Task 1: timeline (350 words) create a timeline explaining the key developments a

Task 1: timeline (350 words)
create a timeline explaining the key developments and rationale in the establishment of the NHS as a free service at the point of delivery
Task 2: Essay (1200 words)
Essay Title: “It is no longer ideal nor possible to maintain the NHS as a free service at the point of delivery.”
In your essay, you will respond to the statement by exploring the following:
• The reasons for the post-war consensus to maintain the NHS as a free service at the point of delivery
• The challenges in maintaining that political consensus and the main ways in which the NHS has changed since its establishment (e.g. charging for prescriptions and dentistry, NHS and Community Care Act (1990), Health and Care Act (2022)
• The position of each political party in key debates on reform of the NHS, including how this has affected the development of the NHS when that party was in power (e.g. reforms under Thatcher and the Conservative party in the 1980s)
• Current challenges facing the NHS and whether this means that the NHS should not be maintained as a free service at the point of delivery (e.g. long-term impact of Covid-19 pandemic, staff shortages, Brexit, aging and growing population)
Task 1 no need for introduction or conclusion
Only for task 2 
follow the guideline for task 2 included
Harvard  referencing 


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