Topic: Management and Leadership

Summative Assessment Brief:
You will construct a portfolio of tasks as per the instructions below. This portfolio will seek to apply your knowledge and learning of management and leadership theory to real-life leaders. You will consider multiple perspectives that will enable you to effectively reflect in the final task on how this learning may impact on your personal approaches to management and leadership. Ensure that you follow specific instructions for individual tasks, as a variety of assessment methods are applied. Crucially, the completion of formative assessments is essential to develop deep analysis in certain areas.
Chosen leader – Mary Barra (CEO of General Motors)
Note to the writer – use Mary Barra
Task 1: Mainstream theory analysis (750 words approx.)
Conduct a mainstream theoretical analysis of your chosen leader management and leadership approach.
To do this, you should construct a table with three columns:
• Column 1 will contain the name of the theory and/or theorist.
• Column 2 will contain a brief statement of how your leader fits with the theory stated in column 1 (there is no need to define the theory; your application should incorporate detail of what the theory is).
• Column 3 will provide evidence supporting the statement in column 2, e.g. examples of practice (whether from case studies, interviews or other further research.

Here is a guiding construction as what your table could look like:
Transactional Leadership (this could also be a theorist and their theory)
(Put a reference(s) for where this theory is sourced from or been read about, e.g. Hater and Bass, 1988) How would you compare your leader to this theory? E.g. ‘Transactional leadership traits can be seen in the way [insert name of leader] rewards her employees via performance incentives…’ Supporting evidence? E.g. ‘According to [insert relevant supporting reference], performance rewards are financially focused which indicates a strong style of traditional transactional leadership…’
Transformational Leadership How would you compare your leader to this theory? Supporting evidence?
Next theory/ theorist… … …

Theories from weeks 1-5 should provide enough depth here. However, recognition will be given for applying other mainstream concepts and theories found within additional reading. You should be applying 5-7 theories in this section. (Note: everything in the table contributes towards the word count. No introduction or conclusion is required for this task)
Note to the writer – Use transactional leadership, transformational leadership, trait theory, great man theory, House’s Path-Goal Theory, Situational (Contingency) Leadership, and Authentic Leadership
Use any 5 theories from the following and find another 2 from additional reading.
Task 2: Multi-stream theory analysis (1350 words approx.)
Essay title: ‘To what extent is your chosen leader an ethical and/or responsible leader?’
To answer this question, you need to provide a theoretical discussion, in essay format, using concepts and theories from week 6 onwards. In addition, you will be expected to make direct comparisons to the leader (or leaders) used within your second formative assessment. Your discussion should be balanced and offer arguments for and against particular viewpoints.
Recognition will be given for applying other concepts and theories found within additional reading.
This task will require a short introduction (50 words maximum) as well as concluding thoughts addressing the overarching question (50-100 words approx.).
Note to the writer: Concept and theories that you could use include for this section include (this is the topics list covered from week 6 onwards but you will get an idea of the concepts and theories that you should be using from the list):
• Multi-stream Leadership (including 4 basic styles), Servant Leadership, Spiritual Leadership, Hersey and Blanchard (1969) and Situational Leadership
• Stakeholder theory
• Understanding leadership in the context of SDG 9, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 5, Gender Equality
• Organizational Ambidexterity – the ‘paradoxical reality’
• Managing not so good behaviour – organizational realities
• Power and control (e.g. Foucault, McDonaldization; Health and well-being; Resilience)
• Leading and managing people through change (including drivers, barriers, episodic and continuous change, and challenges)

Also find some theories and concepts with additional reading as well in this section.

Task 3: Reflective thoughts (400 words approx.)
Title of task: ‘The personal impact of your chosen leader’
Using findings from the first formative assessment, make comparisons between your potential management and leadership style and that of your chosen leader. Address the following questions:

  1. What similarities and differences potentially exist between yours and your chosen leader’s management and leadership style?
  2. What aspects of your chosen leader’s approaches would you like to assimilate, or possibly avoid, within your future management and leadership style?
  3. In terms of ethical and responsible leadership, what have you gained from this module that you would like to take forward within a management career?
    Note: no introduction or conclusion is required for this task – you simply list the questions and write responses. Referencing should be applied where relevant; however, you may simply refer to theoretical concepts in this section where they have been previously highlighted or discussed in task 1 or 2.

Additional assessment guidance
In terms of content for the portfolio, there are a variety of approaches, as well as issues, which you can discuss. Many issues within this subject area are contentious and open to criticism and differing opinions. Thus, it is important to remember that this module does not contain right and wrong answers, it is a forum for debate and expression. The key is to be convincing and justified, and this is achieved through knowledge and understanding of the subject area and academic referenced support from credible sources. Nevertheless, the lecture and seminar content is a great starting point to consider issues that may be relevant.
Try to be direct in the application of authors’ opinions, theories and models to the case study being analysed. In other words, do not describe what theories and models are, apply them – this application will demonstrate knowledge (if applied correctly).
You should have a minimum of 12 references supporting your assessment. These should be clearly applied within the main body a reference list in Faculty Harvard format (full reference list of sources you have used in compiling the paper) must be included at the end of your work in the format specified by the faculty referencing handbook.

Marking/Assessment Criteria:
• Critical application of knowledge and understanding of theory relating to management and leadership. (All tasks)
• Well-constructed and balanced discussion of chosen leader’s management and leadership style. Critical application of ethical and/or responsible leadership theory, as well as comparisons to at least one other leader (as per Formative Assessment 2). (Task 2)
• Critical reflection comparing chosen leader’s management and leadership approaches to that of the student (as per Formative Assessment 1). (Task 3)
• Evidence of relevant reading. (All tasks)
• Accurate referencing using the Harvard System and a full References section at the end of the essay. (All tasks)
• Appropriate format. (All tasks)
The word count is 2500 words max, excluding references. Do not use appendices.
Students must achieve an overall pass mark of 40% or above to pass the module.
A note on word count:
The word count should be shown on the front of your assignment. Words in diagrams, tables or as part of an appendix do not count. A 10% mark reduction may be applied where a submission does not meet the word count criteria.

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