Pick 5 questions from the list and respond to each one in at least 2 paragraphs, citing specific textual evidence (at least 3-4 words from the text or a specific element) to support your claims. Leave the question’s text at the top of your answers.
If the question has several parts, make sure you address each part to at least some extent (if you answer half the question, you get half points, etc.)
To cite, use the format book.verse (e.g. 8.95 = Book 8, verse 95)
Without textual evidence, you will get half points for that question and you cannot redo or revise the Reading Responses once submitted.
1. Compare the beginning and ending of Job’s story. If you look at the final situation, what has changed from the initial situation? How has Job changed? Have other characters changed? And, if so, in what ways? What does this change mean or imply?
2. Which word is most often repeated to indicate Job’s lack of fault? Which other adjectives, behaviors, or actions suggest Job’s moral stature and position in society?
3. What are the phases through which Job is deprived of his wealth/riches/good things and people that surround him at the beginning?
What is painful and distressful for Job?
4. What are the several steps of Job’s acceptance of what happens to him?
What are the broader implications of Job’s behavior towards these events and God himself?
5. What kind of God do we see portrayed (and by whom is “He” described)?
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