Create an environment that is welcoming to families of diverse cultures and reflective of family structures and ways of being. This can be in the service foyer or meeting room where you intend to have a conversation with the families. Consult with your Workplace supervisor as to the appropriate space for your conversation with the families. Complete Table 2- Welcomin

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The aim of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance in being able to establish relationships with families, connect with the local and broader community and promote opportunities for collaboration and sharing of information with families to support effective education and care for children.
Assessment event number 3 of 4
Instructions for this assessment This is a skills-based assessment that assesses you on your ability to demonstrate skills required in working in partnerships with children’s families.
This assessment is in two parts:
• Part 1: Collaborate with two families to foster connections with the local community
• Part 2: Reflective practice journal – Establish and maintain relationships with families
And is supported by the following documents:
• Assessment checklist
• Assessment feedback
Refer to Observation Checklist Assessment 4
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia.
Interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator.
Where there is documented evidence that the service does not permit performance of one or more of the above skills by individuals who are not staff members, those skills may be demonstrated through simulated activities and scenarios.
Simulated assessment environments must simulate the real-life working environment where the skills and knowledge within this unit would be utilised, with all the relevant equipment and resources of that working environment.
About this marking guide The student’s response to each task or activity must contain the criteria indicated in this marking guide for their response to be correct.
All tasks and activities must be completed correctly to complete this assessment event satisfactorily.
Assessors will need to make a judgement call as to whether each response meets the criteria based upon the rules of evidence and principles of assessment.
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must be available at the arranged time to complete all the assessment criteria as outlined in the assessment instructions.
All parts of the task must be performed to a satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the checklist.
All oral questions must be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task; however, Teachers/Assessors may ask you additional questions to confirm your understanding of the task.
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
What do I need to provide? • TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
• Computer or other device with word processing software and internet access.
• Information technology for online activities, research and assessment completion.
• Writing materials, if required.
What the Teacher/Assessor will provide The equipment/resources required:
• publicly available information about the service
• information technology for research about community services and resources and sharing of information
• National Quality Framework:
– Education and Care Services National Regulations
– National Quality Standard
– the relevant approved learning framework
• service standards, policies and procedures for:
– collaborative partnerships with families and communities
– educational program and practice
• children in a regulated education and care service in Australia
• families or carers of the above children.
Supporting resources:
• simulated organisation (Long URL: This includes simulated policies, observation-recording tools and children’s observation records
• Approved Learning Frameworks (Long URL –
• The National Quality Standard (Long URL:
• Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities | ACECQA (Long URL:
• Connecting with families – Bringing the Early Years Learning Framework to life in your community
(Long URL:
Due date
Time allowed
Location Refer to Unit Assessment Guide
13 hours (indicative only)
Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.
Important Self-awareness warning
Please note there is specific content in this resource that relate to different aspects of diversity and identity. If you find any of the content upsetting or distressing, please talk to your teacher or contact the relevant support service:
• Aboriginal Student Support Services (Email
• Accessibility and disability services (Long URL –
• Personal counselling (Long URL –
• International students (Long URL –
• Multicultural support (Long URL –
Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities will be used by your Teacher/Assessor to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment and Observation Checklists to understand what you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment.

Part 1: Collaborate with two families to foster connections with the local community
To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to:
• Refer to the service’s policies and procedures for collaborative partnerships with families and communities and educational program and practice.
• Participate in several practical skills demonstrations and complete the associated reflective journals. Responses should be a minimum of 35 words but no longer than 55 words for each journal entry.
You are required to interact and engage with two different families to provide information and to foster connections within the local community.
1.1 In consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, select two families whom you can:
• share and discuss about children’s interests and service experiences to support connections with the local community (Family 1)
• provide information about government and local community services and resources.
They can be a new family in the service or community, family with diverse needs, or contemporary family types. (Family 2) (Examples: nuclear family, single-parent family, with custody arrangements, same-sex parents, foster family, blended family, grandparents as guardians, migrant family, refugee family, culturally and linguistically diverse family)
1.2 Create an environment that is welcoming to families of diverse cultures and reflective of family structures and ways of being. This can be in the service foyer or meeting room where you intend to have a conversation with the families. Consult with your Workplace supervisor as to the appropriate space for your conversation with the families.
Complete Table 2- Welcoming space for families.
1.3 Consult with your Workplace supervisor to:
• discuss relevant policies on collaborative partnerships with families and communities, educational program and practice, privacy and confidentiality, referral process
• gather some information to support interaction and engagement with two families
o identify current service practice in fostering children’s connection with their local community
o identify information relating to the family’s needs for government and local community services and resources.
• show any record or method of communication that you will use with the families and gain their approval (survey, questionnaire, brochure, newsletter, service app, websites)
• Complete Table 3- Consultation for Family 1/2.
1.4 In line with service policies and procedures and in consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, organise an agreed time to have a conversation with your selected families and answer the question in Table 5.
Demonstrate the following skills in interacting and engaging with families:
• Use sensitive language and be respectful of their time
• Relay information in a culturally appropriate manner
• Maintain professionalism and confidentiality
• Introduce yourself and the purpose of the conversation
• Gain their permission and approval to take part in the consultation
1.5 Collaborate with two families.
With your Workplace supervisor, interact and engage with the two families:
• Family 1
o From your Workplace Supervisor consultation in 1.3, share an aspect on how the service program has introduced or encouraged children’s connections with the local community. Where possible, share their child’s interests, experiences and involvement. Where available, you can share information in digital formats such as daily journals or stories accessible in the service app.
o Share your ideas on how to provide opportunities for children to access and engage within the local communities.
o Encourage the family to share their knowledge, skills and expertise by sharing ideas on how to support children’s awareness of the local community.
o Complete Table 6- Collaborate with family 1.
• Family 2
o From your Workplace Supervisor consultation in 1.3, provide information on a relevant local community service and resource to support the family. (Examples include brochures, list of websites, posters, contact numbers, map to the library, access to the local council).
o Complete Table 7- Collaborate with family 2.
1.6 In your consultation and conversations with families, you must demonstrate and reflect on the following skills:
• active listening
• collaborative discussion and decision-making
• providing clear verbal information
• use of appropriate open and closed-ended questions
• negotiation
• responding to questions in a timely and supportive manner
• communicate in ways that show understanding of children and families
• maintaining positive relationships
• access to current information through digital platforms or technology in your research
• compliance to service policies, procedures and relevant frameworks
Complete Table 8- Reflective practice journal
Ensure all information recorded is treated and documented according to service procedures and legislative requirements
You must observe strict privacy and confidentiality when documenting information about children and families and communicating with families. Do not include information that may inadvertently allow children or families to be identified. Fictitious names or initials only must be used, and no personal contact information recorded. Please share any documentation with your Workplace Supervisor to ensure you are adhering to the family’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.
The Assessor will complete the Observation Checklist and gain verification and feedback from your workplace supervisor via a professional conversation to confirm you have implemented the skills at the nominated workplace.
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia:
Interactions with children must be supervised by an approved early childhood educator
Submission requirements:
• Completed ‘Welcoming space for families’ (Table 2)
• Completed ‘Consultation for Family 1’ (Table 3)
• Completed ‘Consultation for Family 2’ (Table 3)
• Completed ‘Organise conversations with two families’ (Table 5)
• Completed ‘Collaborate with Family 1’ (Table 6)
• Completed ‘Collaborate with Family 2’ (Table 7)
• Completed reflective practice journal (Table 8)
How the student will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist to understand what the student needs to demonstrate. The TAFE teacher/assessor must review and assess the student’s documentation and associated unit Observation Checklist (Assessment 4).
1.2 Create a welcoming space for families
Create an environment that is welcoming to families of diverse cultures and reflective of family structures and ways of being. Consult with your Workplace supervisor as to the appropriate space for your conversation with the families.
Use the table below to describe your welcoming space for families.
Table 2 1.2 Welcoming space for families
1.2 Welcoming space for families
a) Place/area in the service: Front Area
b) Describe how you setup the welcoming space for families. Include the resources that you used. (Examples: photos, posters, books, fabrics, cushions, artwork).
You may also include a photo of your welcoming space.
1.3 Consultation with Workplace supervisor
Table 3 1.3 Consultation for Family 1
Family 1 Record of Consultation
a) Policies and procedures on collaborative partnerships, educational program and practice and privacy and confidentiality
Document the relevant policies and procedures that you accessed. Record your discussion with your Workplace Supervisor on how you would comply with the policies and procedures when having conversations with families.
b) Gather information
Document your discussion with your Workplace Supervisor on the information that you have gathered to support your interaction and engagement with Family 1.
Identify current service practice and experiences offered to foster children’s connections with their local community.
Identify current child’s interest and involvement in experiences to foster understanding and connections to the community.

c) Support children’s connections with the community and engage families
Document your discussion with your Workplace supervisor on ideas to build children’s awareness on the local community and how to engage families.
Discuss ideas on how to provide opportunities for children to access and engage within the local communities.
Discuss how you can engage families in supporting children’s connections with the community.
If you are using any other tools for communication, identify what you would use and gain your Workplace supervisor’s approval. (Examples: surveys, brochures, websites, photos, daily journals in service app).

Table 4 1.3 Consultation for Family 2
Family 2 Record of Consultation
a) Policies and procedures on collaborative partnerships, educational program and practice and privacy and confidentiality. Include procedures relating to the referral process or how the service would connect a family to a support service.
Document the relevant policies and procedures that you accessed. Record your discussion with your Workplace Supervisor on how you would comply with the policies and procedures when having conversations with families.
b) Gather information
Document your discussion with your Workplace Supervisor on the information that you have gathered for family 2.
Identify current family needs for local community support, services or resources.

c) Support family in providing information about government and community services and resources.
Document your consultation with your Workplace Supervisor on your ideas for community support services and resources for the family.
Based on the family’s needs, discuss possible government and community support services and resources that the family can access.
If you are using any other tools for communication, identify what you would use and gain your Workplace supervisor’s approval. (Examples: surveys, brochures, websites, photos).

1.4 Organise an agreed time to meet with two families
Table 5 1.4 Organise conversations with two families
Family 1 Family 2
Describe how you organised to have a conversation with the family? Include communication techniques that you used, including how you relayed information in a culturally appropriate and respectful manner. Describe how you organised to have a conversation with the family? Include communication techniques that you used, including how you relayed information in a culturally appropriate and respectful manner.
1.6 Collaborate with two families
Table 6 1.5 Collaborate with family 1
Family 1 Answer
Document your discussion or conversation with Family 1 and the Workplace supervisor.
a) Describe how you shared how the service program and practice has introduced or encouraged children’s connections with the local community?

b) Describe how you shared children’s engagement in experiences to foster connections with their local community. Describe how you used digital formats such as daily journals or stories accessible in the service app, websites or videos about the topic.
c) Discuss how you shared ideas on how to provide opportunities for children to access and engage within the local communities.
d) Document how you encouraged the family to share ideas on how to support children’s awareness of the local community. What was their feedback on your ideas?

Table 7 1.5 Collaborate with Family 2
Family 2
Document your discussion or conversation with Family 2 and the Workplace supervisor.
a) Describe how you provided the family with information on local community support, services or resources. Include the communication tools that you used. (Examples – diagram, map, brochure in different languages, web links, contact phone numbers)

b) Document how you encouraged the family to share their thoughts, ideas and feedback.

1.7 Reflective practice journals
Based on your interaction and engagement with families from Task 1.5, complete the table below. You can refer to Family 1 or Family 2 in your responses. In your responses, indicate whether your example is for Family 1 or Family 2.
Table 8 Reflective practice journal
Reflective questions
a) Provide an example of how you demonstrated active listening whilst interacting with families.
b) Provide an example of how you engaged in collaborative discussion and decision-making with families.
c) Provide an example of how you used verbal communication in sharing information.
d) Provide an example of when you used open and closed-ended questions.
e) Provide an example of when you used negotiation skills. If this did not happen, provide an example of when you could have used negotiation skills.
f) Describe how you responded to questions in a supportive and timely manner. If this did not happen, provide suggestions on how you would respond in a timely and supportive manner.

g) Describe how you communicated in ways that show understanding of children and their families. Include how you supported communication with families from diverse cultures.
h) Describe how you have maintained ongoing positive relationships with families.
i) Describe how you have accessed information about community services and resources to make this available for families. Include how you ensured that the information you provided was current. Provide an example of how you used a digital platform or technology in researching about community resources or sharing information.
j) Describe how you followed service policies and procedures and relevant frameworks in your conversations with families. Provide links to specific policies or frameworks where applicable and how you complied.
Service policy:
Education and Care Services National Regulations:
National Quality Standards:
Early Years Learning Framework:

Part 2: Reflective practice journals- Establish and maintain relationships with families
To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to demonstrate evidence of your ability to establish and maintain relationships with families. You must demonstrate the following skills:
2.1 Support families through enrolment and orientation processes according to service policies and procedures
2.2 Provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families
2.3 Respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way
2.4 Communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role
2.5 Encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture
2.6 Inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child
It is acknowledged that you may not be permitted to communicate or respond to families at work placement in some situations.
If you are permitted to respond to families in the above situations, complete Section1.
The Assessor will complete the Observation Checklist and gain verification and feedback from your workplace supervisor via a professional conversation to confirm you have implemented the skills at the nominated workplace.
If you are not permitted to respond to families in the above situations, complete Section 2 and the workplace supervisor must complete the Service resource assessment (Appendix 1).
Your Assessor will complete the Observation Checklist using simulated assessment and gain feedback from your workplace supervisor via a professional conversation.
Submission requirements:
• Completed reflective questions (Section 1 – Tables 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19) or
• Completed simulation questions (Section 2 – Tables 11, 12, 14, 17, 20)
How you will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist to understand what the student needs to demonstrate. The TAFE teacher/assessor must review and assess the student’s documentation and associated unit Observation Checklist (Assessment 4).
Table 9 Reflective questions
2.1 Support families through enrolment and orientation processes according to service policies and procedures
2.2 Provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families
a) Are you permitted to support families through the enrolment and orientation processes according to service procedures?
Yes ? Complete Section 1 Reflective questions (Table 10). Ensure you maintain confidentiality (such as not using names of anyone involved in your response).
No ? Complete Section 2 (Table 11). Ask your workplace supervisor to complete Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment and submit with this assessment.
b) Are you permitted to provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families?
Yes ? Complete Section 1 Reflective questions (Table 10). Ensure you maintain confidentiality (such as not using names of anyone involved in your response).
No ? Complete Section 2 (Table 11). Ask your workplace supervisor to complete Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment and submit with this assessment.
Table 10 Section 1 Reflective questions
Section 1 Reflective questions
2.1 Support families through enrolment and orientation processes according to service policies and procedures
2.2 Provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families
a) Explain how you supported families during enrolment and orientation. Include the policy that you referred to and outline the steps involved?
b) Describe how you provided current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families.
Table 11 Section 2 Simulation
Section 2 Simulation
Scenario: You are the educational leader and have been asked to carry out the enrolment and orientation session with a new child, Isabella and her family, Rosita (Mum) and Luciana (Grandma) at your service.
a) Explain the steps you would take to implement the enrolment and orientation procedures. List the relevant policy and procedures.
b) What types of information about the service and its operation would you provide to the family?
Table 12 Simulation
2.3 Respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way
a) Are you permitted to respond to families’ questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way?
Yes ? Complete Section 1 Reflective questions (Table 13). Ensure you maintain confidentiality (such as not using names of anyone involved in your response).
No ? Complete Section 2 (Table 14). Ask your workplace supervisor to complete Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment and submit with this assessment.
Table 13 Section 1 Reflective questions
Section 1 Reflective questions
2.2 Respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way
a) Explain what question, concern or request the family had.
b) Reflect on the strategies that you used to respond in a prompt, respectful and supportive way.
Table 14 Section 2 Simulation
Section 2 Simulation
Scenario: Rosita, Isabella’s Mum is concerned about Isabella’s first day because it is her first time to attend a service and has never been away from her. During morning arrival, Rosita expresses that she is feeling unsure if Isabella will settle down without her. She insists to stay for the day to help Isabella to settle in the service. You noticed that Isabella was excited to play with other children.
a) Identify the concerns, question and request in the scenario. Explain the steps you would take to respond to the family in a prompt and supportive way.
b) How would you negotiate with Rosita? What are some strategies that you can offer to reassure Rosita and Isabella?
Table 15 Reflective question
2.4 Communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role
2.5 Encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture
a) Are you permitted to communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role, including sharing their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture?
Yes ? Complete Section 1 Reflective questions (Table 16). Ensure you maintain confidentiality (such as not using names of anyone involved in your response).
No ? Complete Section 2 (Table 17). Ask your workplace supervisor to complete Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment and submit with this assessment.
Table 16 Section 1 Reflective questions
Section 1 Reflective questions
2.4 Communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role
2.5 Encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture
a) Explain how you promoted opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role, including encouraging families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture?
Advisory, consultative, decision-making roles:
Culture, skills, expertise:
Table 17 Section 2 Simulation
Section 2 Simulation
Scenario: Over the weeks, Rosita (Mum) and Luciana (Grandma) express that they are happy with how Isabella has settled in the service. Luciana cooks a classic dish from their culture to bring to the service for educators to share. Rosita explains that the dish is called paella and it has rice, seafood and vegetables. They are looking for ways on how to help and contribute to the service.
a) How would you promote opportunities for the family to contribute to the following aspects of service operation: advisory, consultative and decision-making role
b) Describe how you would encourage their family to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture in the service.
Table 18 Reflective question
2.6 Inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child
a) Are you permitted to inform families of any incidents affecting their child?
Yes ? Complete Section 1 Reflective questions (Table 19). Ensure you maintain confidentiality (such as not using names of anyone involved in your response).
No ? Complete Section 2 (Table 20). Ask your workplace supervisor to complete Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment and submit with this assessment.
Table 19 Section 1 Reflective questions
Section 1 Reflective questions
2.6 Inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child
a) Explain how you informed families of any incidents affecting their child. Discuss how you responded promptly and sensitively in informing the family.
Table 20 Section 2 Simulation
Section 2 Simulation
Scenario: At the climbing area, Isabella was balancing on the beam. Suddenly, she fell on the mat and screamed in pain. You rushed to administer First Aid and noticed that her finger was swollen, and it may have been caught in an awkward position when she landed on the mat. You know that Isabella’s family is protective and concerned of her safety. Once Isabella calmed down, you followed the procedure and filled in an accident/incident report and phoned Rosita (Mum) to notify of the incident. As expected, Rosita was distressed.
a) How would you inform Rosita promptly about the incident? Explain the communication methods that you will use when speaking to Rosita.
b) How would you respond to Rosita in a supportive and sensitive manner?

Assessment checklist
The following checklist will be used by your TAFE NSW Teacher/Assessor to mark your performance against the assessment criteria of your assessment tasks. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge you need to demonstrate during this assessment event. All the criteria described in this assessment checklist must be met.
Table 21 Assessment checklist
STEP # Instructions
The student; S U/S Assessor comments
Part 1 Collaborate with two families to foster connections with the local community
1.2 Create a welcoming space for families
1.2a Identified place/area in the service to create a welcoming space for families. ?
1.2b Described setup of the welcoming space.
Included resources or a photo. ?
1.3 Consultation with Workplace supervisor
Family 1
Documented conversation with Workplace supervisor on how to :
a) Access and comply to relevant policies and procedures in your interactions with families.
b) Gather information
– Identified current service practice and experiences offered to foster children’s connections with their local community.
– Identified current child’s interest and involvement in experiences to foster understanding and connections to the community.
c) Support children’s connections with the community and engage families
– Discussed ideas on how to provide opportunities for children to access and engage within the local communities.
– Discussed how you can engage families in supporting children’s connections with the community
– Gained Workplace supervisor approval on any other communication tools used ?
Family 2 Documented conversation with Workplace supervisor on how to :
a) Access and comply to relevant policies and procedures in your interactions with families, including information on the referral process
b) Gather information
– Identified current family needs for local community support, services or resources.
c) Support family in providing information about government and community services and resources.
– Based on the family’s needs, discussed possible government and community support services and resources that the family can access.
– Gained Workplace supervisor approval on any other communication tools used ?
1.4 Organise an agreed time to meet with two families
Described how you organised to have a conversation with the family. Included communication techniques that you used, including how you relayed information in a culturally appropriate and respectful manner for Family 1 and Family 2. ?
1.5 Collaborate with two families
Family 1 a) Described how you shared how the service program and practice has introduced or encouraged children’s connections with the local community.
b) Described how you shared children’s engagement in experiences to foster connections with their local community. Described how you used digital formats such as daily journals or stories accessible in the service app, websites or videos about the topic.
c) Discussed how you shared ideas on how to provide opportunities for children to access and engage within the local communities.
d) Documented how you encouraged the family to share ideas on how to support children’s awareness of the local community. Recorded their feedback. ?
Family 2 a) Described how you provided the family with information on local community support, services or resources. Included the communication tools that you used.
b) Documented how you encouraged the family to share their thoughts, ideas and feedback. ?
1.6 Reflective questions
a Provided an example of how you demonstrated active listening whilst interacting with families. ?
b Provide an example of how you engaged in collaborative discussion and decision-making with families. ?
c Provided an example of how you used verbal communication in sharing information. ?
d Provided an example of when you used open and closed-ended questions. ?
e Provided an example of when you used negotiation skills. If this did not happen, provided an example of when you could have used negotiation skills. ?
f Described how you responded to questions in a supportive and timely manner. If this did not happen, provided suggestions on how you would respond in a timely and supportive manner. ?
g Described how you communicated in ways that show understanding of children and their families. Included how you supported communication with families from diverse cultures. ?
h Described how you have maintained ongoing positive relationships with families. ?
i Described how you have accessed information about community services and resources to make this available for families. Included how you ensured that the information you provided was current.
Provided an example of how you used a digital platform or technology in researching about community resources or sharing information. ?
j Described how you followed service policies and procedures and relevant frameworks in your conversations with families. Provided links to specific policies or frameworks where applicable and how you complied. ?
Part 2 Reflective practice journals – Establish and maintain relationships with families
2.1 Support families through enrolment and orientation processes according to service policies and procedures
2.2 Provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families
Is the student permitted to support families through the enrolment and orientation processes according to service procedures? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Is the student permitted to provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Section 1 Reflected on how the student:
a) supported families during enrolment and orientation and included the policy that you referred to and outlined the steps involved.
b) provided current and accurate information about service operation available to families ?
Section 2 Responded appropriately to the scenario. The student:
a) Explained the steps you would take to implement the enrolment and orientation procedures. Listed the relevant policy and procedures.
b) Identified the types of information that you would provide about the service and its operation. ?
2.3 Respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way
Is the student permitted to respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Section 1 Reflected on how the student:
a) Identified the family’s questions, concern or request.
b) Utilised strategies to respond in a prompt, respectful and supportive way. ?
Section 2 Responded appropriately to the scenario. The student:
a) Identified the concerns, question and request in the scenario. Explained the steps you would take to respond to the family in a prompt and supportive way.
b) Explained how you would negotiate with Rosita. Identified some strategies that you can offer to reassure Rosita and Isabella. ?
2.4 Communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role
2.5 Encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture
Is the student permitted to communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Is the student permitted to encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Section 1 Reflected on how the student:
a) promoted opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role, including encouraging families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture. Utilised strategies to respond in a prompt, respectful and supportive way. ?
Section 2 Responded appropriately to the scenario. The student:
a) Identified opportunities for the family to contribute to the following aspects of service operation: advisory, consultative and decision-making role
b) Described how you would encourage their family to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture in the service. ?
2.6 Inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child
Is the student permitted to inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child? ? Yes – Complete section 1.
? No – Complete section 2. Ensure that the Service resource assessment form is retained as evidence.
Section 1 Reflected on how the student:
a) informed families of any incidents affecting their child. Discuss how you responded promptly and sensitively when informing the family. ?
Section 2 Responded appropriately to the scenario. The student:
a) Identified how you would inform Rosita promptly about the incident. Explained the communication methods that you will use when speaking to Rosita.
b) Describe how you would respond to Rosita in a supportive and sensitive manner. ?
Observation Checklist Observation Checklist has been completed and submitted where skills have been observed or verified by the TAFE Assessor ?

Appendix 1 – Service resource assessment
As part of the skills assessment for this unit, you are required to demonstrate the skills outlined below for the families in your service. Where there is evidence that the service does not permit performance of any of the following skills and/or demonstrations by individuals who are not staff members, TAFE NSW will provide alternative simulated activities and scenarios. Please indicate any skills that are not permitted to be performed in the service below.
Table 22 Unit details
Unit code and title CHCECE050 | Work in partnerships with children’s families
Table 23 Student details
Student name
Table 24 Workplace details
Name of service
Age range
Contact person
Table 25 Workplace supervisor verification of demonstrations not permitted
Demonstrations Please indicate the skills NOT permitted- X Alternative arrangements
(Teacher/Assessor to complete)
2.1 Support families through enrolment and orientation processes according to service policies and procedures ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 11)
2.2 Provide current and accurate information about the operation of the service available to families ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 11)
2.3 Respond to family’s questions, concerns and requests in a prompt and supportive way ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 14)
2.4 Communicate and promote opportunities for families to contribute to the operation of the service in an advisory, consultative or decision-making role ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 17)
2.5 Encourage families to share their knowledge, skills, expertise and aspects of their family life and culture ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 17)
2.6 Inform families promptly and sensitively of any incidents affecting their child ?
? AE 3 Workplace Portfolio (Part 2: Section 2 Simulation: Table 20)
Table 26 Workplace supervisor referee declaration
Declaration Details
Workplace supervisor name
Table 27 Teacher/assessor verification
Declaration Details
Assessor verification/validation ? Via professional conversation with the workplace supervisor
Teacher/assessor name
Teacher/assessor signature
Assessment feedback
NOTE: This section must have the Teacher/Assessor and student signature to complete the feedback. If you are submitting through the TAFE NSW online learning platform, your Teacher/Assessor will give you feedback via the platform.
Assessment outcome
? Satisfactory
? Unsatisfactory
Assessor feedback
? Has the assessment declaration for this assessment event been signed and dated by the student?
? Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?
? Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?
Student name, signature and date


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