How does the U.S. Constitution allocate power among the state and national governments?

  • How does the U.S. Constitution allocate power among the state and national governments? What are some of the ways in which the national government regulates the power of the states? How can federal officials enforce national standards? What are some of the downsides of having the federal government set national standards?
  • What does it mean to be a citizen and how has our ideal of citizenship been influenced by the ancient Greeks? How important is political knowledge to citizenship?
  • Describe and analyze the conflicts and compromises that occurred during the drafting of the Constitution. What was the main source of conflict between large and small states, and how did the Great Compromise resolve it? What was the nature of the conflict regarding slavery during the Philadelphia Convention? How did the Three-Fifths Compromise address this conflict?
  • Describe some of the problems under the Articles of Confederation that led to the drafting of a new constitution. In your answer, be sure to discuss national defense, foreign affairs, and the national government’s power under the Articles of Confederation as well as Shays’s Rebellion.
  • The American system of federalism experienced important transformations during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Describe these changes by discussing “New Federalism,” devolution, and the Supreme Court’s rulings on federalism. How did the developments of this period differ from the previous eras of American federalism?


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