Capstone Research Paper & Public Service Announcement (PSA) (100 points) – 35% of final grade 5–7-page research paper (25%) and PSA (10%) * must be a minimum of 5 pages, not including imag

Capstone Research Paper & Public Service Announcement (PSA) (100 points) – 35% of final grade

5–7-page research paper (25%) and PSA (10%) * must be a minimum of 5 pages, not including images. Images should not take up more than 50% of the page.

Formatting and Style for Required Paper

NO COVER PAGE, save paper/waste of space!1-inch margins on all sides (change default settings on word processing software if needed)APA style recommends using either a sans serif font such as 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode, or a serif font such as 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or 10-point Computer Modern. I require Times New Roman fontDouble Spaced with Left Justification (the right side appears ragged and uneven)Indent first line of every paragraph ½ inchName and date in first line of paper on first page (left justified)Title of paper on second line (centered)Page number in footer on bottom right of page

Background Information:

You are a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) that is seeking to conduct a needs assessment on your community and implement a health-related program. Please follow all steps that outlines your research paper. A summary of this research paper will serve as your Public Service Announcement (PSA) that will be uploaded to e-Portfolio along with your paper.

Title: Health Assessment Impact in (Name of your Community)

Steps in the Capstone Research Paper:

Step 1: You must a culturally-specific public health issue to be studied in the community you live in. You are to utilize Take Care New York 2020 (TCNY2020) data as a starting point for your research. Take Care New York 2020 (TCNY 2020) is the New York City Health Department’s blueprint for giving everyone a healthier life. Its goal is twofold — to improve everyone’s health, and to make greater strides with groups that have the worst health outcomes, so that our city becomes a more equitable place for everyone. TCNY 2020 looks at not only health factors, but also social factors, like how many people in a community graduate from high school or go to jail. Goals were created based upon differences in health outcomes by age, race/ethnicity, gender, education, neighborhood, poverty, immigration status, borough and sexual orientation. Aspects of daily life that affect health such as housing, employment and education were also examined. TCNY 2020 was broken into four (4) broad categories of goals:

•      Promote Healthy Childhoods

•      Create Healthier Neighborhoods

•      Support Healthy Living

•      Increase Access to Quality Care

The New York City Health Department shared neighborhood-specific data from the Health Department’s Community Health Profiles and asked community members to rank their top health priorities; the top priorities across the city were: reducing obesity, improving air quality, meeting mental health needs, increasing physical activity and reducing cigarette smoking.

Step 2: You are to select one of the top health priorities in your community. The TCNY 2020 document provides detailed information on each one of the four (4) broad goals. After selecting a culturally-specific public health issue, you are to connect that issue with one of the top health priorities. You are using the TCNY 2020 data and information to support justification for your proposed health related program. Images of the TCNY data tables, etc., could be included in this section.

Step 3: You are to search for research peer-reviewed literature, using LaGuardia’s library database, on the culturally-specific public health issue. You must select 2-3 peer-reviewed journals. Provide a summary for each of the articles, in APA 7 format, as it relates to the health condition and any interventions used or addressed by the authors to support justification for community-based program interventions. This section should also integrate an understanding of the health status of the cultural group/population; determinants of health and illness being investigated; ethnomedical approaches to addressing the public health concern.

Step 4: Needs Assessment – The Compassion Capital Fund National Resource Center outlines the many benefits of conducting a community needs assessment ( see p.5). The six-step process for conducting a community needs assessment is as follows:

Step 1: Define the Scope

Step 2: Decide to Go Solo or Collaborate

Step 3: Collect Data

Step 4: Determine Key Findings

Step 5: Set Priorities and Create an Action Plan

Step 6: Share Your Findings

For this research paper you will only focus on and complete the highlighted sections of Steps 1, 3, and 5. In Step 1 (Define the Scope), you must answer the following questions:

·         What are the demographics of my community (income levels, races/ethnicities, number of youth)?

·         Who are the faith- and community-based organizations serving people in my community? What services are they providing and to whom?

·         What services are local public agencies providing, and to whom? (Include law enforcement, probation, courts, schools, and workforce development.)

·         What community organizations focus on these issues? Are they delivering service in a meaningful way?

·         Are there partnering opportunities with other nonprofits or faith-based and community organizations?

·         What are the gaps in service to people in the community? What would a complete system look like?

Step 5: Methods –In Step 3 (Collect Data), this section should include a description of the methods used for collecting your data. This section should also include details on the selected theoretical framework used to guide the needs assessment, as well as praxis approach (critical race praxis, decolonialization praxis, or intersectionality praxis) you selected for this research project. Images of the theoretical frame and praxis approach could be included in this section.

Step 6: Results –In Step 5 (Set priorities and Create an Action Plan), you will write a brief description of the proposed health related program that you will implement for your community. This program can be fictitious or an existing program. If you are making a fictitious program, be creative when selecting the name and type of health-related program. If you select a program that is already in existence and being conducted by a community-based or governmental organization, please give the name of the program and the name of the sponsoring organization. In this section, explain how you, as the health educator, would ensure that community members are informed of this program, participate in this program, and how they would communicate to you the effectiveness of the program. Images related to your program could be included in this section.

Step 7: Conclusion –Your paper’s conclusion section should summarize the information from Step 1 (Define the Scope) and how it relates to the culturally-specific public health issue, the theoretical framework, praxis approach, and how program planning could impact the future of this public health issue. Highlight any limitations to getting your community involved (access, transportation, health literacy issues, cultural competency, ethnomedical practices vs. traditional medical practice, and end with the relevance of this project to public health practice.

References: All statements of fact in the text should be referenced and cited in your references. The journals used in the literature review should also be cited. Citations must be in APA 7 format. Refer to the Formatting and Style for Required Paper.

Title: Health Assessment Impact in (Name of your Community)

Capstone Research Paper Headers:

Culturally-Specific Health Issue

Top Health Priority of (Name of Your Community)

Literature Review

Needs Assessment




PSA Format

Students will complete a brief PSA (3-5 minutes) discussing the key factors related to their Capstone Research Paper. The presentation must be video recorded. Your PSA should focus on highlighting the key factors from each step in your paper (i.e., introduction to the cultural-focused population; culturally-related health issues, selected theoretical framework – praxes (critical race praxis, decoloniality praxis, intersectionality praxis); your methods section, results section, and conclusion. You should upload your recorded PSA in your ePortfolio for review and assessment toward your capstone presentation requirement. 

Capstone Research Paper and PSA Grading:

·         Points will be deducted for not following APA guidelines and/or not completing PSA- *No late papers accepted.


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