BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene Unit I Essay Instructions The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) are four major organizations with a gre

BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit I Essay
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) are four major organizations with a great amount of influence on the industrial hygiene field.
Prepare your essay comparing the missions of each of the four organizations and their influence on the practice of industrial hygiene. Choose one of the organizations, and describe how the passage of the OSH Act of 1970 influenced the foundation of the organization. What is the most significant contribution that your chosen organization has made to worker health and safety?
Your essay assignment must include the following elements:
Include an introduction that engages the reader.
You must include two references, one of which should be from the Online Library. Use proper APA style for each source.
The body of the paper must be at least two double-spaced pages in length.
The title page and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement. If you are unfamiliar with APA style, the Writing Center can provide assistance prior to submission.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15 slides (not counting title and reference slides) that provides an overview of the three major environmental, health, and safety (EHS) disciplines. Include each of the following elements:
summary of the responsibilities for the discipline,
evaluation of types of hazards addressed by the discipline,
description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to safety and health programs,
description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to environmental programs,
evaluation of types of control methods commonly used by the discipline,
interactions with the other two disciplines, and
major organizations associated with the discipline.
Construct your presentation using a serif type font such as Times New Roman. A serif type font is easier to read than a non-serif type font. For ease of reading, do not use a font smaller than 28 points.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 3 Homework Assignment
You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a production line at a manufacturing facility.
Employees at the beginning of the line use a solvent to clean the surface of medium-size auto parts, and then they place the parts on a moving line. As the parts move along the line, an employee sprays them with a powder coating, and the parts move through an oven. Another employee removes the parts from the line and places them in slots in a cart for transporting to shipping.
You have been provided safety data sheets for the solvent used for cleaning the parts (click here to access) and the powder coating that is used (click here to access). Use the JHA form to identify the potential health hazards associated with the process. Click here to access the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form. You will use the Basic Hazard Analysis form to enter your responses and to answer the four questions listed below. Please upload this completed document to your instructor for grading.
Prepare a two-page homework assignment summarizing your health hazard analysis and answer these questions from the Basic Job Hazard Analysis form.
What are the health hazards associated with the operation?
What are the primary exposure routes associated with each health hazard?
Are there any potential acute or chronic health effects for any of the health hazards you identified?
Are special hazards associated with any of the health hazards?
You may use the safety data sheets provided above, information from the OSHA or NIOSH websites, or academic references from the Internet to answer the questions. Citations are not required for this homework assignment; however you may want to use them in order to answer the questions.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 4 Case Study
You are asked to evaluate employees’ exposures to methyl n-amyl ketone during a painting operation. After careful consideration, you choose NIOSH Method 2553 for the sampling. You can access the method by clicking the link below:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2003). Ketones II: Method 2553. In P. M. Eiler & M. E. Cassinelli (Eds.), NIOSH manual of analytical methods (4th ed.). Retrieved from
Your pre-sampling and post-sampling pump calibrations using a primary standard are both 0.05 L/min. You collect personal samples on two employees working in the operation. The samples are collected for 430 minutes (Sample 1) and 440 minutes (Sample 2).
Calculate the sample volumes for each of the samples.
The laboratory reports that the front section of Sample 1 contains 5,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 200 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. The front section of Sample 2 contains 4,000 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone and the back section contains 50 µg of methyl n-amyl ketone. Neither the front nor back sections of the field blank you supplied contain any detectable levels of methyl n-amyl ketone.
Calculate the concentrations of the two personal samples in µg/L and mg/m³.
Convert the result to ppm (MW for methyl n-amyl ketone = 114.2). Note: Use the ideal gas constant of 24.45.
Show all the steps for your calculations.
You then reference OSHA’s Table Z-1 and find that the 8-hour TWA PEL for methyl n-amyl ketone is 100 ppm
Discuss how the results of the two personal samples you collected compare to the OSHA PEL, and describe the sampling method you implemented.
You also look up the ACGIH TLV for methyl n-amyl ketone and find that the TLV is 50 ppm as an 8-hour TWA exposure.
Discuss how the results for the two personal samples compare to the ACGIH TLV.
Discuss whether you would recommend comparing the results of your sampling to the OSHA PEL or the ACGIH TLV. Include your rationale for the choice, and explain how you would rationalize your choice to your employer.
The case study should be a minimum of three pages in length, and you should cite the NIOSH document using APA style.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 5 Homework Assignment
Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes.
Metal Fume Result OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV
Antimony 0.05 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³
Beryllium 0.00001 mg/m³ 0.002 mg/m³ 0.00005 mg/m³ (I)
Cadmium 0.025 mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.01 mg/m³
Chromium 0.02 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³
Copper 0.03 mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.2 mg/m³
Iron Oxide 0.5 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ (R)
Magnesium Oxide 0.02 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³
Molybdenum 0.003 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ (I)
Nickel 0.25 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 1.5 mg/m³ (I)
Zinc Oxide 0.3 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ 2 mg/m³ (R)
(R) Respirable fraction (I) Inhalable fraction
Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.
Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Assume that each listed metal can cause respiratory irritation. Use the equation in 1910.1000(d)(2)(i) to calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an OSHA PEL or an ACGIH TLV.
Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 6 Assessment
Question 1
Three workers (8-hour work shift) were monitored for work in different areas of a facility using calibrated noise dosimeters. The results are summarized in the following table.
Time for Monitoring Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3
3 hours 80.5 dBA 98.5 dBA 92.5 dBA
2 hours 81.0 dBA 86.5 dBA 85.0 dBA
2 hours 82.0 dBA 84.5 dBA 83.5 dBA
1 hour 95.0 dBA 83.5 dBA 80.0 dBA
a. Calculate the 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) noise exposure for each of the three workers.
b. Summarize which (one) of the exposures exceeds OSHA?s permissible exposure limit (PEL) and/or action level for noise.
c. Discuss what factors about the noise monitoring may have affected the accuracy of the noise measurements.
Show your work for all mathematical calculations. Please refer to Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.95 for assistance on how-to solve this problem. Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.
Question 2
Summarize the characteristics and abilities of sound level meters (SLMs) and noise dosimeters and how they can be used to evaluate noise exposures at a facility.
Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.
Question 3
Define the following terms associated with occupational noise:
a. Wavelength
b. Frequency
c. Sound Pressure
d. Decibel
e. Octave Band
Your response must be a minimum of 200 words.
Question 4
You have been tasked with establishing and implementing an effective hearing conservation program for a metal stamping facility. Noise monitoring shows that employees working in the press areas of the facility are exposed to 8-hour TWA noise exposures between 85.0 dBA and 89.0 dBA. Based on the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.95, summarize the requirements for an effective hearing conservation program and discuss steps to make the program as effective as possible. Please refer to 29 CFR 1910.95(b)(2) for the formula.
Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 7 Assessment
QUESTION 1 A plant that manufactures automobile chassis includes a production area containing 100 robotic welding stations. An adjacent area contains 10 welding booths where employees perform hand welding using MIG welders to rework welds that have been identified as unacceptable. Personal air sampling shows that personal exposures at 5 of the welding booths located in the middle of the rework exceed the OSHA PEL for lead, nickel, and iron oxide fumes. On average, the personal exposures exceed the applicable OSHA PEL by 2-3 times.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
QUESTION 2 Employees in the paint department of an automotive parts production facility use styrene to clean residue off the parts as they come off the paint line. The OSHA PEL for styrene is 100 ppm as an 8-hour TWA exposure. Personal air samples show that during peak production times, exposures range from 150 ppm to 200 ppm for an 8-hour shift. The parts cleaning is performed in a small room with one door.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
QUESTION 3 A press area of a plant has six 400-ton presses in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Personal monitoring using noise dosimeters has shown that 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) exposures range from 92.0 dBA to 94.5 dBA.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
QUESTION 4 A plant has an operation that produces automotive headliners in a press. The process uses a compound that contains methylene bisphenyl isocyanate (MDI). The compound containing MDI must be used in the production process to meet the client?s specifications for the headliner. The OSHA PEL for MDI is 0.02 ppm as a ceiling concentration. Personal air samples collected for 15 minutes at the time when the press opens show that short-term exposures range from 0.02 ppm to 0.06 ppm.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
BOS 4301 Industrial Hygiene
Unit 8 Essay
Choose an operation for a workplace where you once worked or with which you are familiar where either chemical hazards or noise exposures were present. If you have never worked in a location where chemical hazards or noise are present, read about some examples on OSHA’s website and choose one that interests you. Complete the following tasks in a minimum two-page (500 word) essay:
Summarize the steps you would take to perform a hazard assessment of your chosen operation. Make sure you list the chemical hazards or noise hazards that are present using the example hazard assessment from OSHA’s website or one with which you are already familiar.
Discuss the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for controlling occupational hazards in relation to the operation you chose.
Choose one hazard that you identified. The hazard can be a chemical or noise hazard. Summarize how you would evaluate employee exposures to the hazard. Include information about any sampling method you would use, how many samples you would collect, the types of samples you would collect (e.g., personal or area, TWA or short-term), and to which standards you would apply the results.
Assume there are several results indicating that employees are exposed to levels exceeding the applicable OSHA PEL. Using OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls, summarize the control methods you would employ to reduce the risk for employees to an acceptable level. Your summary should include examples from each level of OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls with a discussion of why you think the control would or would not be an effective method for reducing the exposure to an acceptable level.
Discuss how you would evaluate the effectiveness of the control methods you chose, both in the short-term and for the next 5 years.
Your essay must be in APA format, and include a minimum of two sources, at least one source being from the Online Library.


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