Master Leader Course (MLC)
M423 NCO Common Core Competencies (Leadership Case Studies)
Advance Sheet
This 12 hour lesson provides the learner an opportunity to analyze historical case studies with a comparison of the NCO Common Core Competencies, then write an executive summary. Noncommissioned officers display their competence through the execution of knowledge based leadership. Army leadership determined there are six core areas where the NCO’s competency resides. Those competencies where leaders must excel are communications, leadership, training management, readiness, operations, and program management. At the end of this lesson the learner will know a few of the historical aspects of the NCO Common Core Competencies and be able to write an executive summary of them.
MLC TLO 400-MLC-0420 Apply Organizational Leadership
ELO: 400-MLC-0420.06
Action: Analyze NCO Common Core Competencies.
Condition: In a group learning environment, given references, and collaboration.
Standard: Write EXSUMs for the six NCO Common Cores, each assessed EXSUM is worth 10% of the GPA. Products will involve:
- Identifying communications;
- Analyzing readiness;
- Examining Army and joint operations;
- Analyzing leadership;
- Analyzing training management;
- Examining program management (PM); and,
- Preparing the executive summary (EXSUM).
Learning Domain: Cognitive
Level of Learning: Analysis
Learner Handout-1
TC7-22.7 The Noncommission Officer Guide date January 2020 (read entire document)
Be prepared to discuss the following in class:
- Describe the correlation the NCO Common Core Competencies and quality of leadership. Answer based on personal experiences and LH-1
- In what ways would enemy forces benefit from studying leadership case studies prior to them conducting strategic planning? Answer based on personal experiences and LH-1
- Lessons associated with the EXSUM assignment may provide doctrinal references to help in the assignment.
M400 Course Review (NCO CCC: Leadership)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM and poses this question. “What in the provided case study can be applied to the NCO CCC of leadership?” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. This is a practice EXSUM.
M404 English Writing Overview (NCO CCC: Communications)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM and poses this question: “What is the greatest communication challenge for leaders; and, how can you as a leader measure the effectiveness of your communication skill?” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.
M447 Mission Command (NCO CCC: Leadership)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM based on this question: “What is the units’ proficiency in the warfighting function, mission “Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.
M451 Decisive Action (NCO CCC Operations)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM based on this question: “How well was the performance in three of the warfighting ” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.
M432 Training Management IV (NCO CCC: Training Management)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM and poses this question: “How can the unit manage training to accomplish mission goals? Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.
M431 Organizational Management (NCO CCC: Program Management)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM and poses this question: “Explain ways the elements of project management, such as understanding the scope, requirements, planning, resources, and time, help you as a leader?” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.
M432 Influencing (NCO CCC: Readiness)
- The G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM and poses this question: “How does influence affect unit readiness?” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.