English 1302 mla exercise #2 using electronic resources


For items #1-10 below, use the information provided to locate the source in either the college

Library Catalog or the Online Databases. Once you find the source, provide a citation for it in the

proper MLA format (that is, as the source would appear in a Works Cited listing).

Before starting, take note:

• The citations provided in the Library Catalog and the Online Databases are often outdated,

incomplete, or simply incorrect. DO NOT copy and paste info that you find. Build your

own citation, following the guides and models.

• Be sure to follow the new 8th edition of the MLA Handbook. The Purdue OWL provides a

very detailed and helpful guide to MLA format:


• Newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals are often referred to as periodicals in

reference guides, such as the Purdue OWL.

• Volume and issue information is only given in citations for scholarly journals, not for

newspapers or magazines; for those, you simply give the date of publication.

• All electronic items (those freely online or through a subscription database) should be

followed by the date that you accessed the materials (“Accessed [day month year]”).

• For the items below in EBSCO databases, please also use this generic URL:


• For the items below in EBSCO databases, you must list both the name of the database used

and the publisher of the database (unfortunately, the Purdue OWL does not clarify this).

Here is an example of how that looks in a complete citation:

Reich, Robert. “The Political Roots of Widening Inequality.” American Prospect, vol. 26,

no. 2, Spring 2015, pp. 26-30. Social Sciences Full Text, EBSCOhost,

www.ebscohost.com. Accessed 2 June 2018.

Using the DCCCD Library Catalog (http://richlandcollege.edu/library), find and create MLA

citations for the following:

1. A book about The Simpsons, published by Palgrave in 2012.

2. A book about water, written by Steven Solomon.

3. A co-edited collection of essays about zombies published by McFarland in 2011.

4. An essay called “The Press the Founders Knew,” which is one of several in an edited

collection of essays dealing with the First Amendment and edited by Timothy Cook. The

essay, written by Craig M. Freeman, appears on pages 35 – 49 of the anthology.

Using the Online Databases (http://libguides.dcccd.edu/az.php) listed below and their respective

search engine features, find and create MLA citations for the following sources.

NOTE: Before starting, be sure to review the tip on using online databases provided in

the MLA Information section of the class website. Also note that the databases

identified below are all published by EBSCO.

5. In the Academic Search Complete database, find an article discussing the issue of assisted

suicide, written by Josh Sanburn and published in Time.

6. In the MasterFILE Complete database, find an article discussing the issue of same-sex

marriage, written by Theodore B. Olson and published in Newsweek.

7. In the Humanities Full Text database, find an academic essay on evangelical religion and

wrestling, written by Jonathan Ebel and published in 2009.

8. In the OmniFile Full Text database, find an article discussing voter identification laws in

Texas, published in Texas Monthly in August of 2015.

9. In the Academic Search Complete database, find an article about reality television, which

was published in The Journal of Popular Culture and written by Deborah Kaplan.

10. In the Social Sciences Full Text database, locate an article discussing the political roots of

inequality, written by Robert Reich, and published in The American Prospect.


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