Research, justify and propose a marketing plan for a brand of your choice Objectives: • Research and analyse the markets and customers of your chosen brand (Situation Analysis). • Determine how the business segments the market, its targeting of their customer and positioning of the brand.

30 CREDITS 100% OF MODULE WORD COUNT: 5000+/- 10% STAFF: Kaye Herriott HAND IN: 22nd JANUARY 2024 12 MIDDAY

Marketing Plan Report

(Anouska Jones 2023)

Aims & Objectives

• Research, justify and propose a marketing plan for a brand of your choice
• Research and analyse the markets and customers of your chosen brand (Situation Analysis).
• Determine how the business segments the market, its targeting of their customer and positioning of the brand.
• Analyse the research to define the marketing objectives needed for the business to move forward.
• Propose between 2-4 viable innovative marketing campaign strategies for the brand.
• Define how the strategies will be implemented.
• Evaluate how the success of the marketing campaign strategies will be measured through (key performance indicators (KPI’s).

Marketing plans need to be created annually to give a strategic direction to a business for the year ahead or longer.
There have been many challenges for fashion businesses over the last 3 years. The businesses that looked ahead and adapted to the innovations within the changing market, managed to survive. Whereas many already struggling businesses, ended up going into administration.

Task Requirements

The module requires you to develop a marketing plan for a fashion retailer/brand of your choice. You must take into consideration the impact of the past 3 years and the current macro environmental factors that will have impacted the business. Research, analyse and propose how your brand of choice needs to adapt their marketing plans for the future. Take into consideration the current macro environmental forces (in a PESTLE). The current situation of the business along with the market. Look at what marketing campaign strategies the business needs to put into place to be innovative, remain ahead of the competition and how they need to communicate appropriately to its customer in the short-term, mid-term future and long-term future
Find a brand/retailer that has either:
• Lost market share
• The sales are down
• The brand has had bad press which has affected sales
• You feel that it is looking tired and needs a new strategy to improve the customers perception post Covid-19
Create a marketing plan written report. You may include visuals, charts, diagrams, text and infographics if you wish. This should be written professionally presented in an academic report format.
The word count is between 5000 words (+/-10%).

All teaching on this module relates to the marketing planning process, so you will understand each stage that is required within the project from your lectures and seminars throughout term 1.

The marketing plan brochure should be referenced using the Harvard system (found on Cite them Right on the library website

Tables can be used for the following business models; (PESTLE, SWOT, Marketing mix analysis, social media analysis, Ansoff’s Matrix, positioning map) and placed in the appendix or main body of text (the main body is preferred). These tables will not be counted in the word count, but must be in bullet points with the key findings written in a paragraph in the main body of text. This will demonstrate your critical analysis of the findings. Note – You should be able to get the key messages across without reading the tables.

After all of your research you then need to analyse the best marketing strategies to market your brand that are current, innovative and relevant to the target customer. Your strategies should have clear SMART objectives. You must propose how your marketing activity will be planned, developed, launched and how you will measure the success of your marketing activities through KPI’s (key performance indicators). Develop 2-4 of the most important ideas for marketing strategies in depth and detail.

Marking Criteria
You will be graded on the following criteria:

Grading will be in accordance with the Fashion & Textiles mark descriptors (see attached sheets) and will be based on the following:
The grade will be in accordance with the university grading criteria and will be based on the following:

25% Presentation – Strength of written report and appropriateness of your marketing plan to the brands identity. Use of titles, tables of contents, list of tables and figures, appendix, list of references, in text citations, written clearly and concisely. The report should be referenced using Harvard referencing format.

25% Research – Evidence showing depth of research & academic underpinning using theories and business models.
25% Analysis – The use of critical analysis within the marketing plan that informs the decision-making process throughout.

25% Recommendations and Conclusions – Strength and appropriateness of your marketing plan and strategic decisions with evidence of innovation and originality that correlate with the research carried out.

The layout of the project should follow a similar basic structure to below (please note this is just a guide, you are encouraged add further theories and analysis):

The Stages The flow of a marketing plan Considerations and Analysis methods that could be used
Company Overview
Corporate Goals Executive Summary Background and context of current position of the company and an overview of the marketing plan including strategy DO THIS AT THE END TO SUMMARISE
Financial Summary Overview of past sales history and the market situation. (growth, stagnant or decline)
Mission Statement Sums up the companies goals and vision
Situation Analysis Research
Situation Analysis (where we are now) Research and analyse markets and customers Marketing Audit – The Market Trends (PESTLE) Marketing mix research (7p’s) Market research Competitor Research Social Media Analysis (Optional) SWOT (The last bit of research for this section)

Situation Analysis Market Position and The Customer
Determine the market and customer Determine segmentation, targeting and positioning Key market segments Target Market / Customer Persona Positioning
Set Marketing Objectives (Where we want to be) Marketing Objectives How the company aims to grow (use SMART objectives) ANSOFF’S MATRIX
Strategy Proposal (How you are going to
get there) Marketing Strategies Proposal of what strategies need to be put in place to grow the business

Strategy Formulation Marketing Strategies methods Tactics of marketing activities to help you achieve the objectives and mission

Implementation How strategies will be Implemented. Timeline of activities Budgets Monitoring – challenges, risks and benefits
Evaluate and Control How you monitor performance Measuring success What are the KPI’s How will the process be controlled Contingency plan

Word count
The word count is 5000 words +/- 10% The front cover, abstract, references and appendices are NOT included within the word count. Tables and charts are also not included within the word count.

The appendix should be used to show a copy of any primary research findings and any further supporting evidence which may not be deemed appropriate to include within the main body of the report. You can include theoretical models in here and discuss their relevance in the main body of text.

Academic References
These should be a mix of academic, retailer information and industry references. You are encouraged to read and research as widely as possible to better inform your knowledge and your work to get the best marks possible. References must be included within the reference list and presented in alphabetical order as per the Harvard Cite Them Right reference method.
Image references
Please provide a list of images separate to the academic references of all images used within the work. Please group image references by page. This is so you don’t have lots of figure numbers on the work that will ruin the look of the design.

Hand in
Formative Hand In (in week 6 10th November not marked) submit to turnitin
You have the opportunity to gain feedback on your project through formative feedback, you can submit either your PESTLE analysis, social media analysis or marketing mix analysis with your overview of the findings below it. Hand in is on the Friday 10th November 2023 at Midday 12:00pm on Turnitin. Then you will bring your handed in work into your seminar in week 7 (13th-17th November) and you will peer mark a project from a friend.

Summative Hand In (final hand in marked)
Summative feedback hand in Monday 22nd January 2024 at Midday 12:00pm This is the final Project hand in. Submit to Turnitin as PDF’s.

You must submit a self-evaluation form with your work (found in the FMAN3001 handbook)

Feedback date(s)
Available on Turnitin on the 22nd February 2024
This is in accordance with University regulations, which states that you will receive written feedback within 4 weeks of the hand in date (excluding Christmas and Easter vacation weeks). Please note unforeseen circumstances such as staff illness may mean that this date has to change.
Useful links and reading

Referencing using cite them right
The website
The book Harvard Cite Them Right Link:

Late work

It is imperative that you stick to the given deadline. If you are unable to meet the deadline, due to e.g. illness, you may apply for an extension to the hand in date however this must be done prior to the deadline. Note in particular that problems with information technology (loss of data, printer failure, etc.) will not be accepted as justification for an extension. It is essential you get into good and ‘safe’ habits with regard to computer work by ensuring you make regular back-ups of work and by ensuring that you do not leave printing until the last moment; note that printer queues become very large prior to assessments – inability to print work by published deadlines is not a valid reason for a coursework deadline extension.

The following penalties will be applied to late work.

• Unauthorized late work submitted up to 14 calendar days after the published deadline will be subject to a cap of 40%; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work
• Unauthorized late work submitted more than 14 days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0%; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work

Where hardcopy work is received on time but the work is received after the deadline date and time via Turnitin, then the whole submission will incur a ‘late submission penalty’ as follows

• Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin up to midnight 1 calendar day after the published Turnitin deadline will be accepted without penalty;
• Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin more than 1 calendar day after the published Turnitin deadline up to 14 calendar days after the published deadline will be subject to a cap of 40% applied to the whole submission; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work
• Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin more than 14 days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0% applied to the whole submission; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work

Feedback date(s)
You will receive written feedback on this report submission by 22nd February 2024
This is in accordance with University regulations which states that you will receive written feedback within 4 weeks of the hand in date +20% (excluding Christmas and Easter vacation weeks). Please note unforeseen circumstances such as staff illness may mean that this date has to change.
Formative feedback will also be given verbally throughout the module, through e.g. group and one on one tutorial sessions providing an opportunity for questions & to gain feedback on your progress. Please ensure you take advantage of these opportunities to get the most out of this module.

Student: Personal Tutor:
BA (Hons) Fashion Buying with Date:

Submission module code:

This form should be submitted as the FRONT sheet for EVERY assignment. Please reflect on what previous feedback you have had and how you have used the feedback to improve your work.
At the end of the year, you will be required to write a 1000-word reflection on your learning journey to date. Keep these sheets as a record, along with your feedback to help you with this assignment.

Reflection Summary (overall thoughts on how the assignment went to include positive and negative points):

Key Feedback Priorities: How have you addressed the feedback What next steps can you identify?



Which Library resources have you accessed? E.g., databases, industry publications, trend resources, books, journals, assistive technology, writing / referencing tutorials/ CLaSS sessions.

Comment on your attendance of lectures, seminars, and tutorials (have you attended all sessions, if not what has stopped you attending?)

Comment on your use of BB materials and resources

Have you used Studiosity? What feedback were you given and how have you addressed this ?

How have you managed your time in completing the assessment? What tools /strategies did you use? What was effective for you ? What would you do to improve your time management further?

How involved have you been with University Life such as Student Union Social (clubs and societies), Student Voice, DMU Global/ Local (Trips / Volunteering)?

Date submitted:

Student signature: Staff signature:
Should you wish to discuss your feedback please see the marking tutor
Fashion & Textiles Mark Descriptors
90-100% 1st 80-89% 1st 70-79% 1st 60-69% 2:1 50-59% 2:2

Fulfils all the assessment criteria for the module component at an exceptional level

Displays exceptional degree of originality and creativity.
Exceptional analytical, problem-solving and/or creative skills.

No fault can be found with the work other than very minor errors, omissions or limitations.

Fulfils all the assessment criteria for the module component at an outstanding level

Outstanding work showing a clear high level of understanding of the subject through its practice, interpretation or application. Written to an outstanding level and where applicable draws on a vast range of properly referenced reputable sources with outstanding use of theories and business models.

Work of outstanding quality, evidenced by an ability to engage critically, analytically and creatively.

Exhibits independent lines of argument and the strategic decisions have been developed to an outstanding level.

Displays an extremely high degree of originality and/or creativity achieving an outstanding standard of technical accomplishment.

Fulfils all the assessment criteria for the module component at an authoritative level

Extremely well developed work showing a clear and authoritative understanding of the subject through its practice, interpretation or application. Extremely well written and where applicable draws on a varied range of properly referenced reputable sources with excellent use of theories and business models.

Demonstrates significant originality, creativity and/or insight.
Significant evidence of ability to sustain an argument and/or concept, to think analytically, critically and/or creatively.

Evidence of extensive study throughout. The strategic decisions have been developed to a deep level

Demonstrates an excellent level of creativity, conceptual ability in the visual design of the project and achieves an excellent standard of technical accomplishment.
Fulfils the assessment criteria for the module component thoroughly

Demonstrates a thorough grasp of the relevant theories, concepts, principles, methods, and practices. Work is well written and where applicable draws on an appropriate range of properly referenced reputable varied sources.

Shows a thorough contextual understanding of the marketing plan process. Displays the ability to develop and progress a good concept/argument with critical analysis
that forms the decision-making process.

The strategic decisions have been developed to a thorough level and are appropriately written and presented, synthesising material, to construct responses and demonstrate creative skills which reveal insight and may offer some originality.

Demonstrates a thorough degree of creativity, conceptual ability in the visual design of the project with a good grasp of technical skills.

Fulfils assessment criteria for the module component effectively

Demonstrates an effective grasp of the relevant theories, concepts, principles, methods, and practices. Accurate, clearly written/presented and adheres to the referencing conventions appropriate to the subject and task, with a reasonable level of reputable varied sources.

Shows an effective contextual understanding of the marketing plan process. Displays a reasonably good ability to develop and progress a concept/argument with critical analysis
that forms the decision-making process.

The strategic decisions have been developed to an effective level and are appropriately written and presented

Demonstrates an appropriate degree of creativity, conceptual ability in the visual design of the project. Some limitations in the attainment of technical skills.

A little evidence of originality and/or innovation within the project

40-49% 3rd 30-39% Fail Grade 20-29% Fail Grade 10-19% Fail Grade 0-9% Fail Grade

Fulfils the assessment criteria for the module component at a Basic level

A response demonstrating an understanding of basic points and principles for the research and use of academic theories and business models to underpin the project.
Sufficient enough to show that some of the learning outcomes have been achieved at a basic level.

Displays a reasonable level of understanding and critical analysis within the marketing plan that forms the decision-making process

The strategic decisions have been developed to a basic level and are appropriately presented but are clearly derivative and insufficiently analytical.

The visual design of the project is appropriately presented and flows, but is designed to a basic level

Very little or no originality and/or innovation within the project

Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.

A weak response which, while addressing some elements of the task, contains significant gaps, inaccuracies or deficiencies in the level of research and use of academic theories and business models to underpin the project

Displays a weak level of understanding and critical analysis within the marketing plan that forms the decision-making process

The strategic decisions have been developed to a weak level with significant gaps, inaccuracies or deficiencies to the task

A weak response given to the visual design of the project

No originality and/or innovation within the project

Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.

A poor response demonstrating little relevant understanding displaying a poor level of research and use of academic theories and business models to underpin the project

Displays a poor level of understanding and critical analysis within the marketing plan that forms the decision-making process

The strategic decisions have been developed to a poor level with little adherence to the task

A poor response given to the visual design of the project

No originality and/or innovation within the project

Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.

A very poor response demonstrating very little relevant understanding displaying a very poor level of research and use of academic theories and business models to underpin the project

Displays a very poor level of understanding and critical analysis within the marketing plan that forms the decision-making process

The strategic decisions have been developed to a very poor level with very little adherence to the task

A very poor response given to the visual design of the project

No originality and/or innovation within the project

Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.

Displays virtually no evidence of research or use of academic theories and business models to underpin the project

No evidence of understanding and critical analysis within the marketing plan that forms the decision-making process

The strategic decisions haven’t been included or are insufficient

Virtually no consideration given to the visual design of the project

No level of originality or innovation within the project


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