Part A: 1. Explain the importance of holistic care in supporting Tran. 2. Using the case scenario and the nursing process, identify two priorities of care you would address in developing a holistic care plan for Tran. 3 . Use the table below to develop your priorities into a plan of care. priorities g

Assessment Task 2:
Holistic Care Plan 2000 words 60% weighting
This task is designed to assess the following Unit Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain the relationship between nursing, the social determinants of health, and primary health care. 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the nurse engaged in community health practice, including education of individuals, families, and carers. 3. Evaluate symptoms, functional status, and risk in the management of individuals, significant others, and communities. 4. Demonstrate integration of knowledge and skills by providing safe, effective care for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds in community settings.
Topic background: Tran has attended the community clinic in South Melbourne for support with managing her HIV. Tran is recently diagnosed with HIV and requires a holistic care plan to be developed. This is the information from Tran’s referral.
Tran is a 30-year female who lives in transitional housing. She has arrived in Australia from Vietnam two years ago and is currently unemployed. Tran has experienced periods of homelessness since she has become estranged from her family after her HIV diagnosis. Tran speaks limited English and has been difficult to engage in consultation with the treating team at the clinic as she appears dismissive and misses appointments regularly. Tran regularly attends the community drop-in centre for meals and food vouchers and has no other supports in Melbourne. Tran has a history of intravenous substance use and has declined to engage with Drug and Alcohol services. Tran has been prescribed Zidovudine at her last visit to the clinic last week; however, she has not returned for blood tests to monitor her CD4 levels. The GP at the clinic has expressed concern about Tran’ recent weight loss and medication adherence and has requested follow up from the community nurses.
Assignment Question
Part A: 1. Explain the importance of holistic care in supporting Tran.
2. Using the case scenario and the nursing process, identify two priorities of care you would address in developing a holistic care plan for Tran.
3 . Use the table below to develop your priorities into a plan of care.
priorities goals interventions rationales evaluations
Part B: Using Rolfe’s reflective framework, reflect on how your key learnings from the unit will inform the culturally safe care you plan to provide for Tran.
Rolfe’s reflective framework is structured around these three questions. What? – describe a particular situation, then focus on achievements, consequences, responses, feelings, and problems.
So what? – discuss what you have learnt about yourself, relationships, models, attitudes, cultures, actions, thoughts, understanding and any improvements.
Now what? – identify what you need to do in the future to improve future outcomes and develop your learning.
Reference: Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., & Jasper, M., 2001. Critical reflection for nursing and the helping professions: A user’s guide, Palgrave Basingstoke
Instructions for this assessment task: You can use headers (Part A and B) to separate the sections. You will need to provide evidence of research/reading, so a reference list and in- text citation would be expected to back up your ideas.
Presentation requirements: Title Page: Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font), Student Name/s, University/Institution Name, Unit Code and Name, Facilitator Name, Due Date. Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double line spacing.
Font: Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include 12-point type size Times New Roman.
11-point type size Georgia.
11-point type size Calibri.
11-point type size Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Spacing: Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages. Place page number in the top right-hand corner .
Margins 2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).
Paragraph indents Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool). Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes, references (hanging indent), appendix labels and titles
(Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)
Word Count Assignments must be no more than 10% above or below the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations, and reference lists
Criteria mode (points) High distinctions (starting %80) Distinction
%70) Credit 60% Pass 50% Fail 0%
Criteria 1
(Demonstrates understanding about holistic care and identifies appropriate priorities in the planning understanding about holistic care and goals relevant to the case scenario is explained in a synthesised response that demonstrates Understandin g about holistic care and goals relevant to the case scenario is explained in depth that Understandin g about holistic care and goals relevant to the case scenario is explained indepth but Understandin g about holistic care and goals relevant to the case scenario is identified; however, the the content presented does not demonstrate an understandin g about holistic care and goals
of care and support for Tran) 40 marks an integration of key concepts. demonstrate s some integration with the key concepts. lacks integration with the key concepts discussion lacks explanation. identified are not relevant to the case scenario
criterion 2
Demonstrates understanding about culturally safe care through reflection about selfawareness and knowledge from the key learning from the unit.( 35 marks) response demonstrates an in depth of concepts which are insightful, well-supported and linked to clinical practice. Response demonstrate
s depth in the understandin g of concepts and links to clinical practice response demonstrate s thoughtful understandin g of concepts and links to clinical practice Response demonstrate
s limited understandin g of concepts and links to clinical practice. Reflection does not demonstrate understandin g about culturally safe care and implications
for own
clinical practice.
Criterion 3 Relevant literature selected and used to support discussion. (10marks) There is evidence of thorough research through the selection of quality literature, which
is utilised
skilfully to support the claims made. There is evidence of research through the selection of mostly quality literature, which is utilised
skilfully to support the claims made There is evidence of research through the selection of mostly quality literature, which is utilised well to support the claims made.
Criterion 4 Formatting and
style is
accurate and consistent with APA style. (5marks) Adhered to APA referencing style at least 80% of the times.
Criteria 5 Writing is in accordance with standard language conventions.(1
0 marks) Content is presented in a coherent and logicallyorganise d sequence and expressed in engaging, well written, grammatically Total points 100marks of
correct language.


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