This assessment task requires students to observe a simulated mental health assessment and to identify key symptoms of mental health deterioration, and to explore potential evidence-based interventions from the perspective of a newly Registered Nurse. Students are then required to reflect on this experience and explore areas for further development. This assessment will provide evidence of your abilities against the following unit learning outcomes: ULO 1:

Assignment Task

This assessment task requires students to observe a simulated mental health assessment and to identify key symptoms of mental health deterioration, and to explore potential evidence-based interventions from the perspective of a newly Registered Nurse. Students are then required to reflect on this experience and explore areas for further development.

This assessment will provide evidence of your abilities against the following unit learning outcomes:

ULO 1: Examine evidence based contemporary psychosocial, behavioural and pharmacological interventions in mental health and substance abuse contexts
ULO 2: Prioritise care needs for people experiencing mental health challenges utilising health assessment data and cues; identify evidence of mental health deterioration and escalate care as appropriate
ULO 3: Reflect on personal capabilities and identify areas for development to engage holistically with people experiencing mental health challenges across the lifespan and care contexts

This assessment task requires students to choose one of the following case studies:

In your chosen scenario, you are a newly Registered Nurse who is in the same room observing the interaction between the consumer and the healthcare professional(s) present.

In response to your observations, please address the following points:

Identify symptoms of mental health deterioration utilising health assessment data and cues observed in the chosen scenario
Identify and prioritise holistic care needs (safety, care and recovery) and outline potential evidence-based strategies or interventions to address the holistic care needs of the person in the chosen scenario.
Reflect on your response to the scenario as a newly Registered Nurse observing the interaction. Utilising the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, reflect on your initial response to the scenario and your personal capabilities and areas for development. This should incorporate strategies for you to address professional development to further develop your skills and capabilities.


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