Two business statistics assignments need asap! No Pdf format!

first assignment:

Question 1

1. Baseball stadiums vary in age, style, size, and in many other ways. Fans might think of the size of the stadium in terms of the number of seats; while the player might measure the size of the stadium by the distance from the homeplate to the centerfield fence. Note: CF = distance from homeplate to centerfield fence.

Using the Excell add-in construct your scatter diagram with the data set provide below.

Seats       CF
38805   420
41118   400
56000   400
45030   400
34077   400
40793   400
56144   408
50516   400
40615   400
48190   406
36331   434
43405   405
48911   400
50449   415
50091   400
43772   404
49033   407
47447   405
40120   422
41503   404
40950   435
38496   400
41900   400
42271   404
43647   401
42600   396
46200   400
41222   403
52355   408
45000   408


Is there a relationship between these two measurements for the “size” of the 30 Major League Baseball stadiums?

a. Before you run your scatter diagram answer the following: What do you think you will find? Bigger fields have more seats? Smaller fields have more seats? No relationship exists between field size and number of seats? A strong relationship exists between field size and number of seats? Explain.

b. Construct a scatter diagram and include it in your answer.

c. Describe what the scatter diagram tells you, including a reaction to your answer in (a).

Question 2

2. Place a pair of dice in a cup, shake and dump them out. Observe the sum of dots. Record 2, 3, 4, _ , 12. Repeat the process 25 times. Using your results, find the relative frequency for each of the values: 2, 3, 4, 5, _ , 12.

second assignment:

Question 1

If you could stop time and live forever in good health, what age would you pick? Answers to this question were reported in a USA Today Snapshot. The average ideal age for each age group is listed in the following table; the average ideal age for all adults was found to be 41. Interestingly, those younger than 30 years want to be older, whereas those older than 30 years want to be younger.

Age Group Ideal Age
18 – 24 27
25 – 29 31
30 – 39 37
40 – 49 40
50 – 64 44
65 + 59

Age is used as a variable twice in this application.

  • The age of the person being interviewed is not the random variable in this situation. Explain why and describe how “age” is used with regard to age group.
  • What is the random variable involved in this study? Describe its role in this situation.
  • Is the random variable discrete or continuous?

Question 2

Find the area under the normal curve that lies to the left of the following z-values.

  • Z=-1.30
  • Z=-3.20
  • Z=-2.56
  • Z=-0.64


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