Policy Identification Worksheet

Policy Identification Worksheet

Policy topic: Gun Control Policies

Directions: Do some research and find 3 existing or proposed recent U.S. policies (laws, statutes, etc.) published or proposed on this topic. Do not describe policies proposed/implemented prior to 1985. In addition to a brief description of the policy, you will also indicate the stance (for or against), level of implementation, and provide a link to the actual policy.

Policy 1

Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name): Junk-gun ban

Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information): https://www.theiacp.org/resources/resolution/support-for-federal-legislation-banning-junk-guns _____

Implementation level (Circle one of the following that fits your policy):

Organizational/Institutional Local State Federal

Brief summary of the policy in your own words (minimum 100 words):

The policy was established in California with the aim of controlling the possession of junk guns. The law was against the sale of handguns that were not meeting the safety standards. Junk guns were often used in a crime, and the law was meant to ban the use of such firearms. The policy prohibited the importation of junk guns since they were used in committing crimes. The junk guns are small in size, and they are purchased at a lower cost hence more attractive to the criminals. The junk-guns are also constructed poorly, and this makes them unsafe to the users.

On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you feel this policy lands on the spectrum of being on the Pro or Con side of your topic? Highlight the appropriate number.

Pro side (in favor of) Con side (against)

1 2 3 4 5

Briefly explain why you think your policy falls on that number in the spectrum. Why is this policy pro, con, or neutral? Do parts of the policy take components from both sides of the topic? For example, does it represent a solution that individuals on different sides of the topic might agree upon? Or, does the policy mainly support one perspective? (minimum 100 words):

The policy falls on a scale of 1, which favors the pro side for the gun control policies. The junk-gun law was established to reduce the level of crimes committed with unsafe and cheap guns imported into the state. The policy is pro since it aims at controlling the purchase and use of handguns that are commonly used in committing crimes. The policy supports the control of guns, and California’s state is likely to support it since the guns increased the level of crimes in the cities. The policy is a solution that was passed by congress with the aim of making the state of California safe for the people and also to avoid endangering the lives of individuals using the junk-guns

Policy 2

Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name): Violent misdemeanor prohibiting for handgun possession

Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information): https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1117-restrictions-possession-firearms-individuals-convicted _____

Implementation level (Circle one of the following that fits your policy):

Organizational/Institutional Local State Federal

Brief summary of the policy in your own words (minimum 100 words):

The federal law was passed in 1996. It was meant to prohibit ammunition possession by the individuals involved in domestic violence or any crime or are subjects of particular domestic crimes. In this case, “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” is a crime that is federal and is accompanied by the use of physical force or a dangerous weapon. The policy requires that any individuals who are purchasing a gun must have permission from the FBI. The policy is hence denying individuals who have a history of a felony conviction or an arrest warrant that is outstanding from applying for the purchase of a firearm

On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you feel this policy lands on the spectrum of being on the Pro or Con side of your topic? Highlight the appropriate number.

Pro side (in favor of) Con side (against)

1 2 3 4 5

Briefly explain why you think your policy falls on that number in the spectrum. Why is this policy pro, con, or neutral? Do parts of the policy take components from both sides of the topic? For example, does it represent a solution that individuals on different sides of the topic might agree upon? Or, does the policy mainly support one perspective? (minimum 100 words):

The policy falls on a scale of 2 on the pro side since it is one of the best federal laws that control gun possession by the citizens in the U.S. The policy does not meet the standards of 1 on the pro side since it is sometimes used unfairly to deny vulnerable people the opportunity to possess guns that they can use when faced with danger. The policy faces opposition from those who the FBI categorizes to be susceptible to domestic violence. It implies that such individuals are rendered helpless despite the violence that they are facing domestically. Therefore, the policy is one-sided and does not effectively advocate for the victims of domestic violence. At the same time, it is supported by the federal government since it controls the number of citizens who possess guns in the U.S.

Policy 3

Policy name (Precise bill/policy/legislation name): Shall-issue Law

Policy link (Include a direct link to the policy. Do not use Wikipedia, news articles, etc. Go directly to the source for information): https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/which-states-are-likely-to-issue-gun-permits-and-which-are-not-31130 _____

Implementation level (Circle one of the following that fits your policy):

Organizational/Institutional Local State Federal

Brief summary of the policy in your own words (minimum 100 words): The gun law is a state law meant to control the issue of permits for concealed weapons. Among the 39 states in the U.S., individuals applying for a gun cannot be denied a license to a concealed weapon without relevant disqualifying criteria during the application. Due to such a liberal policy deployed during gun purchase application, these states are known as “shall issue” states. The applicant is only expected to show a particular need to justify the permit or licensee’s granting. The states with the “shall-issue” system compel all the authorities issuing permits and licenses to provide it when the applicant meets the system’s requirements.

On a scale of 1 to 5, where do you feel this policy lands on the spectrum of being on the Pro or Con side of your topic? Highlight the appropriate number.

Pro side (in favor of) Con side (against)

1 2 3 4 5

Briefly explain why you think your policy falls on that number in the spectrum. Why is this policy pro, con, or neutral? Do parts of the policy take components from both sides of the topic? For example, does it represent a solution that individuals on different sides of the topic might agree upon? Or, does the policy mainly support one perspective? (minimum 100 words):

The policy falls on number 4 on the pro side since it limits the gun control policy among the states. The policy allows individuals to possess guns after meeting the stated criteria and increases the possession of firearms among the citizens. An individual might meet all the requirements during the application for permits, but they might lack the human side during the use of the gun. Homeland security is endangered since the level of crimes will increase as the number of guns possessed by the citizens increase. The “shall-issue” system has no parts that take both sides for gun control policy since it undermines the ability of the policy in the various states that observe the system. The policy mainly supports the possession of hand guns by citizens, which specifically weakens the gun control policy meant to reduce the number of crimes committed using handguns.

Topic Stakeholders

Stakeholders are people or organizations that have an interest or concern in something (a.k.a. have a stake in the outcome). Now that you are familiar with policies on this topic, you should also become familiar with organizations/agencies that are interested in this issue and have a position statement that may support or oppose legislation on this particular topic.

Below you will identify organizations/agencies which are stakeholders for this topic. Include the name of the organization, paraphrase their position statement on the topic, and include a link to the statement you are paraphrasing. The first one, the American Public Health Association (APHA), has already been selected for you and you will fill out the rest. Researching APHA’s position on this topic will help you understand the public health perspective on this topic.


1. Organization Name: American Public Health Association (do not remove)

Position Summary (1 sentence):

APHA is determined to establish a public health approach meant to make communities and families safer from gun violence. __________________ ______

Link to Position Statement: https://www.apha.org/Topics-and-Issues/Gun-Violence _______


2. Position statement from an organization with a “con” stance:

Organization Name: ___Americans for Gun Safety Association__________________________________________________

Position Summary (1 sentence): The AGSA has a nationwide mandate to control the responsibilities and the rights of gun owners and balance the rights with safety needs for the public ____________________________

Link to “Con” Position Statement: https://www.agsaaction.org/ _______


3. Position statement from an organization with a “pro” stance:

Organization Name: ___National Rifle Association (NRA)_____________________________________________

Position Summary (1 sentence): The NRA advocates for the firearm owners through Preserving their freedom while providing education and training. ____________________________

Link to “Pro” Position Statement: https://home.nra.org/ _______

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