Project Tasks Please analyze the external environment of the U.S. Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Industry based on the following six segments: Demographic, Economic, Political/Legal, Socio-Cultural, Technological, and Global. You will need to search in UHV library and other reliable sources from the Internet for data, reports, and other resources as references of your project repor

Project Tasks
Please analyze the external environment of the U.S. Oil and Gas Field Machinery and
Equipment Industry based on the following six segments: Demographic, Economic,
Political/Legal, Socio-Cultural, Technological, and Global. You will need to search in UHV
library and other reliable sources from the Internet for data, reports, and other resources
as references of your project report.
The outcome of your analysis is an essay with 6-8 pages (double-spaced, 12 pt “Times New
Roman” font, 1-inch margins, excluding cover page, exhibits, and references) in “Word” or
“PDF” format.
I have also attached 3 supplemental reading for this case stidy which can help on the paper. Also ive attached “sample essay” so the writer can get the idea.
Guideline and Requirements
A. Read this whole document twice.
B. Read the sample essay in the case project folder to get a rough idea about what to
include and how to analyze. But keep in mind that you need to follow the length
requirement specified in this document.
C. Read the related book chapters AND the three documents provided in the case
project folder.
D. Structure: Your essay should include the following components:
a. Cover page;
b. Executive summary (less than one page);
c. Main body of analysis including the six segments. Read the structure guide in
the project instructions. You need to follow that structure in your writing, but
you can add more sections and details if you think necessary.
d. Summary and integration (about one page)
e. A reference list (with at least five entries).
E. You need to do research on data and reports on the industry through UHV online
library and the Internet. See the following section for details.
F. Format: You need to follow APA writing style. Here is a guide for APA format:
G. Submission deadline: December 8th, mid-night. (No draft mission before the
deadline required) through TurnItIn submission. Please submit your final paper a
few days before the deadline so that you can have time to revise if the similarity rate
is high. You can have multiple submissions but only your last attempt will be graded.
Some Important Data Sources
A. We need external data, reports, and other resources to make our analysis a quality
work. UHV Library (; UHV
account logon required.) offers more specific and proprietary research databases that
are normally not publically available:
One Source Global Business Browser;
Business Source Complete
Business Insights Global
Regional Business News
LexisNexis Academic
B. Please find a sample industry report I downloaded and posted in the same folder as
this document.
C.,, and possibly can give you a lot of
information, but you need to verify the sources, only academic sources or those from
serious trading journals can be trusted.
D. If you want to narrow down your data search, you can get resources from Most of resources from that site are reliable.
Detailed Instructions and Hints
1. Executive Summary
A. Keep in mind that an ES is not an abstract. Many resources on how to write a good
summary are available by searching on the Internet.
B. Length suggestion: Half to one page (APA writing style)
2. Main body General Environmental Analysis
General Hints:
A. Read the readings in the case study folder. Also refer to the sample essay for some
B. The structure of your analysis for each segment should be:
a. A few sentences about what are the factors, in each segment, that may have
significant impact on our industry and related industries.
b. For each segment, please follow this sequence to analyze: 1) use a few
sentences briefly describing all the factors that you think critical; 2) for each
factor use 1-2 paragraphs discussing general relationship between the factor
and our focal industry (and related industries), the trend of the factor (e.g.,
increasing/decreasing, more/less important, etc.); and then the expected
resulting changes in our focal industry.
c. Please start your analysis on those factors using “the first factor in this segment
is….”, “the second factor…” to make your analysis logical and organized.
C. The unit of your analysis should be industry.
Hints for Demographic Segment:
You are expected to analyze the impact of demographic factors on our industry and
related industries. You need to some historical (longitudinal) data to show the
correlation and also estimate the future trend.
Topics you may discuss include changes in population and demographic characters,
and so on. Please read the provided articles for more guidance.
Hints for Economic Segment:
Topics you may discuss include the impact of economic development (and fluctuation)
on the growth of our industry (directly and indirectly); please read the provided
articles for more guidance.
Hints for Political/Legal Segment:
This is about the direct and indirect impact of political and legal environment on our
industry. Possible topics include political climate, regulations and laws, and their
evolution over time and resulting impact on the industries in question. Please read the
provided articles for more guidance.
Hints for Socio-Cultural Segment:
Socio-cultural environment refers to the societal and cultural values of a population
and their changes related to our industry. For example, the public’s attitude toward
renewable energy, environment protection and sustainability, and so on may have
impact on the industry prospect. Please read the provided articles for more guidance.
Hints for Technological Segment:
This is about the technological development in general and its impact on our industry
and related industries. Please read the provided articles for more guidance.
Hints for Global Segment:
This is about the status quo of globalization of our industry and the future trends of
our industry because of the increasing globalization. You can start with the following
aspects: globalization of the market (i.e., international trade); globalization of the
production and outsourcing; and also localization and community engagement as
anti-globalization advocate. Please read the provided articles for more guidance.
3. Summary
A. You should try to integrate the different segment together besides a good
B. Offer some implications of your analysis.
C. Length suggestion: one page (APA writing style).
4. References
Please follow APA format to list the references. Also you need to cite them properly in your


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