Photoshop Assignment 3: Web Hero Banner (In-class and homework assignment)  For your third Photoshop assignment, you will be creating a web hero banner using Photoshop

Photoshop Assignment 3: Web Hero Banner (In-class and homework assignment)

 For your third Photoshop assignment, you will be creating a web hero banner using Photoshop tools and techniques we have learned this week including:

·        Selection tools

·        Masking techniques

 There are two parts of the assignment: in-class and homework parts.

 To complete the in-class assignment:

·        Download PS Web Hero Banner.psd

·        Open the Photoshop file

·        Open the Selection exercise folder and use the following tools to select the objects:

o   Rectangular marquee tool on the picture frame

o   Elliptical marquee tool on the plate

o   Polygonal Lasso tool on the star light

o   Magnetic Lasso tool on the vase

o   Quick selection tool on the dog

o   Magic wand tool on the plant

·        Once you have made each selection, add the layer mask.

·        Make adjustment to the mask layer to refine the selection further.

·        Then resize and arrange it as appropriate.

·        Feel free to move the price tags to fit with your objects’ positions

Make sure you save the file regularly so if there is a problem, you will not lose all your work.


At the end of the class:

·        Save your file as PSD and upload your work in progress to Slate


To complete the homework assignment:

Continue working on PS web hero.psd to create a website hero banner

·        Complete the masking exercise as shown earlier in class

o   Choose one person and mask the rest of the people

·        Add marketing messages and any design elements

·        Organise your layout

Make sure you save the file regularly so if there is a problem, you will not lose all your work.


To submit the assignment:

·        Save the file: PS web hero.psd

·        Reduce the image size to 1024px wide. Constrain aspect ratio is on and resample option is checked.

·        Go to File: Save as…to save a new file: PS web hero resized.psd

·        Go to File: Save as… to save another new file but this time choose JPG format: PS web hero compressed.jpg

·        Make sure the file size is under 250KB

·        Preview to check the quality is acceptable after the compression

·        Upload the PS web hero resized.psd and PS web hero compressed.jpg to Slate

·        Please note PS web hero.psd is your work and back-up file. No need to submit it.





Grading requirements

This activity is worth 10%.




Not Acceptable



Need Improvement




















Exceed expectation




1. Artwork

·   1024px wide

·   PSD

·   JPG
format under 250KB

None of the required files were submitted or files are incorrectly






All of the required files were submitted and correctly formatted.

Out of 5 marks


2. Selection

·   Picture

·   Plate

·   Both with
the layer masks

Execution was unacceptable. Does not demonstrate care and precision
with the tools.






Excellent execution, done with care and precision.

Out of 5 marks


3. Selection

·   Star

·   Vase

·   Both with
the layer masks


Execution was unacceptable. Does not demonstrate care and precision
with the tools.






Excellent execution, done with care and precision.

Out of 5 marks


4. Selection

·   Dog

·   Plant

·   Both with
the layer masks

Execution was unacceptable. Does not demonstrate care and precision
with the tools.






Excellent execution, done with care and precision.

Out of 5 marks


5. Masking exercise

·   One
person is isolated. The rest is masked.

Execution was unacceptable. Does not demonstrate care and precision
with the tools.






Excellent execution, done with care and precision.

Out of 5 marks


6. Typography

·   Typography
appropriate to target market and marketing objectives

·   Headline
and call to action attract attention and legible

·   Message
is original

Unsuitable choice for typography. Headline and call to action are
illegible and does not attract attention.






Excellent choice for typography.

Headline and call to
action are clear, legible and interesting.

Out of 5 marks


7. Colour and Design

·   Colour
scheme appropriate to target market, marketing objectives and media

·   Use
design elements and principles to create design tension

Unsuitable choice for colour scheme. Lack of design elements and
no design principles to create design






Excellent choice for colour scheme and design elements. Excellent use of design principles to
create design tension.

Out of 5 marks










Total 35





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