Safeguarding Across the Lifespan | My Assignment Tutor

Submission DeadlineMarks and FeedbackBefore 10am on: 28/05/202120 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)15 working days after deadline (L6)10 working days after deadline (block delivery)   Click or tap to enter a date.  Unit title & codeSafeguarding Across the Lifespan                    20-21 SEM2AIASS109-3Assignment number and titleTWO                 Safeguarding Case-study  EssayAssignment typeCase-study EssayWeighting of assignment70Size or length of assessmentN/AUnit learning outcomesDemonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Identify, evaluate and apply information on safeguarding law, policy and practice for children and adults Demonstrate the following skills and abilities To critically evaluate current research relating to safeguarding and apply those findings to a case study that you have developed       What am I required to do in this assignment?Assessment 2 will be a case study essay.   Assignment 2 is a Safeguarding Case-Study Essay. The Case Study will be developed  by the student which is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of current policy used to safeguard vulnerable people by drawing on relevant research and applying critical evaluation of that policy (2000 words +/- 10%) .   Choose a currently used safeguarding policy from the public domain   The Children Act 1989, 2004 Section 47 Child Protection Law – significant harmSection 17 Children in Need – provisionsSection 20 Children in Care – Accommodation AdoptionWorking Together to Safeguard children 2018Common Assessment Framework 2018   OR   The Care Act 2014 Adult wellbeing Safeguarding PrinciplesCare Quality Commission (CQC)Safeguarding Adult Boardstatutory guidance six principles of safeguarding: OR Mental Capacity Act 2005 Five PrinciplesDiagnostic Acid testPrinciples of ‘best interests’ and ‘least restrictive option Multi-Agency Risk Assessment ConferenceDeprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) FrameworkInformation Sharing and Mental Health: Guidance to Support Information Sharing by Mental Health Services (2009)Human Rights Act 1998Equality Act 2010      You will develop a brief case study relating to a vulnerable adult or child   You should choose one service user group either on vulnerable adults or children. You need to create a scenario where a vulnerable person or child/children are being harmed or at risk of being harmed.   You will critically analyse the effectiveness of that policy drawing on relevant research and using the case study you developed to illustrate understanding.   You should choose one legislation, policy or guidance and discuss whether they are beneficial to safeguard the services user. Evaluate the polices strengths and limitations. Are there any gaps and if so, what should be done, for example does it take into consideration people from different cultures and backgrounds? Is the policy or legislation fit for purpose or does it need updating?   You also need to include and debate other relevant research to evidence your wider reading (such as Evidenced Informed Practice, Categories of Abuse, Theories and Case Review Inquires etc.) to demonstrate that you have knowledge and comprehend the issues that affect services users and how to safeguard them.   2000 word limit   There will be a minimum of ten reference sources (a maximum of 3 can be from relevant internet sources). The rest must be from other sources such as books and Journals.            What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)  In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to:     Locate a currently used safeguarding policy from the public domain   Develop a brief case study relating to a vulnerable adult or child   Critically analyse the effectiveness of that policy drawing on relevant research and using the case study to illustrate understanding.              How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?  Use Journals and peer-reviewed literature to inform your work   You must study, read (wider reading) and research the topic in-depth.   You should prepare for each session.   Communicate with Lecturer when you are struggling.   Get and stay organised – Plan use a planner.   Become noteworthy – Be an active listener in class and take good notes in class.   Use the reading list – Read all assignment materials.   Follow good rules of writing – Familiarise yourself with the assignment requirements, proofread your work to ensure it makes sense for the readers.   Ensure correct usage of referencing in the body of your assignment and your reference list using the Harvard Referencing system    How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?  This assignment topic is related to the previous and to the rest of the teaching sessions and showcases the knowledge you have acquired of Safeguarding vulnerable people.             How will my assignment be marked?  Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.   You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.        3rd Class – 40-49%Lower 2nd – 50-59%Upper 2nd – 60-69%1st Class – 70%+1   FOCUS/CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL WORK   Answers question/completes task          There is some engagement with the task, but learning outcomes are not met. There is evidence of a lack of understanding, or care, in responding to the assignment brief.A competent but largely descriptive piece of work, which addresses most of the task requirements. There is an attempt at addressing the implied aspects of the question, rather than just the specified aspects. Learning outcomes are met in a comprehensive analytical response to the task. There is evidence of careful planning and all assessment criteria are addressed.Critical and analytical work, which demonstrates a rigorous approach to the task. A contextual understanding of the assignment as part of the overall degree programme is evident.2   KNOWLEDGE   Knowledge and understanding of relevant material        There is some basic knowledge in the work and a limited range of relevant material. Terminologies or language expected at this level are used either imprecisely, or not at all.Sound knowledge and understanding of key themes and data are present. The assignment reflects less engagement with autonomous study than is expected in this final year of study, but the over result is satisfactory.              There is clear evidence of varied and in-depth reading and of a willingness to use independently acquired knowledge. The work shows significant comprehension of the subject as well as an interest in it.Evidence of sophisticated and varied knowledge, displayed in a mature and balanced approach to the task. The author demonstrates confidence and familiarity with policies, legislation frameworks relevant to safeguarding and perspectives and so the work is extremely convincing.3   EXPRESSION   English expression and grammar, spelling and punctuationAdequate written expression, spelling & grammar.  Meaning clear but disjointed, not always getting to the point.Good written expression, spelling & grammar.  Meaning clear and points illustrated regularly in a logical manner.               Excellent written expression, spelling & grammar.  Meaning clear and points illustrated regularly in a logical manner. Excellent written expression, with minimal mistakes in spelling, grammar & punctuation.  Meaning clear with a fluent, concise, and articulate style. 4   LEGISLATION, POLICIES AND THEORIES   Use and application of relevant knowledge of legislations, polices and theory          Some use of relevant knowledge of legislations, polices and theory, demonstrating some understanding, application & evaluation.Good use of relevant knowledge of legislations, polices and theory, demonstrating clear understanding, consistent application & relevant evaluation.              Very good use of a range of relevant knowledge of legislations, polices and theory, demonstrating good understanding, consistent application & detailed evaluation.A wide variety of relevant knowledge of legislations, polices and theory, is used.  Well integrated and evaluated in an insightful, critical manner with excellent application & thorough evaluation.5   CITATIONSReferencing according to Faculty guidelines and range of sources          Uses relevant literature demonstrating good understanding of standard texts and some specialist sources.  Mainly correct referencing.Evidence of analysis and some synthesis of relevant specialist literature.  Clear consistent & accurate referencing.              Evidence of analysis, synthesis and some evaluation of relevant specialist literature & research.  Clear, consistent & accurate referencing.Wide variety of the relevant literature, well analysed, integrated & evaluated, drawing from research & specialist sources.  Accurate referencing throughout.6   ANTIDISCRIMINTORARY PRACTICE AND PROFESSIONAL VAULUES   Understanding, critical analysis and application of ADP and professional values  Displays some understanding, application & evaluation of ADP & professional value base.  Evidence of good critical analysis.Displays good understanding, application & evaluation of ADP & professional value base.  Consistent evidence of critical analysis.Displays very good understanding, application & evaluation of ADP & professional value base.  Consistent evidence of critical analysis.Displays in-depth understanding, application & evaluation of ADP & professional value base combined with a very good level of critical analysis.     


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