Apply judgement and justify ethical business decision making in the planning and managing of social media and digital projects in diverse context. ULO4: Create a digital and social media marketing plan that addresses the challenges involved in planning, developing, implementing and controlling an organisation’s marketing strategy. PLEASE NOT

Unit Learning Outcomes:
ULO1: Appraise digital and social media marketing tactics and/or strategies in the development of an online presence in a global business environment.
ULO2: Assess an authentic social media marketing campaign to identify areas of success and propose recommendations for improvements.
ULO3: Apply judgement and justify ethical business decision making in the planning and managing of social media and digital projects in diverse context.
ULO4: Create a digital and social media marketing plan that addresses the challenges involved in planning, developing, implementing and controlling an organisation’s marketing strategy.
PLEASE NOTE: The Excel file attached below, which you had used throughout the Semester, will be useful for this assessment.
DM SWOT – Schedule – Audit – Competitor Analysis – Persona [xlsx | 23KB]Download DM SWOT – Schedule – Audit – Competitor Analysis – Persona [xlsx | 23KB]
Assessment 3: Digital Marketing Strategy (Individual Assessment) (50% of the final grade)
Please note: In this assessment, you have a choice which case study you wish to work on:
Case Study 1: Psychedelic Research in Science and Medicine (PRISM): to an external site. which will be discussed in Week 3 via an online briefing with Dr Stephen Bright who is on the Board of PRISM ( Module 3 has the recorded presentation briefing by Dr Bright – please refer to Module 3.
Case study 2: The Digital Marketing Crew brand (our unit’s brand, which Assessments 1 and 2 were based on and thus Assessment 3 would be a continuation of that work).
50% of the final grade
Maximum 3,000 words (+/- 10%) – please include a word count at the end of your submission. A pdf or MS Word file to the format specified below in Assignment Instructions, must be submitted in Canvas. The word limit excludes the table of contents, executive summary, and reference list.
Arial, 10 font size, single spaced, is preferred.
Due date & time:
Week 13, Sunday 29 October 2023 by 11:59pm AWST.
How to submit:
Electronically, via Canvas Assignments Assignment 3 submission link.
Unit learning outcomes:
· ULO1: Appraise digital and social media marketing tactics and/or strategies in the development of an online presence in a global business environment.
· ULO2: Assess an authentic social media marketing campaign to identify areas of success and propose recommendations for improvements.
· ULO3: Apply judgement and justify ethical business decision making in the planning and managing of social media and digital projects in diverse context.
· ULO4: Create a digital and social media marketing plan that addresses the challenges involved in planning, developing, implementing and controlling an organisation’s marketing strategy.
Course learning outcomes:
· CLO#1: Demonstrate mastery of a global body of marketing knowledge and practice, including knowledge of research principles and methods [AQF K1, K2, S1].
· CLO#2: Apply critical thinking and technical skills to solve authentic marketing problems [AQF S2, S3].
· CLO#4: Independently initiate, plan and execute a substantial project to meet agreed deliverables [AQF S5, A1, A2, A3].
Assessment instructions
As part of this assessment, you need to first research the case study brand. You must also ensure that you develop a realistic digital marketing strategy, which follows the requirements outlined below. Please ensure that your digital marketing strategy considers and seamlessly integrates the brand, and leverages off of their current digital activity and traditional (offline) marketing and branding activities, if there are any. It must include one (1) Social Media Marketing Campaign.
This strategy is to be presented in a professional industry report format; key components of the plan’s structure are outlined below.
It is critical that your strategy draws on digital marketing theory and benchmarks against industry case studies (as discussed in MKT5325), and references both academic literature and industry sources.
Cover page (professionally presented, i.e. Not ECU cover page)
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (not included in word count)
The purpose of the executive summary is to summarise and highlight the main features of your strategy in a way that will make the reader want to learn more. It must include enough information that the main points from your Digital Marketing Strategy are understood without having to read the entire report. It must read as a stand-alone document, i.e. if someone was to read this section they would know exactly what the key points are or what is unique about your strategy.
2.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS (not included in word count)
The introduction should introduce the strategy and provide a brief overview of what is to be found in the document. This section should be clear and concise, and should outline the key sections of the report, outline what the key strategic aspects are, and, most importantly, entice the reader to read on (approximately 250 words).
In this section you should analyse what is happening in the brand’s operating environment, specifically in the digital and social media space. Your analysis should be supported with information sourced from Flashdash in Synthesio and other programs introduced to you in this unit, eg: Google Trends, similarweb, Facebook (Meta) Ad Library, and any other freemium products, analyse digital marketing activity relating to this brand and its competitors. Include excerpts of your analyses in this section to support your claims.You need to explain the brand’s current activity as well as the activity of at least two of its competitors. Some aspects to consider include but are not limited to:
Reach and Volume of activity
Share of Voice
Share of Interactions
Engagement rate
Social Media trends
This section should identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the brand’s current social media activities.
Your Digital SWOT analysis for this brand should also consider the following:
current digital marketing trends
competitor analysis
key selling points (competitive advantage)
the brand’s current digital marketing activity.
Note: You do not need these as separate subheadings within your document.
Your Digital SWOT should identify gaps in the brand’s current digital marketing.
Formatting tip: The Digital SWOT table should be included and should summarise key points for the SWOT analysis, in bullet point format. The Digital SWOT table should be supported with 3-4 paragraphs (underneath the table) explaining the key findings from the SWOT analysis.
5.1 Demographics, Psychographics, Behavioural, and Geographic: What are the identifying characteristics of your target audience as a segment (a group)? Consider age group, gender, where they live, singles/families/couples etc. What motivates them generally and specifically in digital media interactions? What are their interests? What will appeal to them? How do they use digital media? Support with well-researched information. Identify 2 target audiences.
5.2 Persona Development: Based on the information you had outlined in section 5.1, use the persona overview template provided, and develop a persona for the ‘typical’ person whom represents each target audience for this brand. This section should be 1 page in length for each of the 2 personas (1 persona per target audience), well researched and supported with references.
6.1 Strategic Purpose: What is the primary purpose/ aim/ outcome sought by this strategy? How will it support the business strategy? How will the SMM Campaign support the Digital Marketing Strategy?
6.2 Objectives: What are the objectives of the Digital Marketing Strategy? What are the objectives of the SMM Campaign? These must be in the S-M-A-R-T format.
6.3 Key Message: What are the key messages that this strategy will communicate to the target audience? What is the single message the SMM Campaign will communicate? How will you position this brand? Briefly outline the messages and describe in detail the reasoning behind it.
Identify the key digital marketing platforms which you propose to use for this strategy (Hint: these need to align with your target audience and your objectives).
Develop a schedule showing digital marketing channels and dates for the whole strategy.
Incorporate paid, organic and company-owned social media activity as well as digital channels such as SEO, website, e-news, email, apps and others, if appropriate to your proposed strategy.
Identify on the schedule the channels and tactics you would use for the SMM Campaign.
What is the proposed budget for the SMM campaign? This should align with your digital strategy and campaign schedule. You must substantiate your budget with well-researched information.
Explain how you will monitor, track and report on the success of this strategy. Specifically, how would you use the platforms you have been introduced to in this unit (eg: Hootsuite, Synthesio, GA and others) to track, monitor and report on this strategy?
Explain how you will monitor, track and report on the success of the campaign. Which metrics will you use? These could be presented alongside the digital and social media marketing schedule.
A clear and concise conclusion, summarising the main points of the report should be provided. This is your last opportunity within your report to convince this brand that yours is the winning strategy.
10.0 REFERENCE LIST (not included in word count)
Please reference all your sources thoroughly so that you cannot be accused of plagiarism. If you are unsure about the referencing process then you must seek some advice from your lecturer/tutor and/or see the ECU Referencing Guide.
A minimum of 15 references (including a minimum 5 academic sources) must be cited to pass this assessment.
All references must be cited (in-text and in the Reference List) in APA format and references should only appear in the Reference List if they are cited in the body of the report.
To achieve a high grade in this assessment, a range of references from credible sources must be sourced. This should include a variety of academic literature, industry and media sources.
11.0 APPENDICES (not included in word count)
Appendices are for materials that are relevant to your Strategy but which are too bulky or disrupt the flow in-text. Only include information as an Appendix if it adds value to your submission or provides necessary information to support your report claims.
Appendices must be presented in the order in which you use them in-text. This in turn means that you have to label Appendices in order – A, B, C, etc. Do not place anything in an Appendix unless you refer to it in-text.
Marking criteria
The marking rubric outlining the required criteria for this assessment, can be found below.
Feedback will be available via Canvas Grades and comments in the marking rubric.
When your results are released, select View rubric evaluation to the right of this assignment page to access your detailed feedback.
See the Supplementary, Extra Resources folder in every weekly Learning Module on Canvas.
Please refer to the following Rubric Download Rubric for the marking criteria and information on this assignment.
Other Resources
APA 7th Referencing GuideLinks to an external site.
Academic Integrity
Unit Plan with Assessment InstructionsDownload Unit Plan with Assessment Instructions
DM Plan
DM Plan
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroduction
2 to 1.59 Pts
High Distinction
Provides a thorough and succinct introduction to the report. Introduction seamlessly links main elements. Allows the reader to effortlessly link what was covered in the introduction and what follows.
1.59 to 1.39 Pts
Provides a thorough introduction to the report. Introduction seamlessly links main elements.
1.39 to 1.19 Pts
Provides a clear introduction to the report.
1.19 to 0.99 Pts
Provides a basic introduction to the report.
0.99 to 0 Pts
Introduction does not clearly relate to topic and/or does not introduce the report.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDigital SWOT
10 to 7.99 Pts
High Distinction
Provides thorough and succinct SWOT analysis, including insights from Synthesio analysis and insights from other software. Includes relevant examples from research. Researched in great depth.
7.99 to 6.99 Pts
Provides thorough SWOT analysis, including insights from Synthesio analysis and insights from other software. Includes examples from research. Researched in depth.
6.99 to 5.99 Pts
Provides clear SWOT analysis, including Synthesio analysis and insights from other software. Includes some examples from research. Researched adequately.
5.99 to 4.99 Pts
Provides basic SWOT analysis and brief insights from Synthesio analysis and insights from other software. Includes brief supporting evidence.
4.99 to 0 Pts
The SWOT analysis is very brief, no Synthesio or other software insights are presented. Responses were superficial and/or inadequate.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeTarget Audience
9 to 7.19 Pts
High Distinction
Provides a thorough and succinct explanation of the target audience. Includes details about demographics, psychographics and other information. Includes persona template. Researched in great depth.
7.19 to 6.29 Pts
Provides a thorough explanation of the target audience. Includes details about demographics, psychographics and other information. Includes persona template. Researched in depth.
6.29 to 5.39 Pts
Provides a clear explanation of the target audience. Includes persona template. Includes most details about demographics, psychographics and other information. Researched adequately.
5.39 to 4.49 Pts
Provides basic insight into the target audience. Includes some details about demographics, psychographics and other information. Includes persona template. Includes brief supporting evidence.
4.49 to 0 Pts
Does not clearly explain the target audience. Does not include persona template. Responses were superficial and/or inadequate.
9 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeObjectives, Message, Purpose
7 to 5.59 Pts
High Distinction
At a strategic and campaign level, provides clear, succinct purpose and states objectives in SMART format. The key message is clearly expressed and targeted.
5.59 to 4.89 Pts
At a strategic and campaign level, provides a clear purpose and states objectives in SMART format. The key message is clearly expressed and targeted.
4.89 to 4.19 Pts
At a strategic and campaign level, provides purpose and states objectives in SMART format. The key message is clearly expressed and targeted.
4.19 to 3.49 Pts
At a strategic and campaign level, provides purpose and states objectives, mostly, in SMART format. The key message is somewhat clearly expressed and targeted.
3.49 to 0 Pts
Does not identify a clear purpose and/or objectives are not in SMART format, at a strategic nor at a campaign level. The key message is not provided or not clear.
7 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeStrategy
13 to 10.39 Pts
High Distinction
Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly identifies the key channels, tactics and timeline. Proposes a range of channels and options (paid and free sources). Develops a schedule. Researched in great depth.
10.39 to 9.09 Pts
Clearly and thoroughly identifies the key channels, tactics and timeline. Develops a schedule. Proposes a range of channels and options (paid and free sources). Researched in depth.
9.09 to 7.79 Pts
Clearly identifies the key channels, tactics and timeline. Develops a schedule. Proposes a range of channels and options (paid and free sources). Researched adequately.
7.79 to 6.49 Pts
Identifies some of the key channels, tactics and timeline. Develops a schedule. Shows some attempt at incorporating a range of channels and options (paid and free sources). Includes brief supporting evidence.
6.49 to 0 Pts
Inadequately identifies key channels, tactics and timeline; and/or does not show any attempt at incorporating a range of channels and options (paid and free sources). Does not develop a schedule. Little or no evidence of any supporting research.
13 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeMonitoring & Control
6 to 4.79 Pts
High Distinction
Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly explains how the success of this strategy and campaign will be monitored. Clearly, thoroughly and succinctly identifies what metrics will be used and what reporting will be produced. Includes examples and a suitable monitoring schedule.
4.79 to 4.19 Pts
Clearly and thoroughly explains how the success of this campaign will be monitored. Clearly and thoroughly identifies what metrics will be used and what reporting will be produced. Includes examples and a monitoring schedule.
4.19 to 3.59 Pts
Clearly explains how the success of this campaign will be monitored. Clearly identifies what metrics will be used and what reporting will be produced. Includes a monitoring schedule.
3.59 to 2.99 Pts
Explains how the success of this campaign will be monitored. Identifies what metrics will be used and what reporting will be produced. Includes a somewhat suitable monitoring schedule.
2.99 to 0 Pts
Inadequately explains, or does not explain, how the success of this campaign will be monitored. Inadequately identifies, or does not identify, what metrics will be used and what reporting will be produced. Does not include a monitoring schedule.
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeVocabulary
1 to 0.79 Pts
High Distinction
Fluently uses a sophisticated and varied vocabulary, incorporating academic and discipline specific terminology with ease.
0.79 to 0.69 Pts
Fluently uses a wide and varied vocabulary, correctly incorporating some academic and discipline specific terminology.
0.69 to 0.59 Pts
Uses a wide range of vocabulary and discipline specific terminology correctly and consistently.
0.59 to 0.49 Pts
Uses vocabulary, with limited use of academic and/or discipline specific terminology. Some word choices create confusion.
0.49 to 0 Pts
Uses a limited business vocabulary and/or confusing word choices. Academic and/or discipline specific terminology is not used and/or used out of context.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeStructure
1 to 0.79 Pts
High Distinction
Appropriate and consistent report structure and format, including content, design and consistency. Material is organised logically and includes all components. Sophisticated and effective use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions. Precise use of vocabulary and discipline-specific terminology The meaning is consistently clear with a high level of attention to detail including grammar, syntax and spelling. Includes an Executive Summary.
0.79 to 0.69 Pts
Appropriate and mostly consistent report structure and format, including: content, design and consistency. Material is generally organised logically and includes all components. Minimal spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. Well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. A wide range of vocabulary and discipline-specific used. The meaning is clear. There is attention to detail including grammar, syntax and spelling. Includes an Executive Summary.
0.69 to 0.59 Pts
Appropriate report structure and format, including: content, design and consistency. Material is organised somewhat logically and includes most components. Some errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraph construction which do not affect meaning. A range of vocabulary and discipline-specific terminology used. Overall meaning is clear, however there are minor instances of awkward expression. There are some lapses in detail. Includes an Executive Summary.
0.59 to 0.49 Pts
Report structure and format is applied, however it is not consistent and/or suitable to this report. Material is organised somewhat logically and includes most components. Frequent errors with spelling, punctuation, grammar, and paragraph structure errors which occasionally affect meaning. Generally appropriate vocabulary and key discipline-specific terminology used. The intended meaning can be discerned despite some lack of clarity and/or awkwardness. Significant lapses in detail. Includes an Executive Summary.
0.49 to 0 Pts
There is no appropriate report structure and format. Material is not organised logically and/or does not include the required components. Use of language fails to make meaning clear. There are many errors in grammar, syntax and spelling. Does not include an Executive Summary.
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeReferencing
1 to 0.79 Pts
High Distinction
Referencing is excellent. In-text and end-text referencing all conforms to ECU Referencing guidelines.
0.79 to 0.69 Pts
Referencing is very good. There may be some minor errors which need to be addressed.
0.69 to 0.59 Pts
Referencing is good. There are some errors which need to be addressed.


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