This assignment requires a discussion of two traits of a godly leader and their importance in church leadership, as well as a description of a negative behavior in church leadership and its opposite positive leadership trait.

Based on this module’s readings, complete the threaded reply for the following two-part questions. Reference the literature and scripture texts in support of your comments, as needed.
In I Timothy, the apostle Paul addressed issues of false teachings and unethical conduct in the church at Ephesus and offered how to assure orthodoxy (correct biblical doctrine) and orthopraxy (right living). In I Timothy 3:1-13, Paul lays out the qualifications for those who would aspire to serve as leaders in a church, and in I Timothy 6:3-10 he describes the misbehavior of false leaders. Review these passages before replying to the DQ prompts. It may be helpful to use a paraphrase version of the bible to check for any nuanced meanings of some words.
*After your reading of the list of leadership qualifications and behaviors to avoid by leaders, describe two traits of a godly leader and why such traits are especially needed in church leaders today. Explain why those two leadership qualifications are essential to church leadership.
*Select, research, and describe a main negative behavior that may present a special challenge for today’s church leadership or for youthful aspiring leaders. State an opposite positive leadership trait that correlates with the negative behavior.  For example, a positive correlate to drunkenness would be having self-control.
Please use the below textbooks as sources:
Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation – Chapter 7  
Carson, D. A
The Bible Knowledge Commentary : pages 726-760
Walvoord, John F., Zuck, Roy B., Dallas Theological Seminary

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