1. According to Sternheimer, what are some of the ways broader society tends to construct idealized, uniform, and nostalgic views of “childhood”? Do you believe that there has been a trend towards protection over-preparation? How have your own childhood experiences reflected (or disputed) these ideas?
2. How have notions of childhood changed from the Victorian Era through the postwar economic boom? What socio-economic factors were involved in these transitions? In what ways do you think this has changed in the past twenty years, and what role do you think media and economic factors have played?
3. According to Sternheimer, what media and public fears seem to permeate discussions over children and technology? What evidence exists that cyberbullying is related to suicide rates in teens, or that internet predators represent a major threat to kids? Are there more direct threats in kids’ lives that tend to get ignored in these discussions? If so, why do you think that this might be the case?
The post “Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.