Health Promotion paper topics: (Diabetes education for African American women- ages 35-50years} Guidelines for Health Promotion Paper Choose one of the topics listed in the syllabus Identify health promotion and disease prevention

 Health Promotion paper topics:

(Diabetes education for African American women- ages 35-50years}

Guidelines for Health Promotion Paper

  1. Choose one of the topics listed in the syllabus
  2. Identify health promotion and disease prevention issues specific to the age group, gender and nationality stated.
  3. Identify barriers to learning for the selected group
  4. Develop a comprehensive teaching plan for this group after researching scholarly journals on the topic.  Include references and indicate if there is any new information or not. Indicate how the information helps the nurse develop a teaching plan for the group selected Include Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC).
  5. Must reference at least 2 scholarly journals (one must be a nursing journal). Journals can be no more than 5 years old.
  6. Paper must be written in APA format
  7. Reference rubric below for specific grading information
  8. Paper must be 3-5pages not including the cover page and reference page.


Criteria Exemplary Very Good Good Minimal Rarely
10 8 6 4 2
Identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues is:

  1. Related to the clients real or perceived health problem and population risk factors.  And
  2. based on the health assessment data collected for the Health Promotion paper Assignment
  3. Evaluates data to inform decision making in response to complex situations.
Identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues is accurately identified and based on both elements of this criterion. While identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues is accurate and based on both elements of this criterion, additional health promotion and disease preventi3identified. While identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues is accurately identified, it was based on one element of this criterion. Identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues is superficial and was not well supported by either criterion. Identification of health promotion and disease prevention issues was inaccurate.

Health Promotion Paper Graded Assignment Rubric


Criteria Exemplary Very Good Good Minimal Rarely
30 28 26 24 22 or less
Develops a comprehensive plan of care reflecting appropriate wellness nursing diagnosis and the inclusion of Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC).

Identifies barriers to learning for the selected group

Applies evidence from varied sources to impact quality client care.

All components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, supported by scholarly references and evaluated in a comprehensive and through manner. While all components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, supported by scholarly references and evaluated, one component needed more detail. While all components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, and supported by scholarly references a more thorough analysis and evaluation is needed. Although all components are present the content is superficial or not well analyzed, or supported by scholarly references and evaluated. Did not address one or more components or was off topic.


Criteria Exemplary Very Good Good Minimal Rarely
25 23 21 19 17 or less
Select at least two current journal articles within the past 5 years that support the selected health problem or risk.

One article must be from nursing.

Compare and contrast the findings presented in each article as it relates to your client.

All components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, supported by scholarly references and evaluated in a comprehensive and through manner. While all components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, supported by scholarly references and evaluated, one component needed more detail. While all components of the criterion are systematically and methodically analyzed, and supported by scholarly references a more thorough analysis and evaluation is needed. Although all components are present the content is superficial or not well analyzed, or supported by scholarly references and evaluated. Did not address one or more components or was off topic.


Criteria Exemplary Very Good Good Minimal Rarely
20 18 16 14 12 or less
Utilize the journal articles chosen to discuss:

  1. the presence or absence of new information using the required texts as points of reference
  2. how the information helps the nurse develop a teaching plan for this group
Both components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. While both components of the criterion are addressed comprehensively, one component needed more detail. While both components of the criterion are addressed adequately a more thorough discussion is needed. Although both components are present the content is superficial or not well developed. Did not address one or more components or was off topic


Criteria Exemplary Very Good Good Minimal Rarely
Scholarly writing 15 13 11 9 7 or less
  1. The paper demonstrates critical thinking and a thorough understanding of the of the health promotion and disease prevention issues related to your population.
  2. Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations and reference page.
  3.   The paper is well written, organized, and within page limitation.
  4. 4) Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct.
The paper is exemplary and meets all four components of the criterion. While the paper is well done and addressed all four components, one component had limitations. While the paper is good and addressed all four components, two components had limitations. Although the paper is acceptable and addressed all four components, three of the components had. The paper did not contain one or more of the required components.


Total Score ____________________



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