Create a 6-panel brochure about obesity in adults. Your brochure should be organized, accurate, and informative as well as visually appealing using appropriate layout, design, and graphics. Choose a 6-panel brochure with a white background. Your 6-panel brochure should contain the following:

Create a 6-panel brochure about obesity in adults. Your brochure should be organized, accurate, and informative as well as visually appealing using appropriate layout, design, and graphics. Choose a 6-panel brochure with a white background.

Your 6-panel brochure should contain the following:

1-Create an APA-formatted title page that will come before your brochure. In addition to the APA-required information on this title page, include your target audience and feedback from a member of your target audience.

2-Review the 3 objectives you listed in your Health Promotion Plan. Utilizing these objectives and the content outlined in your Health Promotion Plan, develop content for your 6-panel brochure.


I. Increase the reader’s knowledge of the health risks associated with obesity by 50% within one month of reading the brochure.

Ø Introduction to obesity and its health risks

Ø Statistics on obesity prevalence and associated health conditions

Ø Benefits of maintaining a healthy weight

II. Encourage 70% of readers to set a personal goal for daily physical activity within two weeks of reading the brochure.

Ø Importance of physical activity

Ø Types of physical activities suitable for various fitness levels

Ø Tips for integrating physical activity into daily routines

Ø Setting SMART goals for physical activity

III. Motivate 60% of readers to reduce their daily caloric intake by adopting healthier eating habits within one month of reading the brochure.

Ø Importance of healthy eating

Ø Tips for reducing caloric intake without compromising nutrition

Ø Examples of healthy meals and snacks

Ø Strategies for mindful eating and portion control

3-Use text, headings, and graphics to convey the content to your target audience for them to achieve the stated objectives.

4-Keep in mind the behavioral theory/model in the design and content of your brochure. Provide a reference for this on your reference page.

5-When writing your content, use simple and straight-forward language appropriate for your target audience. Proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics are required.

6-Include references and in-text citations for your sources. You need a minimum of three scholarly or professional sources. Include APA-formatted references on the back panel of your brochure.

7-Please note you will need to share your brochure with a member of your target audience and document their feedback on the title page. For example, “John Doe reviewed the brochure and indicated he had difficulty understanding some of the terms. The terms were modified.” You may not document feedback from a healthcare provider or from a family member.


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