essay, you give readers a glimpse into your life, and that can make your essay more engaging and meaningful.

4. Use Personal Examples

Using personal examples in your essay is like showing pictures in a storybook; they help to tell your story in a real and engaging way. Sharing specific things that happened to you helps the readers see what you are discussing instead of just imagining it. Personal examples prove what you are saying and make your story more believable.

For instance, if you are writing about a time when you faced a challenge, don’t just say it was hard. Explain what happened, how you felt, and how you dealt with it. If you are talking about your love for painting, describe the first painting you ever made or a painting experience that was special to you.

Remember, the examples you choose should help to explain your main points and keep your essay on track. They should be real stories from your life, told honestly and in detail, to help your readers understand you and the message you are trying to share. By including personal examples, you can make your essay unique and more enjoyable to read.

5. Write in the First Person

Writing in the first person means using words like “I,” “me,” and “my” when you talk about yourself. This is important when writing an essay about yourself because it makes your writing personal and direct. It helps your readers feel like you are talking to them.

For example, instead of saying, “Experiences can teach important life lessons,” you might say, “I learned important life lessons from my experiences.” This way, your readers can understand your personal connection to what you are talking about.

Writing in the first person helps keep your essay about yourself authentic and focused on your experiences and feelings. It allows you to share your story in a genuine and relatable way.

It’s like inviting your readers into your world to see things from your perspective. This helps to make your essay engaging and meaningful, and it lets your personality shine through your words.

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off…But Stay on Topic

When writing an essay about yourself, it’s okay to highlight your achievements and what you are proud of. Maybe you won a competition, helped others, or excelled in your studies or work. Sharing these achievements shows your hard work and what you’re capable of.

However, while it’s good to show off a bit, it’s very important to stay on the topic of your essay. Your essay should have a main point or message you want to share. So, when you talk about your achievements, make sure they help to explain or support that main point.

For example, if your essay is about overcoming challenges, you might mention your accomplishments to show how you overcame difficulties. But if you start talking about all your achievements that don’t relate to overcoming challenges, your essay could lose its focus and confuse your readers.

7. Show Personality 

Your personality is what makes you unique. It comprises your likes, dislikes, humor, style, and way of thinking. When you write an essay about yourself, showing your personality can make your writing more enjoyable and relatable.

Think of your essay as a way of talking to your readers. Like in a conversation, you would naturally show your personality by the words you choose and the stories you tell. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself in your writing.

You can also show your personality through your essay structure and the examples you choose to include. Your personal style of writing will reflect your personality and help the readers get to know you a bit better.

However, while showing your personality is important, remember to keep your writing clear and on-topic. Your personality should shine through your words, but your main message should still be easily understood.

8. Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience means understanding who will be reading your essay and what they might be interested in. This is important because it helps you choose what to include in your essay and how to present it. If you know your readers well, you can make your essay more appealing and understandable to them.

For example, if you are writing an essay for a college application, your audience might be the college admissions officers. They might be interested in your academic achievements, goals, and what makes you a unique candidate. So, you would focus on these topics in your essay.

On the other hand, if you are writing an essay for a class assignment, your audience might be your teacher and classmates. They might be more interested in your personal experiences and what you have learned from them. So, you would choose stories and examples that explain these things.

Knowing your audience also helps you decide on the style of your essay. You might want to be more formal and serious for a college application. You might choose a more relaxed and friendly style for a class assignment.

9. Proofread and Edit

Proofreading and editing are like cleaning and tidying up your room after you’ve made a mess. When you write your first draft, your ideas might spill out in a rush. There might be mistakes in spelling, grammar, or how you’ve organized your essay. That’s where proofreading and editing come in to clean things up.

Proofreading means going through your essay carefully to check for mistakes. Look for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and sentences that don’t make sense. It’s about ensuring your essay reads smoothly and is easy to understand.

Editing is a bit different. When you edit, you look at the bigger picture of your essay. You might change the order of paragraphs, add or delete some information, or change words to strengthen your essay. Editing is about improving the overall structure and content of your essay.

Taking a break before you start proofreading and editing is a good idea. After a break, you can come back with fresh eyes and catch mistakes you didn’t see before. You could also ask someone else to read your essay. They might catch mistakes you missed or give you useful feedback on improving your essay.

How to Write an Essay About Yourself (Essay Sample)

Title: Embracing Care: My Aspirations in Nursing


Life sometimes takes an unexpected turn, leading us to the path we are meant to walk. My journey toward nursing wasn’t straightforward, but a blend of life experiences and a growing passion for healthcare nudged me in this direction. This essay recounts my path into the nursing profession, portraying the motivations behind my choice, the hurdles I faced, and my visions for the future as a compassionate caregiver.


Growing up, I was surrounded by a family of educators. The noble task of teaching seemed like the obvious choice, but life had a different plan. A sudden health crisis in my family made me acquainted with the healthcare realm. During the long hours spent in the hospital, I observed the relentless service of nurses. Their gentle care and proficient skills created an environment of hope amidst the fear of illness. Seeing the tangible difference nurses made in patients’ healing journey was an eye-opener.

Driven by a newfound purpose, I steered my education towards nursing. As I delved deeper into healthcare’s academic and practical world, my respect for the profession grew. Each class and each practical session brought to light the significant role of nurses in patient care. However, the journey wasn’t easy. The rigorous schedule, the emotional toll of dealing with ill patients, and the pressure to excel academically and practically were sometimes overwhelming. But, these challenges only honed my resilience and molded my character better to fit the demanding yet rewarding nursing profession.

Volunteering at a local nursing home became a significant part of my life. It was a humble yet profound experience. Engaging with the elderly, listening to their stories, and aiding in their daily healthcare routine brought a sense of fulfillment. It emphasized the essence of nursing – the human connection. It’s about medical procedures and offering care, comfort, and understanding.

Looking ahead, I aim to specialize in geriatric nursing. The nuanced care required to cater to the aging population is challenging and necessary. The prospect of being a comforting presence, coupled with providing adept healthcare services to the elderly, motivates me to advance in this field.


The voyage into the world of nursing has been enlightening and filled with personal and professional growth. Every interaction and challenge faced has been a stepping stone towards becoming a compassionate and capable nurse. As I venture further into this profession, the goal is to continuously learn, adapt, and contribute positively to the lives of the individuals I will have the privilege to care for.

Summing Up on How to Write an Essay About Yourself 

Writing a personal essay requires reflection, honesty, and writing prowess. Following this guide, individuals can craft an engaging and meaningful essay about themselves that fulfills the requisite purpose and allows self-discovery and articulation of personal values and experiences. Through thoughtful preparation, a touch of vulnerability, and diligent proofreading, your personal essay can become a compelling narrative that resonates with readers.

Your story deserves to be told in a way that justifies your experiences and ambitions. With our essay writing help experts, you can present a polished, persuasive, and profound narrative that will leave a lasting impression. Don’t let the challenge of essay writing hold you back. Place your order today, and let us craft a personal essay embodying who you are. 


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