Read McNeil BJ, Weichselbaum R, Pauker SG (1981) Speech and survival: tradeoffs between quality and quantity of life in laryngeal cancer, N Engl J Med. Oct 22;305(17) : 982-7 [Direct Link]
Hamilton, D, Bins, J, McMeekin, P, Pedersen, A, Steen, N, De Soyza, A, Thomson, R, Paleri, V & Wilson, J 2015. ‘Quality compared to quantity of life in laryngeal cancer: A time trade-off study’, Head and Neck, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 631–637.
McNeil et al., paper marked a shift in the way T3 laryngeal cancers were treated. Less radical surgery was performed and more chemo/radiotherapy was used. Do you think McNeil’s findings justified this change at the time? WHY?
Compare this work with the more recent work by Hamilton et al., (2015) what are the key areas influencing patient decisions outcome or modality of treatment.
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