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Learning Outcomes b) Critically analyse and interpret the essential elements required to create, manage and discharge a contract and assess the remedies available for breach of a contract.
c) Examine legal principles related to creation and operation of various forms of business organisations and critically evaluate their effectiveness across a range of business scenarios.
d) Explain the processes for incorporating, managing and winding up of a company, including key director duties, the importance of the Corporations Act 2001 and the role of regulatory bodies.
e) Evaluate the role of agency in contract formation for different business vehicles and identify the associated risks such as vicarious liability for negligent acts.
f) Employ legal skills (statute law and case law), critical reasoning and make informed judgements as to likely legal outcomes of a range of business scenarios.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5.2/ Week 10
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment allows students to solve practical legal problems from real life client s scenario and provide advice to a client on the likely outcome.
There are five case studies you are required to critically analyse.
With respect to each case study:
9 Identify the legal issue(s) arising from the facts of the case study
9 Identify the appropriate legal rules that requires discussion in the case study
9 Apply the law to the facts of the case study
9 Reach a conclusion/ give practical advice to your client.
Your analysis should refer to appropriate cases and statutes and be referenced using the APA referencing system.
You will be assessed in accordance with the Assessment Rubric.
Submission Instructions:
9 Submission is through Turnitin by 11.55 AEST Sunday of Week 10
Question 1
Jeff owns a business which makes and sells a well-kno n b and of each b and he B ine Jeff hold a b ine name and a adema k fo a logo a ocia ed i h he B ine b and of each brandy. The Business sources fruit from local producers. The Business is operated on land which is also owned by Jeff.
Jeff decides it is time to sell the Business and is introduced to Tina who is interested in buying the Business. Jeff and Tina enter into negotiations and agree on a deal. Both Jeff and Tina sign the following document which Jeff prepared.
Heads of Agreement between Jeff and Tina
1. Jeff ag ee o ell and Tina ag ee o b Jeff peach b and b ine and he land i i on
2. Purchase Price: $2.5 million.
3. All existing supplier agreements to be transferred to Tina.
4. All fixtures and fittings, as inspected and agreed, are included in sale.
5. All employees to be transferred as per solicitor prepared agreement.
6. Parties to negotiate transfer of trademark and business name at a future date for a separately determined amount.
7. This agreement is subject to the preparation of a formal contract of sale based on these terms acceptable to the duly appointed solicitors for Jeff and Tina.
Jeff arranges for his solicitor to prepare a formal contract for sale and then sends the completed contract to Tina. When Tina receives the contract, she calls Jeff and says:
“Jeff, I have changed my mind. I don’t want to buy your business anymore”.
Jeff replies:
“ You have got to be joking Tina, it is way too late to change your mind, you have already signed the Heads of Agreement. You are legally bound to buy the business. Make this easy and buy it as we agreed for I will have to sue.”
Part A ( 15 Marks)
Yo a e Tina olici o U ing he IRAC legal oblem ol ing oce gi e o concl ion on he he
Tina is legally bound to buy the Business as a result of signing the Heads of Agreement.
Part B ( 5 Marks)
What would be your conclusion if Tina had included in the Heads of Agreement a term stating:
This agreement is subject to Tina obtaining suitable finance
Question 2
Sa alo Sho ing Cen e L d SSC ecen l o ened a ne o e in o ci SSC i a membe hi warehouse club: – this means customers must become a member before they can shop at SSC. As a new business in the area, SSC was keen to attract as many new members as possible so it started an advertising campaign.
The advertising campaign included a catalogue with the following wording at the top of the front page in large bold font:
Do you want to save $$$$ you know you do!!!!!!
Huge savings for all new members
Get a HUGE 25% off all products if you join right now! Today in fact! 30 todays only!
Memberships will go fast, first in best dressed. Be late be disappointed memberships are limited
At the very bottom of the advertisement, there is additional wording in very small print which states:
The ice ed c ion fo ne membe onl a lie o he fi of i em purchased. Fruit and ege able e cl ded
Dess saw the advertisement flyer and picked it up. Dess thought he could save money by buying bulk lie fo hi la ge famil ho e e he ba icall o ed eading a di co n and didn no ice the fine print.
De didn an o mi o on he limi ed membe hi o he en o SSC he ne da and aid a
$10 monthly membership fee, signed some terms and conditions which he briefly glanced at, got his membership card and started shopping. Dess filled five trollies with bulk household items worth about $1200.00.
At the checkout, Dess is told that the 25% discount only applies to the first $100.00 of items purchased.
De com lained and a efe ed o Mi S ic a c ome ca e e e en a i e
Miss Strict showed Dess the fine print in the advertisement. Dess got very angry and decided not to buy anything. Dess then asked Miss Strict to cancel his membership. However, Miss Strict reminded Dess he signed the terms and conditions which included the following term:
1. The Customer is not permitted to cancel the membership before the expiry of 12 months unless the customer pays a cancellation fee of $150.00.
Dess attempted to negotiate with Miss Strict arguing it was just ridiculous to have such small printing and this was an entirely unacceptable to charge $150 to cancel a $10 membership However, Miss Strict told Dess:
“This is your fault, you should have read the advertisement more carefully, and you indicated you read the terms and conditions by ticking this box and signing the terms and conditions. I think it is unreasonable you think you have grounds to complain.”
Dess stalks out of SSC and decided to lodge a complaint with the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commi ion he ACCC
Part A ( 15 Marks)
Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether the ACCC have any g o nd o a legal oceeding again SSC
Please limit your response to a consideration of the general protections under the Australian Consumer Law.
Part B ( 5 Marks)
Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether the ACCC have any g o nd o a legal oceeding again SSC if De had cha ed food fo e in hi café
Question 3
Phil is managing director of LightsBright Pty Ltd. Phil has accepted a large order for electrical fittings from CheepCheep Pty Ltd on behalf of LightsBright.
The order has been delivered to CheepCheep as per the agreed terms, however CheepCheep have not paid their $75 000 invoice.
CheepCheep is in serious financial difficulty and this was well known or suspected across the industry. Consequently, at the time the order was made, CheepCheep was known generally as a bad credit risk in the industry. Phil was aware of this, however he is a good friend of Robert, the managing director of CheepCheep. Phil decided to provide the order in any event.
CheepCheep has now been placed into liquidation and has still not paid the debt owed to LightsBright Pty Ltd.
Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether:
(a) Phil, the managing director of LightsBright Pty Ltd be held personally liable for the unpaid
debt, and if so why? ( 10 Marks)
(b) Could Robert, the managing director of CheepCheep Pty Ltd be held personally liable for the unpaid debt, and if so why? ( 5 Marks)
(c) Will he b ine j dgmen le be ele an o ei he Phil o Robe in he e ci c m ance
(5 Marks) Question 4
Francis collects music related merchandise, in particular she is a big fan of Kiss (American glamrock band) and Status Quo (English boogie band) merchandise. Francis appoints Rick as her agent and instructs him to purchase three specific Kiss related items from Allan, another collector of Kiss merchandise. Francis gives Rick a limit of $25,000 to spend, which Rick promptly deposits in his own personal bank acco n o kee i afe n il i i needed
Francis also instructs Rick to keep the purchase of the three items confidential. Rick is very pleased abo hi a oin men a F anci agen and ell h ee of hi clo e f iend on he o i o he f iend do not share any information with anyone. However, two of these friends work in the music industry and immediately tell their employers.
Rick a oache Allan and in od ce him elf a F anci agen Follo ing nego ia ion i i ag eed
Allan will sell the three Kiss items to Francis for $32,000. When Francis is informed of the contract, Francis flatly refuses to pay and says:
“Rick never had the authority to make any contracts involving this amount of money. I simply will not pay this amount of money for those three items.”
Allan states the contract stands, wants to proceed with the sale and demands payment in 7 days or he will start legal proceedings for breach of contract.
When Rick was inspecting the items, he noticed Allan also had 3 original Status Quo albums which Francis has always wanted for her collection. Rick also facilitates an agreement where Allan will sell the albums to Francis for $45,000.
Part A ( 15 Marks)
Using the IRAC legal problem solving process give your conclusion on whether:
(a) Allan can enforce the contract for the three Kiss items with Francis.
(b) Francis is bound to go ahead with the contract to purchase the Status Quo albums from Allan, and the consequences for Rick if Francis is not bound to the purchase.
Part B ( 5 Marks)
Describe the ways in which Rick is in breach of his common law duties as an agent, and any consequences of such breaches.
Question 5 ( 20 Marks)
Jenn ha ecen l beg n nning he o n cce f l mal
l b ine called Da ling Dog Thi i a day care centre and boutique for dogs providing day care, grooming treatment, food, and designer clothes and accessories.
In growing her business, Jenny has used her creative talents to produce new ideas and new products. Jenny has developed the following items:
1. A logo/brand ing he h a e Da ling Dog hich he has placed on all her products.
2. A computer software program teaching dog training techniques.
3. A revolutionary electronic dog collar which translates the barking of a dog into talking so that the owner can respond appropriately.
With regard to each separate item, advise Jenny:
a) What type of intellectual property protection should Jenny obtain to protect the items and how would she obtain that protection?
b) How long would the intellectual property protection last?
c) What conduct would amount to infringement of the protection?
d) What remedies would be sought upon infringement?


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