Paragraph One:
From Reading One and the video lecture, explain Held’s five features of the Ethics of Care. What do you see as its advantages and disadvantages in terms of addressing particular moral issues . Your examples should be related to racial issues.
Paragraph Two:
Compare and contrast Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach as described in Reading Two with the Ubuntu Ethical Approach as described in Reading Three. To what extent do each of these have similar advantages and disadvantages to the ones you discussed in Paragraph One about Ethics of Care?
Opinion Paragraph:
Review the places in the video lectures in which specific case studies are discussed (VidGrid – Care Ethics Video Lecture and VidGrid – Capabilities Approach).
How might Ethics of Care, the Capabilities Approach, and Ubuntu Ethics be used to address the moral issue of racial disparities in health care in our society?
See The Intersection of Black Lives Matter and Public Health: Moving from Conversation to Action in Addressing Health Disparities | Government Alliance on Race and Equity ( for more information on health care equity.
Readings and Videos
carol gilligan – Yahoo Video Search Results
Martha Nussbaum is the founder of the Capabilities Approach
Creating Capabilities – YouTube
Nelson Mandela’s use of the term ‘Ubuntu’ in the context of Apartheid
Madiba on the meaning of Ubuntu – YouTube
A short video history of apartheid for context
Apartheid: The rise and fall of South Africa’s ‘apartness’ laws – YouTube
Who we are: Human uniqueness and the African spirit of Ubuntu. Desmond Tutu, Templeton Prize 2013 – YouTube
Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu – YouTube
A popular song that incorporates the most important phrase of Ubuntu ethics
Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu – YouTube
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