Assessment instructions Your first assessment task is to create a 5-minute video presentation that explains key accounting concepts, stakeholders and characteristics of financial accounting to managers with non-accounting backgrounds. The presentation will address three particular items with the key details included below: a. Accounting concept (Choose ONE): i. Briefly explain the concept ii. Outline which financial statement it belongs iii. Provide an example, outlining its key features b. Key stakeholder (Choose ONE): i. Definition of stakeholder. ii. Relationship with the business. iii. Main type of accounting information they need (include an example) c. Qualitative characteristic (Choose ONE): i. Briefly explain the ch

ubject Title Financial and Commercial Literacy
Subject Code ACC101A
Assessment Title Video Presentation using Zoom
Graduate Capabilities List the graduate capabilities being developed in this assessment
GC1 – Professional Expertise
GC6 – Independent self-management
GC7 – Technology and information literacy
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a. Identify the terminology and concepts that underlie the preparation of general-purpose financial reports
c. Explain the information needs of management
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 15%
Word count / Time limit 5 Minutes
Due day Week 4 Sunday 11:59pm (Final Video File Submission)
Submission type Moodle Assignment
Format / Layout of Video Presentation
Assessment Zoom video file ?
ICMS Cover Page ?
Reference List ?
Assessment instructions Your first assessment task is to create a 5-minute video presentation that explains key accounting concepts, stakeholders and characteristics of financial accounting to managers with non-accounting backgrounds. The presentation will address three particular items with the key details included below:
a. Accounting concept (Choose ONE):
i. Briefly explain the concept
ii. Outline which financial statement it belongs
iii. Provide an example, outlining its key features
b. Key stakeholder (Choose ONE):
i. Definition of stakeholder.
ii. Relationship with the business.
iii. Main type of accounting information they need (include an example)
c. Qualitative characteristic (Choose ONE):
i. Briefly explain the characteristic
ii. Outline why it is important for accounting
iii. Provide an example that shows its importance.
The options available for the concept, stakeholder and characteristic that you can use is included in the table below:
Accounting concepts Key stakeholder Qualitative characteristics
• Asset • Employees • Relevance
• Liability • Government • Materiality
• Equity • Suppliers • Faithful representation
• Revenue • Shareholders • Comparability
• Expense • Environment • Verifiability
• Creditors • Timeliness
• Customers • Understandability
You are required to create a PowerPoint document that provides the key points of your presentation. Your presentation will require you to record both the webcam and the screen simultaneously. The best way to do this is through Zoom. Open your Zoom account and enter a meeting room. Then share screen to show your prepared Powerpoint. Have your webcam on and click record to your desktop.
A link to this video presentation needs to be submitted to your lecturer via the Moodle assignment tool by Week 4 Sunday at 11:59pm. A video on how to upload the MP4 video from your desktop to Echo360 can be found in the submission link. Please view this before submitting.
Late submissions will result in a reduction in marks in accordance with the ICMS Assessment Submission, Extension and Feedback Procedures. As part of your submission, you will be required to include an ICMS Cover Page and a Reference List including all references you used for your presentation. These can be uploaded to the Moodle assignment submission tool. You will NOT be required to submit your PowerPoint document separately as it will already be included in your recording.
As the time limit for the video is 5-minutes, it is important to be precise with your explanations and not provide unnecessary information. Deductions will apply if your presentation exceeds the 5-minute time limit. For more information regarding how marks are allocated, refer to the Marking Rubric.
Readings for the assessment 1. Zoom
Registering for a free account is quick and easy
2. AASB Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
3. Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting
Grading Criteria / Rubric Please refer to the table provided below:
Assessment 1 – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD
(85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Knowledge and
(50%) Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the selected concept, stakeholder and characteristic. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the selected concept, stakeholder and characteristic. Demonstrates a sound understanding of the selected concept, stakeholder and characteristic. Demonstrates a satisfactory
understanding selected concept, stakeholder and characteristic. Demonstrates an unsatisfactory understanding selected concept, stakeholder and characteristic.
(30%) Outstanding delivery of information that showcases excellent voice projection, pacing and body language in a well- paced presentation with terrific flow. Strong delivery of information that
showcases very good
voice projection, pacing and body language in a well-paced presentation with solid flow. Good delivery of information with sound voice projection, pacing and body language in a presentation with reasonable flow. Satisfactory delivery of information had some
voice projection, pacing and body language in a presentation with some flow. Poor delivery of information with limited voice projection, pacing and body language.
(20%) Terrific PowerPoint document that provides accurate, concise information in a well- structured and very aesthetically pleasing manner. Very good PowerPoint document that provides accurate, summarised information in a structured, aesthetically pleasing manner. Good PowerPoint document that provides information in a presentable manner. Reasonable PowerPoint document that had information in a reasonably presentable manner with a few minor errors in accuracy. Poorly designed
PowerPoint document that had missing and/or inaccurate information.
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