Business Ethics Journal Instructions: you will be responsible for collecting, an

Business Ethics Journal Instructions:
you will be responsible for collecting, analyzing, preparing, submitting and presenting anarticles related to business ethics.  The article can’t be general in nature.  For example, it can’t be an article about business ethics in the financial industry.  It must be related to a specific company.  Also, if the article in not related to business ethics, a grade of a “0” will be given. 
The articles can be obtained from newspapers, Internet, college database, business magazines, or other sources that are legitimate. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA,ASK.COM, or some other website that is considered “Fake”.
The written portion should contain 2 or more paragraphs with the following information:
a) Summary – a detailed paragraph of 15 or more than sentences describing the content of the article.  Mention the ethical issue described in the article, the parties involved, and any information that is relevant.  DO NOT quote sentences from the article. 
b) Application – a paragraph that answers the following 3 questions: (1) What is your opinion on the actions taken by the firm or individuals representing the firm involved in the ethical issue?  (2) What you would do if you faced with the same ethical issue as the individual(s) in the articles? (3) What steps or strategies can a company implement do to avoid facing the ethical issue(s) mentioned in the article?  Your answers must contain substance (actual real solutions).  This application section should be composed of 15 or more sentences.
c) Be careful with grammar, punctuations, or sentence structures.  A poor written paper will affect your grade.
A COPY OF THE ARTICLE  or LINK IS REQUIRED. Failure to provide the information will result in a “0” grade.   
Your grade will be based on your ability to summarize the article, ability to develop an adequate answer to the application section, and your writing skills.


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