1. Write a full six pages (max 7-pages) essay-style paper: Word document, typed, 12-font, Arial,
full justified, double spaced, 0.75-inch margins and stapled. References will follow the same
format as the IEEE article format a modified Chicago style. Modified in that there are no
footnotes on the bottom of the page, collect all quoted references in a section at end of the
paper. In addition, sources researched but not quoted are to be in a section after references
called sources.
NOTE: references and sources do not count as pages written.
2. At the Top of the paper,
Assignment Name / Title (Centered)
Class/Section #: ECE-3610-00?
3. Essay on a leading person in probability or statistics historical or present.
4. Citing two references (quoted sources) and two sources not cited. I want two quoted
references. In addition, two unquoted documents you researched. So, four documents used to
formulate essay.
5. You will be graded on grammar and spelling!
Please check the course schedule for the due date. All papers must be turned in at the beginning of
class on the scheduled due date.
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