ENG 103 – Essay #4: Analyzing an Argument or Event; Length – 4 Full Pages; Point

ENG 103 – Essay #4: Analyzing an Argument or Event; Length – 4 Full Pages; Points – 100D. PortilloAs this final stage of our ENG 103 course involves understanding the weaknesses of human thinking that often infiltrate arguments, for essay #4 you will be applying your understanding to a real life scenario. Please select one option from the following:1) You may choose a common topic of debate—anything from taxes, abortion, religious freedom, marijuana, police tactics, the border issue, to LBGTQ rights—or, and perhaps preferably, more low-key issues that many do not consider, OR a controversial public movement (social, political) or organized group of people.2) You may select an actual event, such as a particular court case, a police incident, a crime, even an election, or other controversy (e.g. the Duke Lacrosse incident), about which you must be absolutely specific in addressing.You will THEN examine and analyze the topic in the following ways:a) Provide some background info on the topic, but don’t let it consume most of your essay—at most a page.b) Explain, using a few of the errors we have discussed (three or four would be a good target) some of the problems with how the topic has been treated or handled either by the media or by people involved. This will be a full paragraph for each error that is committed, including how you know or suspect that particular error was committed. That has to be supported with concrete details. Section ‘b’ should comprise the bulk of your essay, ideally 2 – 3 pages.c) Close your essay by reiterating the basic points and including a very brief closing suggestion on how the topic could have been handled better or how a current issue could be dealt with more productively now or in the future.NOTE: Your goal in this essay is not to take a side on an issue. If a specific issue is involved, I naturally expect you to be more sympathetic to a certain side than another, which I will allow for, but blatantly taking a one-sided view for this assignment would likely end up only defeating the purpose of it.One brief example of note for event is the infamous Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman shooting incident. Immediately after the shooting, Zimmerman was initially not charged with any crime. However, following increased public outrage, he was eventually charged with 2nd degree murder, which many legal experts immediately warned was impossible to prove and, after an easy ‘not guilty’ verdict, would only further incite the public against the legal system. That is ultimately what happened.One could make the argument that the D.A. in the case relinquished to mindless conformity by giving into what the public expected of her rather than following legal logic and either letting Zimmerman off or perhaps charging him with a lesser crime. Many other such errors were committed by the public—on both sides—in handling this case, including either/or thinking among others like ethnocentric thinking, as demonstrated in the BF chap 8 lecture. An example like this is rife with errors worth discussing.ResearchReference to at least two outside, non-textbook sources is required for this essay.NOTE: Failure to use a single academic source will result in no better than a ‘D’-level grade on the essay. Most likely, each body paragraph should have a citation of an outside source. Sticking in quotes just for the sake of fulfilling the source requirement would not be helpful to your essay grade.Basic Requirements (Checklist):o MLA style heading in the top left cornero A title (center of the page below heading and above essay text DOUBLESPACED only)o An introductory paragraph with a thesiso At least three well-developed body paragraphs containing and supportingyour main ideaso A clear topic sentence for each body paragrapho Concrete supporting evidence for the body paragraphs that focus onsupporting the topico Transitions (‘first, ‘next’, ‘in addition’, ‘finally’, etc. where needed)o A concluding paragraph reviewing the thesis and main ideaso Correct grammar, punctuation and mechanics (Visit the TLC if this is not astrength of yours)o 12-point standard font (Times New Roman or Ariel—nothing fancy, please);double spaced, 1” margins on both sides and top & bottomo Please place page numbers at the top right corner of each page with your lastname preceding the number.*IMPORTANT NOTE…failure to include In-text citations (direct or indirect) and a Works Cited page will automatically result in a failing grade for the essay.Academic Sources on the Web-Any source from ProQuest or any academic research database-Any source with “edu” or “gov” in the URL-Any source from a reputable publication, newspaper, magazine-The page of the website has NO advertisements on it* GoogleScholar is a search engine that includes only academic articles on its search hitsPlagiarism on this assignment will result in an automatic ZERO and a possible referral to the Dean of StudentsWebsite Citation:Last name, first. “Title of article.” Title of Website. Website Administrator.Date of publication.URL.* Date must be in the following format: 20 Mar 2019LIBRARYFrom the Library’s home page, http://www.canyons.edu/library, click on the link that reads Online Databases. You will then see a list of the library’s databases. The databases listed with a double-asterisk (**) may be accessed from off campus. When you click on the link to the database you will be directed to a page that requests a user name and password. They are as follows:If you experience any problems, please contact the reference desk at 661-362-3362 or 661-362-3358 or email: ron.karlin@canyons.eduGeneral Outline Format:TitleI. Intro A. Thesis (This essay discusses the problems concerning…) 1. Main idea #1 (An error involved in the treatment of this issue or topic is…) [briefly stated] 2. Main idea #2 (A second error involved in the treatment of this issue or topic is…) [briefly stated] 3. Main idea #3 (A third error involved in the treatment of this issue or topic is…) [briefly stated] 4. (A solution for preventing this from continuing is to…) [briefly stated]II. Body A. Background info – Provide info and cite relevant sources in establishing it 1. Supporting detail #1 (break down the event or topic into manageable parts) 2. Supporting detail #2 3. Supporting detail #3 B. Error #1 – Support in its own paragraph how an error is involved in the Treatment of the issue C. Error #2 – Support how a second error is involved D. Error #3 – Support how a third error is involvedIII. Conclusion A. (Review the issue and the errors afflicting its treatment) B. (Review your ideas for a better approach down the road) C. (Final thoughts)*Any topic can have more than one paragraph devoted to it. Just make sure the topic of each paragraph is very clear.
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