NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
1 of 7
- TITLE and OVERVIEW slides (2 Marks)
You can score up to 2 marks if the presentation has a title slide and a clear overview slide of the
presentation (2 slides). You must choose one of the following titles: - Emergency management of adult smoke inhalation injuries
- Acute management of major thermal burns in adults
- ICU management of adult patients with severe head injury
- Acute management of drowning in paediatric patients
- Acute management of lower limb fracture in adults
Is the title slide one of the 5 titles provided above? NO
marking the
Does the overview slide have an accurate and chronological
framework/overview of presentation?
NO 1 Marks
2 Marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
2 of 7 - AIM/S OF THE PRESENTATION (3 Marks)
You can score up to 3 marks if in your own words you explain the aim/s of your presentation. What
do you want the audience take away from this presentation? (1 slide).
Is there an aim slide? NO 0 Marks
Is the aim explained and provide a basic understanding of what the
purpose of the presentation is? NO 1 Marks
Is the aim of the presentation clearly explained at an advanced
level for a 3rd year nursing student?
NO 2 Marks
3 Marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
3 of 7 - BACKGROUND (10 Marks)
You can score up to 10 marks if the presentation has a background that sets the context of your
presentation. A background should provide information about the topic, such as definition of the
condition and causes. A brief summary of the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and why the topic is
important and relevant for nursing practice. Please have in-text referencing in the bottom of the slides
and if the reference has more than two authors use et al. (Approximately 2 slides).
Is there a background provided in this presentation? NO 0 Marks
Is there a definition with pathophysiology and epidemiology of the
condition? NO 1-3 Marks
Does the background discuss in enough detail the causes/risk
factors/mechanism of injury (MOI) of the underlying condition and
the pathophysiology?
NO 4-6 Marks
Does this section provide high quality information?
Does it relate to the audience why the topic is important and
relevant for nursing practice?
Is there a minimum of 4 relevant and current references?
NO 7-9 Marks
10 marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
4 of 7 - ASSESSMENT (12 Marks)
You can score up to 12 marks if the presentation provides a detailed explanation on how patient
assessment is conducted and aligns with the topic chosen. (Approximately 2 slides).
Are there assessment slides NO 0 Marks
Does the patient assessment discuss in basic detail how the
assessment is conducted? Does the patient assessment align with
the topic chosen?
NO 1-3 Marks
Does the patient assessment discuss in moderate detail how the
assessment is conducted? It is clear what nurses you would be
looking for and looking at, feeling for and listening for during the
NO 4-6 Marks
Does the patient assessment discuss with outstanding detail how
the assessment is conducted? The deviation from the normal is
NO 7-9 Marks
12 Marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
5 of 7 - INTERVENTIONS (6 Marks)
You can score up to 6 marks if the presentation provides six priority interventions. Please combine the
interventions and rationales together on table.
Have any appropriate interventions been presented? NO 0 Marks
Are all the 6 interventions aligned with the condition and a
NO 1-3 Marks
Are all 6 of the interventions identified with outstanding detail?
The interventions and are detailed in what exactly needs to be
done, when, and how this will be done.
NO 4-5 Marks
6 Marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
You can score up to 10 marks if the presentation discusses the rationales for the planned interventions
with supporting literature. Explain the pathophysiology behind why the interventions are needed.
How the interventions may improve patient’s survival and outcomes. Please note that for in-text
referencing, if the reference has more than two authors use et al.
Are there rationales provided? NO 0 Marks
Do most of the rationales correctly align with the interventions,
with support from scientific literature?
NO 1-3 Marks
Do the rationales provide good explanation to why the
interventions may improve patient’s condition? NO 4-6 Marks
Is there an outstanding explanation of the link between the
interventions and the rationales? Are the rationales supported by
the evidenced based literature?
NO 7-9 Marks
10 Marks
NURS3101 (2019) In-service presentation of evidence
based practice – Assessment 2
Marking Algorithm
You can score up to 7 marks if the presentation meets the following criteria. A good presentation
includes confidence, passion, knowledge, naturalness, organization, time sensitivity and clarity.
Overall presentation understandable and interesting and
disseminated information clearly? NO 0 Marks
Mostly dot points and tables were used and the voice over
expanded upon each point throughout? NO 1-3 Marks
Has the clarity and quality of the voice recording been consistently
maintained and the slides were visually appealing throughout the
whole presentation?
NO 4-5 Marks
The presentation has the key factors of a quality presentation and
demonstrates professionalism worthy of presenting to your peers.
Time adhered to as 15 minutes maximum. Are the in-text APA
referencing and reference list appropriately used?
NO 6 Marks
7 Marks