Subject Code and Title MKT102A Understanding Advertising Assessment Project Part A: Advertising Brief Individual/Group Individual Length Maximum 1500 words +/- 10% Learning Outcomes comple a) The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful tion of the task below include: Explore and reflect on the functions and evolution of advertising. b) Explain the principles and practices involved in the creation of effective advertisements d) Compare and contrast the advantages of the different types of advertising media. e) Design an advertising campaign based on a client brief Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1 ( Week 5 ) We

Subject Code and Title MKT102A Understanding Advertising
Project Part A: Advertising Brief
Individual/Group Individual
Length Maximum 1500 words +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes comple
a) The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful tion of the task below include:
Explore and reflect on the functions and evolution of advertising.
b) Explain the principles and practices involved in the creation of effective advertisements
d) Compare and contrast the advantages of the different types of advertising media.
e) Design an advertising campaign based on a client brief
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1 ( Week 5 )
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In order to help you develop your understanding of all aspects of an advertising strategy in a logical and effective way, we have divided the assessment strategy for MKT102A into three parts. Firstly, in Part A (this Assessment), you are asked to apply the knowledge you have acquired in Modules 1-3 to develop an Advertising Brief using the template provided below. Part A is due in Week 5 and accounts for 30% of the total mark.
After receiving feedback from your subject facilitator on Part A and reflecting further, you will then proceed to complete Part B of the Assessment – where you will develop a detailed Advertising Campaign (including visuals). This part is due in Week 10 and accounts for 50% of the total mark. See the Assessment Brief – Part B for instructions.
The final Part of this Assessment, Part C, requires you to present your Advertising campaign in a presentation format and is due in Week 11.
Please refer to the Task Instructions below for further details on how to complete the first part of your project.
Before an Advertising Campaign is requested from an Advertising Agency, a clear Advertising Brief needs to be written by the Marketing or Advertising manager of the client to outline the aim of the campaign. Is the aim of the campaign brand advertising, or advertising for a particular sales event such as Mother’s Day or new summer fashions or maybe it could be a Sale or for the launch of a new product.
This Assessment will give you the opportunity to apply the concepts learnt on the importance in selecting the target audience, defining Advertising Objectives ( as different to the Marketing Objectives), formulating Advertising Strategy that you want followed, consider media channels including the USP
(Unique Selling Point/ Proposition) and indicate the budget you have to spend and how it will be spent.
Task Instructions
To successfully complete Project Part A: Advertising Brief you are required to
1. Research and select a ‘consumer’ brand that will be the focus on your Advertising Brief. This needs to be a single retail brand, for example ( but not limited to ) Boost Juice, Lorna Jane or Zara etc.
Please Note: The consumer Brand selected cannot be a multi-brand retail shop such as Coles or Myer. It also cannot be B2B (Business to Business), Corporate, Political or Not for Profit.
You will need to get your Learning Facilitators approval of your selected brand before commencing the Advertising Brief. It is advised that selection and approval is completed by the end of Module 1 (week 2)
2. Research your selected consumer brand and come up with an idea for a NEW potential Advertising Campaign. This MUST NOT be a campaign that has been done already with existing visuals and campaigns ads that can be found on the internet. It needs to be your own original campaign concept that will be backed by your own creative visual ideas in Assessment 2.
3. You must use the Advertising Brief Template provided below in this Brief to complete this assessment. Please ensure you complete all sections as related to your own selected consumer brand and submit by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1 ( Week 5 )
A minimum of three (3) credible references, such as peer-reviewed journals articles from reputable publishers, should be used to support analyses and arguments. Instead of simply quoting or paraphrasing from a source, you should interpret and/or evaluate the idea in question.
All sources used must be cited and a list of references provided at the end (not included in the word count) following the APA style. This includes students’ own work that has previously been submitted to other subjects or institutions. See “Academic Skills” on the Blackboard portal for more information on referencing and plagiarism
Submission Instructions:
Please submit your Project Part A: Advertising Brief in Assessment 1 submission link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation menu of the subject Blackboard site. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Rubric:
Your report will be marked against the rubric, which is shown on the following pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric.
Advertising Brief Template
Client: Client name + product / service name
Background: General brand and market introduction (two paragraphs max)
Purpose of the brief: In simple terms outline the task – the problem the advertising has to solve.
Marketing Objectives: Only list desired marketing outcomes e.g. sales, volume, market share, distribution etc. Must be SMART.
Notes: “How to write SMART objectives”
Marketing Strategies:
Marketing Mix:
Product= describe the product (range) in terms of sizes, colors, packaging or key differentiating feature
Price= List the prices for each of the products listed above to give the users of this brief the idea of price range and price positioning. With variable pricing e.g. a vehicle model you can use ‘from $xxx’
Place= Identify the types of distribution outlets from which the consumer can trial or buy the product/service
Promotion= List the non-advertising promotional activities which have recently occurred or will occur concurrently with this planned advertising campaign
Target Audience:
Provide a target audience profile description in the standard industry format in terms of:
• demographic,
• geographic,
• psychographic,
• Behavioral o usage, o benefits sought
Consumer insights
Insight into the consumer that relates to the purpose of the campaign that will provide deeper understanding of the consumer to help in achieving the desired outcome. Support this with researched and referenced data.
Advertising Objectives: Only include those specifics (in this SMART Objective) that advertising can
achieve. It is a statement of WHAT the advertising campaign is setting out to achieve not HOW it will achieve them (how is a strategy not an objective).
Advertising Strategy:
List the advertising strategies to be used to achieve the advertising objectives.
Strategy will include an outline of:
• Direction– Simple statement of the overall approach.
Refer to the supplied notes for a range of strategies that would be suitable. The level of involvement and either rational or emotive (FCB Grid) could be the foundation for your strategy.
• Campaign scope
• Suggested Media (Note: top line not detail – detail comes in the proposal
• Timing & duration
See Notes: “Objectives, strategies and Rationales” & “How to write strategies with CLARITY” for examples and formats.
Brand dimensions: Outline a brief Brand positioning statement and list:
• Brand Values
• Brand Personality
• Brand tone of voice
List all known branding issues, properties and associations (E.g. use of Cadbury purple in advertisement / commercial Red Bull association with extreme sports)
USP (Proposition): Identify the ONE competitive advantage about this product or service that can be claimed as unique. Express the USP as an advertising proposition
Media considerations:
List any issues that will assist the ‘Media Planner’ develop their plan e.g. timing, situational influences, geographic weighting, any know ‘aperture’.
Mandatory inclusions:
Cover any legal and or ethical issues, conditions or restraints for this advertising campaign, especially advertising code compliance. For example – health/pharmaceutical claim disclaimers, ‘Enjoy alcohol responsible’ disclaimer, Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or Terms and Conditions brochure (for regulated financial products).
Must be based on researched and referenced laws, regulations, advertising codes etc.
Provide an actual budget with a list of budget allocations for:
• Campaign Development (assume 5% of budget)
• Production (assume 15% of budget)
• Media (assume 50% of budget)
• Monitoring/research (assume 10% of budget)
• Agency fees (assume 20% of budget)
Timing: Key deadlines
• Proposal due date (Start with the final assessment (The Campaign Proposal) submission date – to keep all development and campaign dates in the future)
• Proposal approval date
• Final creative approval
• Creative production – Material deadlines • Campaign launch & Campaign finish
Assessment Rubric: Project Part A: Advertising Brief
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Target Audience
Description &
Consumer Insights
25 %
Limited synthesis and analysis.
Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of Target Audience with application of Consumer Insights.
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
Well-developed analysis of Primary Target Audience and synthesis with application of Consumer Insights recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis of Primary Target Audience and synthesis with application of pretested models and / or independently developed models for Consumer Insights and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis of Primary Target Audience and possibility Tertiary, synthesis of new with existing knowledge.
Strong application by way of pretested models and / or independently developed models for Consumer Insights.
Recommendations are
clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Applying knowledge to new situations/other cases.
Advertising Objectives
& Advertising Strategy
25 %
Limited synthesis and analysis of Advertising Objectives ( not SMART)
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of SMART Advertising Objectives as with application.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis SMART Advertising Objectives with clear differentiation to Marketing Objectives.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis of SMART
Advertising Objectives with clear differentiation to Marketing Objectives. Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of SMART Advertising Objectives with clear differentiation to
Marketing Objectives.
application/recommendat ions of Advertising
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature to formulate
Advertising Strategy
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature to formulate Advertising Strategy
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature to formulate Advertising Strategy with independently developed models and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.
Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature to formulate Advertising Strategy with strong application by way of pretested models and / or independently developed models.
Recommendations are
clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Applying knowledge to new situations/other cases.
Media/ Production/
Brand Considerations
& Budget
Limited synthesis and analysis.
Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of Media/ Production/ Brand Considerations.
Budget provided.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of Media/ Production/ Brand Considerations.
Recommendations are justified for Budget.
Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis of Media/ Production/ Brand Considerations.
Justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis for realistic Budget.
Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of Media/ Production/ Brand Considerations.
Recommendations are
clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis for realistic Budget.
10 %
Presents information.
Specialised language and terminology is rarely or inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation and/or the acknowledgment of sources.
Communicates in a readable manner that largely adheres to the given format.
Generally employs specialised language and terminology with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.
Communicates in a coherent and readable manner that adheres to the given format.
Accurately employs specialised language and terminology.
Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.
Communicates coherently and concisely in a manner that adheres to the given format.
Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is, clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are free from errors.
Communicates eloquently. Expresses meaning coherently, concisely and creatively within the given format.
Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments and evidence are insightful, persuasive and expertly presented.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are free from errors.
Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
10 %
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Referencing resembles APA, with frequent or repeated errors.
Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA, with occasional errors.
Demonstrates use of 3 good
quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
Demonstrates use of 3 high-quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
of 10


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